First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

first off we have the auto bomb, this is all the lower buds that was tiny but they are pretty big now and have been harvested,



this pic is a couple of days before i harvested the last of the plant, these buds where tiny when i harvested the top, they finished pretty big so hoping some have seeded, keeping my fingers crossed

below is the reserva privada sour kush 2ltr dwc hempie, the roots have grown out the bottom so it has now gone in the res, the roots grew nearly 2 inches in 24 hours, i think its going to take off now its in the res,


here is the roots growing out the bottom, this is when i put it in the res

below is the afgan skunk, both these hempies are femenised, so hoping for female hempies when they flower, both are under 24-0 till tonight then they will go 12-12

below is seedling room and clones,
this is where my auto goes when the hps is off thee blue incandecent is not used much, only when the temps drop as that keeps the temps up

next we have the seedlings, i planted all these and they are all regular seeds so not sure what ill end up with

below is a ak47 cross uk cherry cheese, the next 2 pics are from this strain


all of these seeds went strait into soil, i did not soak them so hoping for more fems this way as it dont stress the seeds, plus they are all under 6400k cfls, for the first few weeks then they will go under hps when its on and back under cfls for the rest of the time

now below we have one of the clones from last time round, this is the clone that split at ground level into 2 stems, i have trained the stems to opposite sides of the pot and then let it grow up, so all the growth inbetween has started to grow upwards really quick, but now the ends have started to grow up they have now become the top of the plant so now both ends are the main cola sites, i cant be 100% sure if its a special kush or northern lights cross big bud fem, ill be able to tell once its started flower,



below is the chronic fruity juice femenised



chronic latest pic below

below is another clone, i think this is the special kush and the other 2 are the nl x bb fem, all of these are monster cropped

this is the other nl x bb possibly,

below is a group photo of all my plants, the bottom right pic is the fruity juice seedling, the rest are the clones from last time round,

ill stop their as im starting to get confused with the pictures, got loads on my comp so sorting them out is a pain, need to delete some so i know whats new and whats not, feel free to comment or ask questions
Looking good dp :) Do you think your going to continue with autoflowers?? I just couldn't ever get myself to do them, they seem so unstable to me, yield is so so, and are often kind of small and funny looking. Why not just 12/12 from seed or a week or two veg? Anyways.. You should let the tops on one of those LST'd plants grow up like 8-12" on this next go around and then lollipop the branches instead of pulling them down low.. I think you would end up with a lot bigger yield as well as larger buds instead of keeping them down short and low.

If that didn't make sense... Keep training them how you are and continue training the first week and a half into flower and then let them grow up a good 10-12".. Strip off the lower 4" and you''ll just be left with 6-8" buds on the end of each arm.
thanks for all the comments, thanks teSmp for the advice, it seems the plants have done it themselves, i had a power cut the other day which meant my lights where off from midnight till 10pm, when i came back and the power came back on i looked at the plants and 3 of them had grown 3 inches, the 2 headed plant has not for 2 main cola sites that have really started growing towards the light, plenty of nodes so should be 2 nice buds, but then all the other smaller branches have done the same so it looks like they will be bigger buds than i thought.
both my hempies are now in bpn goodness, within 24 hours of going in the juice the roots had grown at least 3 inches, crazy growth as well at the leaf side of it, the leaves where small but as soon as the roots hit the res they got big and growing like crazy.

as for the autos, im not sure, i think ill try the big bang auto as thay has been yielding over 4oz per plant for other growers on here, of the auto bomb i did i got 20g the first time i harvested it, then i let the rest grow again, then i harvested that and got another 15g dry, then i found loads of tiny buds so put it back under lights and now its growing again and the buds getting bigger, so all ready i got over an oz off it, i wont get much off whats left but its not costing me anything to keep it alive so i may as well get what i can off it,

