First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

below is the 2 stem nl x bb fem clone, i have lst the stems to either side of the pot




below is the delicious chronic fruity juice fem from seed, under glr it has all ready shown sex and is 100%fem


below is another nl x bb fem clone, monster cropped



below is another clone, possibly special kush, also monster cropped


below is dwc hempie bottles, 1 is afgan skunk fem, the other is reserva privada sour kush






below is green house seeds auto bomb, i found a couple of amber trichs so ill check when get in and my harvest it later








feel free to comment or ask questions, im trying to catch up on all the journals i check in on but im a few days behind so give me chance to catch up,
Looking fantastic mate.

Side note, Pepsi? c'mon tae.... lol
thanks for the comments, my grow just keeps getting better and better and its because of all the help and advice i get off you lot that has given me the chance to get plants like this, my results will just get better and better thanks to you guys, and not forgetting teSmp who kindly donated me the 3 part bpn plus bloom booster and even covered shipping, i cant thank him enough for that, i still got loads left as well, enough for at least another 2 grows, then ill be buying some more, cant beat bpn, pure magic in a bottle, or bottles.

dont dis the pepsi, way better than that watered down inferior brand, cocka cola is it, lol, it tastes watered down compared to pepsi, im pepsi all the way, and if i like it then the plants will like living in pepsi houses, or pepsi dwc hmpie houses, hoping for more than 20g per hempie this time, then if i hit them targets i may do 100 2ltr hempies, and 100 x 20g gives me 200g every 8 to weeks, which isnt bad considering the space they need and only 8 weeks to grow 12-12 from seed, cant wait to see how these turn out, im flowering off all i have got then starting again with new strains and we will see what happens,

thanks for checking in and thanks for all the comments,
cloudy is meant to be time to harvest but i was waiting for some amber trichs to appear which they did, so i harvested the auto, well i say harvested i done over half of it, the rest im leaving a bit longer to see what happens and see if it goes more amber than i can compare the results and see what i prefer, i got 70g wet of it so im hoping for around 15 to 20g dry at a push plus the extra i got to harvest from it.

i did break a piece of this plant off over a week ago and cloned it, it has now rooted and is growing, but it may just die on me, it has started growing new leaves at the node below the small bud thats on the top of the clone the bud dont seem to be developing anymore its stayed as it was the day i harvested it, anyways i got it under 24-0 with cfls so ill see what happens, chances are it will die when the mother plant has also finished, but ill see what happens,
i have got 3 other clones taken from the monster cropped kush, it was a decent smoke so ill keep a plant or 2 of this till i find something i prefer to that,
good looking grow don, seems like you got it down. 200 bttles of pop is going to take a while to drink. your going to need a lot of bags of chips:)
i hear you on that one, i all ready got a small collection going, got my family saving me all their bottles, so i been keeping the pepsi and dandelion pop cuz them bottles are black so no need to cover the res, im not 100% sure if im going the hempie root, it all depends on the results from this grow, so ill find out if ill go with the bigger plants and longer veg or just do a room full of hempies, the results will make my mind up on this one, the other problem is, do i save and buy a load of fem seeds or do i take a clone in flower and use a monster cropped plant as a mother and use clones, but would i get the same result with clones, or would the yield be less,

now you got me thinking, i might throw a clone in a 2ltr hempie and compare the results with the 12-12 from seed hempie,
beautiful man!! ive been seeing a lot of these 2 liter or pop bottle containers on here what is a plant like that yielding you all in all once dried?? i ve been considering packin mine in sog style with smaller containers like this next time if it would help improve overall yield.

my journal
J Dubbs First Real Grow
hey don hows the health? I see plants are great. And hows the med stash holding up? I got another month and a half till these autos come through. and by the looks of it they aren't gonna be much bigger that the last ones :( even after all the changes i made. hmmmm Idk about these autos. or at least i have bad luck with them...
to answer horsetits question, basically on my last 2ltr dwc hempie i got 20g, which i know dont sound a lot, but when you consider its the space of a pop bottle and i could fit 100 easily in my grow room, plus growing 12-12 from seed or clone means the turn around time is 8 weeks, so 100 x 20g every 8 weeks gives me 200g every 8 weeks, thats more than enough for me, ill decide after these 2 x 2ltr dwc hempies have finished, im giving these 1 week veg time under 24-0 so this will be a 9 week grow from start to finish, so if the results are the same or more than i might do a whole room of these, 20g isnt much but when u think about the space used and no veg time involved it means you got a very quick turn around and 20g per plant x 100 plants is more than enough for me.

