First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

thanks fish cake, i would reps you but i got to spread some first, so can someone else send fish cake some reps for having a look at that growers plant, it seems like its got a problem but its beyond me, just hope he gets it sorted before losing his plant,
thanks fish cake, i would reps you but i got to spread some first, so can someone else send fish cake some reps for having a look at that growers plant, it seems like its got a problem but its beyond me, just hope he gets it sorted before losing his plant,

I dont need no reps I just want everyone to have a good grow. besides I realy didnt do anything :)
he put some new pics up and it no longer looks like nute burn, to me it looks like light burn, but he could do with someone who knows more about this type of problem, ive not seen anything like that before, plus his other plant is totally ok and its in the same res, he did pour the nutes into the res neat without mixing so maybe this has caused the problem, if he poured it in the one side then it would sit in that side before it mixed and could cause the problem he is having
Sounds like a real Strange one DPP, I have never heard of an Auto Do That Before,I know Thai Weed Gets Ripe Like That. You Harvest Different Parts of the Plant at Different times, as it ripens all out of whack!!! One side could have all ripe Buds to a certain Point, then a bunch that are not ripe. And it goes on like that for several Months, if allowed Too. Maybe it has a Minor trace of Thai in it??? And it expressed it's self in this way??? Take Care Friend, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Everyone has their own point, and all points seem like good grow tips. One thing I read was dont take more than 3 leaves off a day. I wouldnt do that mate. Removing leaves everyday will never give the plant time to fully recover as they keep getting clipped off. If you are taking off leaves inside like I do also to give lower buds light, then take them off in one sitting as long as its not a big ammount. Then let the plant recover and all your buds will have good light coverage and just let dem grooooow.

Thanks for +rep Closet Farmer bro :thumb:
Everyone has their own point, and all points seem like good grow tips. One thing I read was dont take more than 3 leaves off a day. I wouldnt do that mate. Removing leaves everyday will never give the plant time to fully recover as they keep getting clipped off. If you are taking off leaves inside like I do also to give lower buds light, then take them off in one sitting as long as its not a big ammount. Then let the plant recover and all your buds will have good light coverage and just let dem grooooow.

Thanks for +rep Closet Farmer bro :thumb:

Hi mate how are ya? I am having trimming probs with my girl.. Ive been told not to trim or to trim? Normally i follow my own instincts but still im being told dont trim during veg.
As my current grow is shaped like a SOG - an attempt at LST gone wrong or right:) - The under canopy is very dense and there are leaves squashing into each other blocking light and also causing the new tops to grow de formed, un even fan leaves, in an attempt to get to some light.
I want to lightly prune her so all branches have proper growth on them, its no good if half my branches are deformed? When i trim, i use the same technique- trimming where the leaf meets the stalk, it heals in hour or two and i have no probs.
I only take say 2 leaves here and there every week or so, as youll see from my pic she has a lot of foliage, i dont want her choking herself in the inner canopy?? ANY IDEAS APPRECIATED! Great grow to mate.. Thank s guys:thumb: SMOKEM..
had to rep ya mate. That plants is looking amazing and is getting big fast! :Namaste:

Don p. hows it going buddy? At first I thought that was your plant because its so damn healthy. Made some more hash tonight. not much product in the end. But shit its something.... will be ready tmmrw morning. Be good buddy. I can't wait to chop something! lol I need smokeeeee!
had to rep ya mate. That plants is looking amazing and is getting big fast! :Namaste:

Don p. hows it going buddy? At first I thought that was your plant because its so damn healthy. Made some more hash tonight. not much product in the end. But shit its something.... will be ready tmmrw morning. Be good buddy. I can't wait to chop something! lol I need smokeeeee!