all my other plants are growing like crazy, all my seeds i planted have sprouted and are roughly a couple of inches high, they will be used next time round along side either the hempies or a scrog, problem is their all regular seeds, i planted them to get them out the way, ill give them another few days then flip to glr so i can find out the sex, under glr my other plant that was glr from seed showed sex at 2 weeks old so im hoping i can sex them and remove unwanted males, im hoping i have got 1 fem ak47 cross uk cherry cheese and i male a id like more of these seeds, they cant be bought anywhere else i got them free and they was a trial, so im hoping the place i got them from is going to stock them, i know they are selling strains that are crossed with uk cherry cheese but not seen the strain i got on their, id also like to try the cherry cheese on its own, i have contacted the seed seller so hoping i can get hold of some of them, if not im hoping for 1 fem and 1 male of the seedlngs i have got.
both ak47 cross uk cherry cheese where planted on the same day and both broke out the soil on the same day, how ever one is about an inch taller than the other so im thinking that its possibly male, if it is ill be growing 1 fem and 1 male in the same grow room and they will be left to totally seed out, then ill have loads of seeds for a big hempie grow,

thanks for all the comments and checking in on my grow
i have still not had chance to check on my out door plants, the ground is to wet on the way to them, i planted 2 x ak47 cross uk cherry cheese seedlings age ago, i checked on them a week after planting and found the one was growing perfectly and the other looked like something had tried eating it but still alive but looked like it had been topped, i have not had the chance to check on them due to the crappy weather we been having, so i have either got 1 or 2 bug outdoor plants or i have got none, i planted them out doors to keep my numbers down plus i wanted to try and see if it would grow out doors where i am, ill check on them as soon as i can, its meant to be sunny for a few days so we will wait and see, even if it dont rain it will give me the chance to check on them
Things are looking really good there Don p. I have just put my 3 girls under 12/12 yesterday & the BP nutes have been doing justice for the plants. I have to order the bloom booster when I get my first check from my new job. I'll be posting pics of both the flower chamber & veg chamber later on after I take a nap.
I hope your plants outside is surviving...with all that rain i'm sure they're ok...i better get some of that is good...i had babies born last 4 big pots all had sprouts in them...when they re-vegged they dropped seeds so now i have a PE..PH..CM..and PE..growing that was crossed with a Jock Horror also the same growing as i bought will be interesting to see the difference in the end product...
thanks james, bpn sure is great, its magic for these plants, it really does give them the boost they need, my plants got crazy when they get into the res with bpn in it, the little tiny roots i had coming out the bottom of the hempie grew 3 inches in 24 hours, now i got loads of roots, and the leaves have started getting huge now, it really showed me again just how well this product work.

and i just heard from corey, he is on to an idea that he can make it even better, i think it cant be done because it is amazing as it is, but he says he is working on some enzymes to make it even better, if it is possible then the mans a genius, well he all ready is, i cant wait to see how the new product works, if its better than the product i am using now then it will be shocking how quick the plants grow and how healthy they are.

@miwa, sounds like you got a lot going on, well i know you have from your journal, i got lots of strains going this time, i got 5 different strains going now, and possibly getting another auto, the 4oz auto that 2 growers on here have grown and both got over 4oz, its the greenhouse seeds big bang auto, i got 35g dry off my auto bomb and still left more to harvest for the 3rd time, i know it wont be much but the buds are getting bigger so ill see what happens.