@deege. hows you doing mate, all good here mate, no problems, im even sleeping better now, seems like the meds are doing the job i needed them to do, i got enough meds to keep me going between grows mate so alls good for now,
i here you with these autos, i just harvested the greenhouse seeds auto bomb 2 days ago, well i say harvested i done the top of the plant and left the rest to finish off, it was all small buds i left on the plant, but it seems cutting all the big buds off and branches off has made these buds start growing again so these are getting pretty big now. i got 70g wet off it so will probably have just over a quater plus what else i get when i harvest the other bit.

which brings me to this point, im absolutely gutted these autos give small yields, here's why, i harvested this auto, i quick dried one bud and rolled a joint, expecting the usual quick dry leafy taste, but i sparked the joint up took a drag and i was so amazed with the taste and smell, it took me back years and years to when bud was really nice and not all commercial thats sold round here, its the tangiest taste and smell i have ever tried, i loved the jack flash years ago cuz it was tangy and fruity and had a really tangy up your nose fruity smell, this is way better than the flash, the smell is amazing, i left the room and went the toilet when i came back in i stopped in my tracks and took a deep sniff, and it was totally amazing, exactly the kind of smoke im looking for,

by far this is the best bud i have ever had in my life, it really is that good, i wish i could let you try it but you chose to all live in another country which means i cant give you none, but that means more for me,
now this is what pisses me off and im gutted about, its a bloody auto for gods sake, i cant clone it, i cant seed it unless i got a regular seed which it wasnt, it wont hermie cuz i messed the lighting about and flowered it under glr and 24-0 and it never hermied or got stressed, so my problem is do i keep buying these auto seeds and get a small yield, or do i try and find something similar, when i started growing again it was the flash taste i was trying to get, but now this auto bomb has blew me away with its taste and smell, i really cant describe how nice it is, its the best bud i have ever had, and that was with a quick dry on top of my light, imagine how nice its going to be in a few weeks time,

its tangy, fruity, best tasting bud i have ever tried, im ordering some more seeds and im going to try 24-0 from day 1 and not give it any dark time, growers say autos need some dark to start flower then you can put the lights back to 24-0 to finish it off, so my plan now is to get a few seeds and grow it under 24-0 and hope that it dont flower, ill grow it at least 1ft tall before giving it the dark it needs to flower.

or if anyone can give me names of strains that are similar to what im describing then plz give me a shout back, its not a skunky small, its a stinky tangy nose tickling smell, reminds me of sour sweets it has that sort of sharp tangy taste and smell to it.

did i tell you i like the auto bomb, great smoke, need to be getting me some more of this, its going to be my special stash, something like a fine wine, i just wish i had loads of it, im truely amazed at the taste and smell, just a shame its an auto and not a regular plant that i could of cloned.

saying that i did break a stem off a couple of weeks ago and cloned it, it has rooted and the small bud on it has stopped growing and their are new leaves growing at the node below, its on 24-0, chances are it will just die when the rest of the auto is finished, but if not im going to grow the hell out of it and clone away and fill a room with these clones, now thats wishing, or if anyone can tell me the names of some really tangy bud, not skunky smell but a really tangy fruity amazing smell.

i cant wait till its cured for a bit, the kush was amazing for helping with sleep but it was a leafy skunky taste and smell, this auto i could happily sit and smoke all day as it taste and smells so damn nice, but its an auto and gave me just over 70g wet so i wont have much plus what ever else i get off the bottom of the plant,

greenhouse seeds auto bomb is greenhouse seeds auto is de bomb, truely amazing bud, this is exactly what ive been trying to grow and find, just got to find a none auto strain now that gives me results like this
i was that excited about the auto i been smoking that i forgot to tell you all what i did yesterday,

well my plants are getting big under glr now so will be going to flower in the next few days, so i decided to plant all my regular seeds so i can get them out the way, these will be vegged under 24-0 till the others are finished then these will be put under the hps to finish veg then flower, i will be adding autos to the mix and some more hempies as well, but ive had these seeds sitting around so decided to get all the regular seeds out the way and then that leaves me with the fem seeds, so i planted these last night, not using paper towel method as it can stress the seeds and does cause more male plants due to this, or so i have been reading, so this is what i have planted last nigh
2 x ak47 cross uk cherry cheese, this is the same as my hempie, i have struggled to get female plants from this strain, out of 7 seeds i got only 1 fem and that was the 2ltr hempie i just harvested, i have how ever got 2 of these seeds growing out doors, problems is ive not checked on them in weeks but dont expect them to be alive due to the shitty weather ive been having, i will check on them when i can, they clearly dont need watering so ive left them to do what they want,

1x Californian skunk haze, not sure if this strain never tried it before,
1 x kiwi seeds pick and mix, this can be any strain from the kiwi seeds strains, they had a mixed bag of their seeds so not sure exactly what one it will be but all looked pretty amazing.

