First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

cant wait for the pics DP
@miwa, i asked the same question, someone told me the journal is on here and the grower harvests it then back under flower and it flowers again, i only wanted to find the journal due to what my auto is doing, im about to harvest it for the 3rd time and i have got loads of new leaf and node growth going on, so it seems as soon as i harvest it grows some more and flowers some more without going into veg, none of the leaves have turned yellow and the plant looks healthy, maybe this 3rd time is the last time ill harvest it, but by the looks of it i have got new growth going on, its under 24-0 so not sure how much difference this will make, its an auto and ive not done more than 1 harvest with my other plants but this time ill harvest and leave the small buds and harvest again when its finished flowering the smaller buds.

this 3rd harvest i didnt think i would get much as some of the buds where only 1 or 2mil in size, now im looking at getting over an 1/8th off it again, so all i can do is see what happens, any look on them seeds yet miwa, let me know how delivery goes,

i am also going to try a re-veg this time as well and see if it works like monster cropping or not so ill be trying this with one of the plants this time round.

ive never tried strawberry cough but the seed i have got is meant to be a difficult cross of strawberry cough and something else, its meant to smell nice and taste real nice so as soon as i can ill be trying it,

thanks fishcake, cant wait to show you all how things are going, im so chuffed this time round, i got teSmp to thank for the nutrients so send him some reps for me when you check his journal out, without his contribution i would not be where i am now, im pretty much blown away with how the plants are looking this time round, im going to easily get loads more than i did last time, im a bit concened with my plant numbers though, the problem is im trying to get some growing while the others are in flower, so when the ones in flower are finished then i wont need a long veg on the others as they will have been vegging for a few weeks all ready, but this means having high plant numbers, and this is something i could do without, so i got to stopping planting seeds and taking clones for a week or 2, but i planted the auto to give the purples a try and see if i can win 1 of the contests, im sure it will be my turn one day, but till my plants end up looking amazing i dont stand a chance, to many top growers in their that is very hard to compete with.

thanks all for the comments and advice, ill get the pics up when i get back to mine,
Sweet hook up you got and I'll be interested in seeing the blueberry and mystic grow :) Have you ever tried soaking the seed in a porcelain mug with a plate over the top for 24 hours and then planting it point end down into the dirt? If you like just sticking it into the dirt I really think you would like how fast it would germinate doing it that way. Typically the seed won't even be cracked yet, but if it does it won't be sticking out much :)
Yep DPP, bigger containers really do mean bigger Plants, except for those ITTY BITTY Autoflowers I have seen before, the ones that look like a Lollipop, even in size almost!!! Not talking about the ones You Guys are talking about I believe, so no offense. I have been intrigued with some of Your Guys DWC Grows, with the 2liter bottles. It amazes Me that You can Grow this way, I never even heard of it before I came on this site, and I have seen/grown many crops,but NEVER seen this way of Growing. It is Smart,Thrifty and seems to work like a charm from all that I have read and heard, You are a DWC Champion!!! It is so strange, all the different ways of growing, have You seen the Vertical Grow Method??? I have seen one of those grows, and it looks so Strange, all the Plants Placed in the Grow Chamber Vertically, and Light all around the Place!!! I saw that You can get 4x the amount of Plants, in the space you could keep, say 8, You could do 32, simply amazing!!! BTW, I think the Plant You Think might be Kush, or some kind of Big Bud NL X, I think it is the Latter, because the leaves look a little to long and Skinny to be Kush, But who Knows, all kinds of Kushes these days, and most are not really real Kushes at all, but some kind of cross, or a Plant that has No Kush in it at all, like OG KUSH, called that by DNA because Kush sells, as I am sure You Know!!! Just wanted to tell You, I really enjoyed Your site, Your Plants Look Magnificent, and it is gonna take forever to READ it all, LOL:high-five: Awesome plants My Man!!! Keep on Growing, your only gonna get Better and Better, like You Already Are/HAVE!!! Take Care Friend. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Yeah..if a plant is in flower...only take off buds that are ready..the so called popcorn buds will keep growing..and i would think as long as you kept the plant alive and in the flowering stage it should keep putting out flowers...but because autos are on an age time-frame instead of light time-frame...i think will die...on those will probably take 2 weeks...
here is the update you been waiting for, pictures just uploading now,
@teSmp, thanks mate ill give the cup method a try, i did read that people leave them in the water till they sink then plant them, the blueberry auto i planted in the soil and withing 36 hours it was growing out the soil, so for now the soil method is working, but ill try the soak as i have not tried that method yet.