believe it or not an auto has won the highlife cup, an auto actually won it, a super skunk auto, might try and track it down and give it a try
if you want to try out this highlife cup winning strain then head over to sensi seeds and it should be listed as soon as you go on the site, and then when you go to check out enter this code and you get 15% off, the code is wlaw
white label seed co has bought out 3 new auto strains and the super skunk auto is one of theirs, so if your interested then use that code on the sensi seed site and give it a try
no rain today, its meant to be nice the next few days so im hoping to get chance to go and look at them, they wass big enough to survive a normal storm but last week we head 8 inches of rain in an hour and it ruined crops and flooded houses that dont normally get flooded in the middle of cities, the normal roads turned to rivers and filled up then it went over the pavement and into the houses, this one old bloke i seen walking back just after was soaked and bleeding cuz of the hail, he said he thought it was the end of the world, it was the worst weather we have ever had since records began, we dont normally have weather like that in winter let alone the middle of summer, but it should be nice for the olympics, so ill get chance to check on the plants
yep it was sure some crazy storm, i had the plants started in chicked wire cages and i did plant them in the middle of some tall weeds, i cleared a space big enough for the plants then planted them in the middle of a load of brambles n nettles so im hoping they had so protection, if i lost them then i lost them, if they are alive then its a bonus, but depends if i have a fem, the hail only came down for less than a minute but it was crazy, like nothing i had ever seen in my 31 years in the planet, the weather is getting crazy here, so hoping for some sun now its the end of summer, we got the olympics next weeks,
a quick update people, im ordering some big bang auto seeds this week.
it has been really hot these last 2 days so yesterday i managed to get chance to check my outdoor plants, i got to the plants and 1 was dead, the other was buried by weeds, the grass and weeds had smothered the plant so it was not getting any light so some of of the leaves where yellow and it had stretched loads, i just wish i could of got to it sooner, anyway i spent 2 hours weeding and removing 3 ft high grass so now its getting full sun and it should now grow like crazy cuz the sun here is now crazy hot so im hoping the plant will now benefit from not been blocked by weeds, ill check it every 2 days and take nutrients when i go, the ground its in was still wet when i dug down so it dont need water at the moment, but then when i was on my way back i went strait into a deep muddy puddle up to my knees and had to walk home covered in mud and my trainers full of muddy water, the dog loved it but he could go in the river and have a swim to clean off, i had to walk an hour to get home with wet squelching trainers, not fun, but at least now i know my plant is still alive, it was not getting any sun but now its getting loads, im hoping its female, its stinkss as well, so if its fem i should have a nice plant when finished, the weather is going to be really good now for a while so it should benefit from the sun now.

my other plants are growing like crazy, they have been flipped to flower, my 2 x 2ltr dwc hempie are also growing like crayz now the roots are in the bpm magic, i have placed and air stone and pump in the res of the one and its been running for 3 days, but as of yet both hempies are both the same in growth and size, so if it makes no difference then i wont use the pump next time round,

all my seedlings have grown and are a couple of inches high so they are ready for next time or i may plant one outside and see what happens, they are all in flower and looking amazing, cant wait till these finish im going to get loads more off them this time,

the clones i took from the plants have all rooted so now i have got some clones to use as well.
in flower i have got 6 plants all together, ill take some pics and do a big update,
Well...50% is better than lets hope its a female...did you check for pre-flowers??? almost all my plants got them...i check several times a day...looking for males..i only got 3 unknowns in the the one on the pole which is a hermied seed..its suppose to be female..idk..i got a lot of funny looking insects in my to start carrying my camera when i go to the time you go on a visit ..put a extra pair of pants and shoes in your backpack...don't let your dog carry it ...he likes to swim...hows the weather sucks here..a 100 degrees at 9 pm...thats crazy..
thanks mate, good idea with the clothes, could do with some cheap sandals or crocks to walk through this boggy ground, so ill do that next time, not sure of sex as it had not grown enough to show sex, the weather has only just got hot so it will take a while, it does stink though.
im so hoping its female cuz i love that strain, but 50 50 chance is what i got to take, the grass around it had grown taller than the plant and the grass was thick, so it got very little light, it took me 2 hours to rip all the grass up and remove the weeds, so now it has got a good 6ft around it of flat ground so now its in the full sun now, plus its meant to be hot now till sept so it should have plenty of time to catch up and grow, all been well i should have a decent sized plant when finished, if it turns out male then its not a huge loss as i can collect the pollen and do some breeding so i wont be to disapointed if its male, i only planted it outside as i had no room inside for it so its a bonus what ever it turns out, plus now its hot i can get my plants on my balcony in the morning and up till just after 1pm then the sun goes over the back,
Hi donpaul.p,
A GLR question for you...... do the 11 hours of dark time have to be flower stage dark or veg stage dark? thanks

This question doesn't make a whole lot of sense :) What would the difference be???? dark is dark! If you are referring to it having to be like pitch black dark with no light leaks then you'll want to have it that way it all times veg or flower. If you mean something else then let us know!

edit: and DP don't worry about the one with the air pump growing a lot faster in a few days lol, it's not going to :) In the end it's going to come down to the amount of oxygen in the reservoir, and that's going to IMO give the one with the air stone the advantage.... We shall see, when it is finished though!!!!
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