they are all regular seeds so not expecting many to be fem, but you never know, ive also got 2 x big bud#2 reg as well but not planted these yet, might do in the next day or to, im getting these out the way so i can start again with a clean room and some new strains, i thought i may as well use what i got before trying other strains, the reason im doing this is due to the amazing auto, i might be sitting on a similar strain and not even know it, so ill grow and flower these and if i like what i got then ill keep the clone from it, if i dont like it then ill either donate the clones to someone who i can find that wants them or bin them, i dont need to grow bud im not keen on, if i can find a handful of amazing bud then ill be happy, so far the only 1 i have found that blows me aways is this auto bomb but its an auto so i need to find something similar, it really knocked my socks off, i couldnt move after smoking half a joint, its such a good buzz and the taste and smell is truely amazing, im just rolling the last joint of the quick dried bud i did.

even though its quick dried its by far the best bud i have ever smoked, its going to be even better when its dried slowly and cured for a while, its going to be my own top shelf smoke, id easily swap an oz of any other bud for just half an oz of this auto, thats how good it is
Still messing with those autos i see...light has no effect on autos as far as flowering...if you put them on 24/0 they will still age is what tells it when to a test..start 2 up and put 1 on 24/0 and 1 on 18/ can Google that auto and find out the strains they came from...:thumb:
Hey dp whats up... So I know your thinking about doing this 2L hempys but do you really want to get caught with all those plants if that ever did happen?? That's the only reason I've never done a SOG.. You have to constantly clone (and yes I would clone instead of 12/12 from seed), plus have vegging plants, and flowering plants... To me I'm to paranoid with only a few plants. You gotta consider a SCROG some day bro :) What if you could just have two plants vegging, two plants under two separate SCROG's.. The SCROG's would be perpetual one finishing each month and then the plant that has been vegging for 3-4 weeks takes it's place... I think you could easily pull 200 grams a piece every month.. If that's to much then scale back on the size of the screen or veg time.. Obviously try one SCROG out first but just something to think about. I know you like LST'ing you would love SCROG'ing.
im loving the scrog as well, the high plant numbers would get me in big trouble if i got caught, they dont see it as 20g per plant they see it as £1000 per plant, so 100 plants would have me done for intent to distribute, its something i need to think about, i know 2 plants would mean a slap on the wrist compared with 100 plants, i like the scrog idea as well, you really have got my thinking.

@miwi, i only did those 2 autos, the first i wasnt impressed with but this auto bomb is some amazing smoke, ill have a look at what it was crossed with and see if i can grab me some seeds of a none auto plant, ive not got much of these autos around 70g per plant, plus i havnt finished harvesting the last 1, ive still got hte bottome half to do, i stripped all the big buds off and now the small popcorn buds are getting loads bigger, but it still wont be much, so 70g wet per plant, plus the rest of this one, but the taste and smell of this auto bomb is by far the best bud i have smoked in a long time.
so an auto will flower even if 24-0 from seed, i heard they wont start to flower unless you give them a few hours of dark then can go back to 24-0 to finish it off, i was on a journal yesterday and the grower had 2 x 2ft plus autos, ill try and find it again and post the link.

the voting has started in the contests so get over and vote, link is below
dude!! 100 x 20 g=2000g!! thats over 4 lb per harvest man that is absolutely amazing!! fuck yeah man now i definitely know what my next set up will be experimenting with!! your the man don steezy props and rep++++ for sureee! thanks for your input man good luck with your garden!!
hey no probs, glad to give you some ideas, i got the 2ltr dwc hempie idea from teSmp, so since then i have give it a try, it would mean having high plant numbers though which could cause problems, but the low yield of only 20g soons turns out ok when you have got between 50 and 100 plants, plus they only take up the space of 1 2ltr pop bottle, you only keep the main stem, you cut off any side branches over an inch long, the aim is to get one huge bud per plant, so it would be a huge yield if you had high numbers, i could easily do 100 2ltr plants in my room, problem is thats 100 seeds but they would have to be fem seeds, or i could use clones, the problem with clones is they would need some veg time, possibly 1 to 2 weeks at the most so you hit the 20g per plant mark, it only sounds small dont it 20g per plant, but x 100 you can clearly see how much bud you could turn over every 8 weeks,

so now im torn between 2 options, a 2ltr dwc hempie sog, or a 2 plant scrog, i could fill my grow room with a 2 plant scrog, id need to mount each plant on wheels so i could wheel the srogs out attatched to the plants so i could clean and remove any lower buds, plus only having 2 plants means the risk is very low, 100 plants would get me some serious doo doo if it come to it, but glad i could give you some ideas for your own grow
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