First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

You know what to do :) to be honest I would start with a say 3'x1.5' SCROG (hydro!) with one plant in the back of your room and then the front half do a few more 2L's and see how you like the SCROG.. If you like it a lot which I'm sure you will, then you switch to a SCROG for your whole flower room.. IMPO I would never be caught dead with 100 plants, I like to yield high but not at the expense of 10-15 years... One plant, I've never been in trouble before I should get off pretty easy (knock on wood if that ever happens). Not to mention I'm GOING to get a real nice yield off the one plant..
even just doing 10x 2ltr dwc hempie or just a normal 2ltr hempie will yield between 15 and 20g 12-12 from seed, so every 8 weeks thats 200g roughly, so if you staggered the grows and say harvested every 4 weeks then that would be 200g every 4 weeks, which is more than enough for anyone to smoke, you could plant 10 seeds and go 12-12 from seed or do it with clones, then 4 weeks later plant another 10 seeds or clones then stick them under 12-12 from seed, its a great return in the 8 weeks it takes to flower from start to finish so its worth looking into, im so tempted to do a room full after i flowered off what i got, the problem is high plant numbers is never good so my other option is a scrog like teSmp and deege are doing, given 8 weeks veg time i could fill my grow room with just 2 plants under 2 scrogs, now if this can give me more tops and a decent return then it would only mean im growing 2 plants at a time, well 2 in flower and 2 in veg, so 4 all together, the risk is a lot less, it would be a huge loss spending all that money on seeds or using 100clones and end up losing the lot.

i got to decide what to do, ill be paying close attention to how their scrogs turn out and the returns they get, im not a seller so i only grow for myself, and if a mate pops round then they have the odd smoke with me, but its not like we are huge smokers now, i used to be but i didnt smoke for medical reasons like i do now, i smoke now to help with sleep and depresion and these meds work better than the prescribed addictive meds the docs have been giving me, i have since cut down on the meds the docs give me in the goal to stopping all together, what the doctor never told me was that the meds im taking are more addictive than the worse class a drug out their, cant name it due to site rules but you know what im talking about, these meds leave me in a right mess, if i have a smoke and fall asleep without taking the prescribed tablets then i wake up in a right state with withdrawal symptoms, its horrible, i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy, so im hoping to stop these now i have found something that works, it just needs my government to wake up and see how cannabis helps people who take it for medical reasons, it has made my life so much better, i have more energy in the day time as i have slept better, i feel more alive and my mind dont wander into the wrong place, it keeps me on a level and i can actually enjoy life a bit more now. but im classed as a criminal, and thats so wrong, if i was selling it then i could understand, but i dont and wont so i cant see the problem, im not harming anyone, in fact im making my life better as im not addicted to the evil meds the docs put me on, them meds where meant to make me feel better but it left me in a daze and detatched from the world, now im on the right path and i feel a whole lot better than i did,

and i got all the growers on here that helped me for this, you know who you are and some went above and beyond what i ever thought would happen, i have made many friends on here and even though i have never met them i still call them good friends, i would love to meet up with some of them and have a smoke and a chat but i live to far away and its not that easy, so this site gives me the chance to speak to like minded people and helps me improve my grow, and it has, so thanks everyone, i owe you lots for all the help and advice i got, i would not have the meds i have got if it wasnt for all you lot,

i got in tonight after been at my moms, and remember i only harvested the top half of the auto, well i left all these tiny pop corn buds that i would normally pull off and throw in the trim box for hash, or now thanks to curso for the great recipe for canna butter i can now give that a try and make some cakes, he pm me with a great recipe, if you want the recipe let me know and ill post it in here, he is a chef and can give me loads of tried and tested recipes, so its people like that that give me the chance to try all these new things im interested in, anyway i came back today and all these tiny buds are not tiny anymore, they seem to have started growing and 2 of them are getting a lot bigger as they are the highest buds on the plant now, so ill see how far it can go and how big they will get, it will add to the buds im drying and as i love this bud so much its a huge bonus, im checking what it was crossed with cuz its the most amazing tangy and fruity taste and it reminds me of sour sweets, it really is that nice.