@JamesTheGreen, thanks mate, the 2ltr hempies work great mate, i got 2 going and you will see them in the next post i do as im putting the pics up as we speak, the hempies this time are a lot bigger than last time, the leaves are huge when compared with the last 1,
i have been reading on the vertical grows, their is so much to try and do, its just having the time to get it all set up, but im willing to try and see how it all goes,

the pics are just uploading so will be with us shortly
im jut uploading the pics and some of the auto, its got big again for this 3rd harvest, not sure whats going on with it but it seems to have new growth and new buds forming, its started to foxtail as well, not really sure how far it will go, but im harvesting it for the 3rd time in the next day or 2, none of the leaves have turned yellow or fell off so not sure whats going on, pictures in the next few minutes
JTG is talking about MY autos not anyone else's :( so don't get offended guys :rofl: Im proud of my lollipops though LMAO. I might have to grow one more to get a decent bone though :laughtwo::smokin:

Don. hows it going mate? still great? Hope so. Why havnt we seen pics of the outdoor? I know you went out there and there was lots of grass. but we coulllldddnttt see:( lol take a cam next time! much love:circle-of-love: BIG storms here today. hopefully the ladies aren't too wet. They usually love the rain.

Keep up the good work mate :Namaste:
first off here is that auto, its been harvested twice so this is getting ready for the 3rd time, its got new growth and new bud sites







below is kiwi seeds regular, this was a pick and mix seed so can be any of the kiwi strains. regular seed and not fem

below is the hempies, not sure which is which but both are the same age, 1 is afgan skunk fem, the other is reserva privada sour kush





below is northern lights cross big bud fem, this is monster cropped so got some crazy growth going on




below is the 2 headed nl x bb fem, also monster cropped or cloned what ever its called


now this one below looks different to the 2 above so im thinking this is the kush, i had 3 clones and they was taken from the special kush and the nl x bb, so im thinking to 2 plants above are the nl x bb, but i think this one is the kush as the leaves are slightly bigger and looks different to the other 2



below is 1 x clone, not sure what it is, the other 3 are seedlings, the 2 seedlings on the left are the ak47 cross uk cherry cheese, the one in the top right hand corner is california haze skunk, the bottom right is a clone, im sure its nl x bb fem

now these few are jumbled up, not sure what happened,

this one below is the clones taken from the reserva privada 2ltr hempie, femenised so should be fem,

below is clones taken from the other 2ltr hempie, afgan skunk fem

below is the dodgy leaves off the monster cropped plants, as you can see, a new leaf has stated to grow out of the stem of the leaf, pretty crazy, this happened to a few leaves


below is family photo, top left is the kush, top right and middle plant are both monster cropped nl x bb fem, the other 2 plants are the 2 x 2ltr dwc hempies

the only thing different in the pic below is that the top right plant is the fruity chronic juice


not sure what happened i did take a load more pics, some are missing such as the fruity chronic juice pics, so ill need to take some more. but at lease you can see how far i have got and what i have got going on, feel free to make any comments or ask questions.

both my hempies have now got air stones in as i noticed the 1 with the air stone is was starting to grow quicker than the other, so i think the air is making a difference
must stink in there! Mannnn oh man. Dontcha remember when we each had like 2 plants? hahaha Don don't get too out of control! your already losing track of plants! hahahah Isn't it great tho? That autos pretty leafy. did you defol? I know I did that on my last 3 but not my new ones. I may have done to much defol but the end result was similar to that. very leafy. but could just be because u harvested and let the grow out some more. either way looking great! +reps if i can!
plants look amazing and i too think air in water makes a dif...when i put a plant in a pot...i do nothing else until i put name and date on a MacDonald straw and stickit in the tired of trying to guess what because i have plants in different mediums...i put the medium on the straw time you start a it in a larger container with more veg time...i bet your yield will increase...i'm also watching these veg stage nodes are opposite..when the go to alternating nodes they are ready to only plant with opposite nodes is my pole lady..wuwt...
thanks deege, it dont smell that much at all mate, the only time the place stinks is when i roll a joint and smoke it, i got air fresheners all over the place so it dont really smell, im sure it will start stinking when i have got them further in flower, but for now its managable. and yep i sure do remember when i first came to this site, its shocking how far i have come since then, now im growing some really nice plants, and touch wood, not had many problems. its only due to the help i got from the top growers on here,
plant numbers are getting a problem, but im trying to get some in veg and some in flower at the same time so once the ones in flower have finished im hoping to move the ones in veg into flower so a sort of rotation,
but ive got 6 in flower now, the other seedlings are regular so wont be getting all fems from them, and the clones, these will be in veg while i flower these 6 off, then ill put the seedlings and clones into veg under the hps, then when they go under the hps ill start more seeds and clones and so on,

so all been well ill have them on say a 6 week rotation, so both rooms will have plants in, some in flower and some in veg.

the auto is the auto i have all ready harvested twice, so the new growth and buds are going to be for the 3rd harvest, i have still got new grow sites on the plant and new leaves growing so not sure how long its going to last, i wont get much off it this time but its more than i would if i chopped the plant in 1 go, so im on the third harvest of that plant in the next few days.