my seeds have all ready started poking out the soil, its only been 2 days, i put them strait in the pots to try and get more fems as i planted all my regular seeds, they took about 5 days to pop in paper towel but after 1 and half days their breaking out the soil all ready, the ak47 cross uk cherry cheese is breaking out the most and that took the longest with the paper towel method, but strait in soil seems to make them grow quicker, wonder if it has something to do with whats in the soil as the paper towel just has water in it, but the soil has all the goodness so wonder if that makes a difference with the seeds,
Looking good donpaul.
Interested in that cake recipe if you wanna pm or post here.
he just give me the butter recipe for now, ill ask him for the rest, i told him to post them in the forum as others would be interested in using them but the way i look at it is if you have got the butter then you can just make the cakes as you normally would, juts need a basic recipe, he said something about using half butter and half oil to make cakes with, let me go and copy n paste the msg and ill post it here, give me 2 min then it will be up here
you got to give curso the reps for this, he went out his way to post me the recipe ill ask him about others he knows of, seems he is the bud chef by the sounds of it, cant wait to give it a try.
I am a chef, and would be more than happy to help you bro. Butter is stupid easy all you need is a slow cooker some scrap about 1/2 of water 8oz butter and like 3g well ground scrap. Put it all together on low and forget about it for a couple hours. Strain it through a mesh strainer (i take that scrap and cook it down with oil) put it in a plastic container and put it in the freezer. Give it an hour or 2 until the butter is solid again separated from the water. When its soild squeeze the sides of the plastic container upside down over a sink....your letting the water out and catching the big chunk of butter. Use butter in anything you would use butter in...cookies, cakes, brownies (I usually just use butter instead of veg oil they call for but if u use both like half and half, you will get gooeyier brownies and cook them for 22 minutes). Food is my thing so if you need any help with that kinda stuff, I'm like the docbud of food and weed :D...lmao

hope thats going to help you, once you have the butter the possibilities are pretty much endless for baking and cooking with,
Lmao thats a 1/2 c of water....i was pretty high when I wrote that this morning. Really as long as you dont over heat the butter you dont break any of the goodness out of the bud, thats why I use a slow cooker. Can do the same thing with oil too, but you don't need to cool it in the freezer or need the water just strain it and cool it.
Awesome, thanks donpaul, and double thanks to curso!
Gunna make some cakes after harvest, can't wait.
Awesome, thanks donpaul, and double thanks to curso!
Gunna make some cakes after harvest, can't wait.
I make brownies all the time :D They're a good pick me up. You can use the butter in anything!!! I've used it in to many things to list, there's just a simple rule to using it: Remember to not boil or burn the butter. If you don't like the plant matter in the butter, strain it through a coffee filter a 2nd time.
and....You're welcome :D
Hey your getting an army going, nice work, all is so green! Here's an awesome recipe for oil, since I've switched to this i haven't gone back, and never will!

Xlr8's Magic Brownies - Step by Step - With Pictures!

Pretty much same thing I've always done :) i just use a coffee grinder and dry the leaves while my buds are drying, usually all my popcorn stuff goes into the batch... I then put it in a crockpot over night simmering, it never burns in there just like the double broiler works.. They're way to strong for me I give them away lol.
thanks for all the advice on recipes, i have got a very sweet tooth and love my cakes, i try and make them when i can, like to make them from scratch as they always taste better fresh and still slightly warm, so easy to make just never made any space cakes, i got a bit tub of trim now and small buds, so im getting their slowly,

the other day i said i had harvested the top of the auto and left the tiny small pop corn buds as they was not ready, well over the last few days these buds have trippled in size, most of them would of went in my trim tub once dry, but some of them are big enough to be normal buds now, i recon im going to get at least another 7g off the plant, if i harvested it all on the same day i would of had about 1g of small buds, but i left them and not harvested yet and their all getting bigger, so i think ive got at least another 7g dry when i chop the rest,
most of the buds from the first harvest are dry now, well i say most but all of them are and have now gone into jars, so cant wait to try it after a couple of weeks, i think they dried a bit to much but over night in the jar they have got the moisture back so burping often, i weighed it and its just under 20g all together, i quick dried an 1/8th to test it and loved it, so ive got to harvest the rest so not to bad for an auto, i thought it would lose more weight when it dried but it didnt lose to much, was just over 70g wet if i remember,
Greenhouse250 said:
Hey your getting an army going, nice work, all is so green! Here's an awesome recipe for oil, since I've switched to this i haven't gone back, and never will!

Xlr8's Magic Brownies - Step by Step - With Pictures!

I'm really glad you like my brownie/oil method - thanks for sharing the link! :). I want to try the crockpot method for making butter now too.

Don Paul - looking good brother! Nice looking bud and you can tell they are much loved. :thumb:
thanks X, been following your grow as well, takes me ages to get through all the journals, but i love to see how these grows go on, i get loads of tips and ideas and it improves my grow, i like to pass on as much info to others as i can and dont mind them asking questions on my journal, the more info their is here then the easier it is for me and others to find what we need.

I am pretty amazed at how big these buds on this auto are getting, they was all tiny little buds at the nodes, these would not of been used for smoking they would of been used in the trim box, but id say 90% of the buds now are big enough to hand and dry, so instead of harvesting all at the same time ill now do it in 2 stages, plus it also gives me the chance to try each plant and different harvest times,
when i harvested this plant the first time it was mostly cloudy with only a few amber trichs, but now its about 25% amber so when this is dry and curred a can then try each bud and see which is prefer, then i can aim for that with other plants,

this bud is tasting better and better, so cant wait till its curred for a few weeks,
they sure have miwa, they was little tiny scraps before, like the ones you put with the trim, but i thought id see what happens if i just left it longer with those small buds, well after taking most of the plant away leaving me all the small inner an lower buds on the plant it started growing a load of new leaves, now these small buds had little tiny leaves on them, some only had 2 tiny leaves, well now these leaves have grown and the buds got bigger and more leaves growing out the buds, so now the little buds are no so little, and been as i love the taste and smell of this when smoked it makes it a huge bonus so im looking at roughly 7g extra when dry, that will take it to around 25g dry, it didnt seem to lose as much weight when drying this time compared with other plants, but on this the buds wasnt as fat as the other plants, the buds are small and long and very solid, so thinking this is why it didnt lost so much weight, it was around 70g when wet if i remember right, plus the 1/8 or more that i quic dried, so all together i wouldnt say it was that bad a return, im hoping to try other autos and try and figure out how to make them grow bigger, i have read they wont flower if given 24-0 from seed, this would then allow some veg time before giving it a few hours of dark to start the flowering process, but if they do still flower under 24-0 from seed then this would not be no benefit, apart from the constant light giving it the most growth, so thats what ill try next time round, i have seen some autos that are well over 1ft tall, so it is possible to get them pretty big and with a decent yield,
could nutrients play a part in it, i mean if you gave the plant only high levels of N then would this slow down the flowering process and make it flower a bit later, i think more needs to be done before autos make it really big, their ideal for anyone to grow as you dont need lighting schedules and could even grow and flower on windowsill so they make sense but if the returns or small then i cant see them taking off, be ideal for an outside grow in countries like where i am, it would mean we could choose when we want to plant and flower them, so no long wait till sept to harvest, so as long as their was some daylight i can see it been a good idea, im thinking of growing one on my balcony, it only has sun till just after 1pm so a normal plant would gain nothing, but an auto would still grow and flower,
Hey there Don! I really like the ingenious use of the pepsi bottles for your hempe set up. What great yields you get! I have thought about doing similar before too but decided against because of the cost for seeds. Then I thougth about just having a mother plant. I think if you can get an airstone in the bottles like you talked about would really give a lot of extra oxygen and help a lot! I did a few grows just using 5 gallon buckets with airstones and grew some huge plants.
thanks closet farmer, i have only done 1 2ltr hempie but got another 2 going this time round, if i get over 15g per plant ill be happy, i am going to use an air stone this time, and see what happens, i was pleased with the result i got, so im trying a 2 week veg under 24-0 before going into flower, this will add a bit extra time on the grow but it shouldnt be to much more, the seeds need time to mature before they switch to flower so im thinking if i give them 24-0 for the first 2 weeks then i should be able to keep hitting the 20g mark or slightly over, ill find out im sure
i think i got to agree with you their, i only put them in small containers due to the size of other autos i had seen, i really think bigger pots would of got me a bigger plant so thats something to try next time,

i harvested the other half of my auto, and when i was trimming the buds i found a few bananas, so im really hoping some of the buds had seeded, chances are i should of let it go longer, if i seen this male parts i would of left it to flower off and seed, but i never seen them till trimming the buds as they was tiny, i think harvesting the top half first stressed the plant enough to make it go hermie, but i think it hermied to late to produce seeds, got another 55g wet off the plant so thats just over 120g wet, so not a bad yield, be even better if i have got some seeds from it as i loved the strain, ill find out soon im sure, a picture update coming up of what i got going on,
give me a few minutes to upload
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