all my plants are labled, except for the clones in flower, im sure 2 are nl x bb and the other is the kush. the only plants i got messed up with was the nl x bb and the special kush, i never labled the clones after putting them in bigger pots, so im a bit confused with them but think i got it figured out, all the others have labels taped to the pots so i can check what each is, i have also got a load of kilner jars for curing so ive got enough jars now so going to have some nice cured bud when im done

so in the flower room i have got the following
1 x delicious fruity chronic juice
2 x nl x bb
1 x special kush
1 x 2ltr dwc hempie afgan skunk
1 x 2ltr dwc hempie reserva privada sour kush.
plus the auto

now in veg i have got 2 clones so far from the 1 hempie and 2 from the other hempie,
1 x kiwi seeds
2 x ak47 cross uk cherry cheese.
1 x blueberry auto
1 x california skunk haze.
plus a couple of clones from the nl x bb and kush,
all the seeds i planted and are now growing are all regular, i planted them to get them out the way,

so what i have got in flower and veg now are plants that im trying to get out the way, any i like ill be keeping the clones and growing and flowering them, then once the plants i have got in flower now have been harvested ill move the plants in veg into the flower room under glr and sex them, if i have a decent male ill collect the pollen then kill it, ill be keeping the pollen and freezing it if possible for future experiments,

with the autos mate i have left them to grow as is, i never took no leaves from them, all i did was a small amount of lst to open the plants up, im hoping this blueberry auto gives me a decent yield, i will be ordering the big bang auto soon as it is a big yield of over 4oz per plant, so ill be giving that a try, ive got plenty of fem seeds now for future grows, this is why i planted all my regular seeds, id rather get them out the way and get them sexed and flowered so im not wasting time and money growing males, under glr they show sex around 2 weeks so i wont be growing them long, but the strongest male will be kept and pollen collected, and ill make some seeds with 1 of the fems as long as the male is ready in time,

so i have got a lot going on, ive only got 6 in flower and 2 of those are the hempies, ive got more plants and clones in veg and seedling stage but ill only be keeping the strongest clones, all the seedlings are regualar seeds so ill be losing some of them as they will be males, i dont think i could fit more than 6 plants in my flower room, i could fit another couple of hempies in, so i need to decide where to go after these next seeds, do i stick with both the bigger pots and 2ltr hempies, or do i do a sog with the 2ltr hempies, or do i fill a room with a scrog and a long veg.

but for now ill see how this grow goes and see what i get off the hempies, i need to get my numbers down so im not planting or soaking any more seeds, i wasnt going to veg that many plants but i thought ill do all my regular seeds and get them out the way, then i should be left with fem seeds and clones, so out of all these strains i got in flower now i cna decide what i like and what i want to keep,

thanks for having a look at my grow mate, im trying to catch up with all the jounals so ill be over yours shortly mate, got so many to check in on. thanks bro
thanks miwa, with my 2ltr hempies im just aiming for 1bud, all the side branches are removed and used as clones, so im aiming for 1 bud so this is why they are in smaller pots.
i did flower my plants last time without them having alternating nodes, they was still even when it finished flowering, but the clones i took did start growing alternating branches, but the first time round it took 7 weeks and still even branching, so they was flipped to flower, its only the clones that have grown alternating nodes or branches, but you are right mate, when the branches are not growing opposite each other then the plant is mature enough for flower, this should usually be around 4 to 6 weeks depending on strain.

i have now started labeling the pots, i got a big mixed up with the clones from the 1st grow i did, when i transplanted them into bigger pots i lost track and never labled them, but now i make sure i know what each one is, and its all labled so when i harvest i can see what i like and then ill know what its called, then i know where i am at with my clones and seedlings, the problem is i was only growing a couple of plants to start off with so i could tell what each one is without having it labled, but as my numbers got bigger i lost track, so hopefull ive figured it out and am now back on track with what im growing.

thanks for the comments miwa, welcomed as always my friend, will be over your journal soon mate
you are doing awsome DP! hope you fry your brain with all that but keep enough to doi it again reps bro when they will let me:goodjob:
thanks fishcake, im just trying to find some strains that i like then ill stick with them, so for a while ill be growing different strains and finding out what i like, till then ill plant different strains and take clones, then if i dont like the taste and smell i can get rid of the clones and try something else, i know for a fact i have got 2 many plants in veg to go in the flowe room, so depending on how these plants turn out ill then decide what i want to keep and what to get rid of, plus i planted a load of regular seeds just to get them out the way, so the fems will be flower and the males i might get pollen from, its just depends what happens
one thing that I have noticed is no matter how good the stuff is it seems that I get a tollerence to it. so for me as I just want to grow to smoke, I cant get locked into one strain.but that maybe just me.I have 3 different ones now to smoke and find if I alternate the buzz from each is better. does anyone else find this to be true?
ill be putting pics up of my outdoor plant when i get back home, all my up to date pics are on the page before this, i put a load up of what i got going on, just not the outdoor cuz i not got my card reader with me, but go back a page and all the plants i got at the minute are on the page before this one,
here is the update you been waiting for, pictures just uploading now,
@teSmp, thanks mate ill give the cup method a try, i did read that people leave them in the water till they sink then plant them, the blueberry auto i planted in the soil and withing 36 hours it was growing out the soil, so for now the soil method is working, but ill try the soak as i have not tried that method yet.

Well hell don't break what is already working :)

edit: just wondering.... Since you see how successful it is to get lollipop the 2L's and get one big bud, don't you see that the same will apply on your big monster cropped girls?? Strip everything on the lower 3-4" (can't tell how tall they are) and just aim for monster buds at the end of each arm.. Same principal applies. They look awesome BTW!
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