Thank you DEEGE! :high-five:
Yeah after her first month birthday a week or so ago, she has taken off.. Ive had to raise my light so i know she's going UP!! Today i took a few inner fans as they were way to crowded, i decided to do to a few in one go this time and leave her now for least a week and see how she s grown, if all is well i should have branches into position for lighting by her as now there is some open lighting below the first top level of canopy. I am unsure with this strain exactly how tall she can get indoor/outdoor, but as i said i will veg her for 3 mnths if needed, its already been 1 month - and she isnt a foot vert yet, so unless over the next 4 weeks she keeps gaining rapid growth she may surprise me?? If i dont let her grow tall as she can, ill miss out on any possible gains i hope to get on my last 8 oz harvest..
With her nute solution ( 10N,8p,7,k ) i should be giving her full strength now yeah as she is needing nutrients and as its a fairly low N,P,K ratiio to some ive seen,20/20/20.. SO would you agree with my theory?? Only every 3rd water.. She has some slow release fertiliser on top soil, not much, but yeah - ive only seen one leaf that may have had nute burn?- but it was being squashed and resting on the ground and when id feed her nutes that leaf would cop a fair bit of foliar feeding as i had trouble reaching that spot. There were a few tiny leaves on the inside of her jungle that had died and gone crispy, but nothing that was a bad prob, more natural than anything.. ANYWAYS, thanks mate and will chat again soon.. SMOKEMUP;)
Hey bro, cheers for your nice comments ay!:winkyface: Yeah i hope she will at least give me the same as my last grow, 8 oz dry colas, but if these branches go vert and establish as main branches i want em 4ft if they can possibly do it and then im pretty sure that with thatmany 5ft tops i should harvest least 8 oz?? FINGERS CROSSED!! Im taking everyones advice on board, and it has been great - tho at the moment it s up to me to take charge of this ship and sail her on home godspeed.. I am the only one that can see the inner branch growth beneath her top canopy its got a lot going on! Until i can get some up close pics of her stems have formed, its just crazy to me:) Take it easy chat soon bruz.. SMOKEMUP
Hi Smokemup,
Nice plant mate! +Rep.
The reason you may be told not to trim in veg besides topping is because the plants needs all its energy at this point to get ready for flowering and be a strong big plant for then. Trimming now will only slow it down and stunt it. The reason its small and squatty is because you are vegging with blue light , which is good because squat plants produce FAT buds.

But dont worrry abouit it because it will all sort out when you flip to 12/12 and the plant goes into a stretch. After that if leaves are covering bud sites and your lights won't penitrate that. Then just bend them down out of the way. If your still not happy and want more airflow then take some off. Dont take off a shot load off pans that are needed . just remove the lower branches that get no light and some lower pans.

Its all up to you mate on trimming just remember plants stress and take time to recover and a plant that has beeen stunted/stressed too bad during veg will never have the same power of growth it could of had.

its a 2 sided coin. top to produce 2 heads but if you dont top they veg much faster are done quicker bud produce half the bud as only one top.

Find the way which suits you best and makes the most in your space :thumb:
right then people, back to my plants,
i got my delivery from herbies today, now you really need to get on herbies for your magic beans and here is why
i only purchased 2 seeds the ones i paid for are these
1 x royal bluematic fem auto
1 x pyramid seeds auto purple fem.
now i paid just over £10 for them both,
and below is what herbie hooked my up with
4 x plant markers, you write on these and you know what you got growing, water proof and re-usable.
1 x royal queen seeds amsterdam wrist band, the rubber type they sell
some stickers to put on car windows, wont be using them, stick em in my grow room somewhere
now we got onto the free beans, now remember i only paid for 2 seeds, below is what i got for free
1 x royal queen northern light auto fem (this was not listed in their free offers)
1 x royal queen fruit spirit femenised
2 x sleestack x skung regular.

as you can see herbie really does look after you once you are a regular customer, and i dont spend loads with herbies, i only buy 1 or 2 seeds at the most every time i buy seeds, so as you can see herbie really does look after you.

ill catch up with you all when i get back from taking the dog a walk, just wanted to share my bit of a bonus from herbies
my auto that im harvesting soon for the 3rd time just grew like this mate, i never messed with it, all i did was open the plant up when it started flowering to let light in, i just pulled the side branches down with pipe cleaners and left it like that, now im ready to harvest a 3rd time, but none of the pistils are turning brown, trichs are all clear where as they was cloudy and some amber last time i harvested it, these new buds have some crazy leaf growth, its as if the plant is halfway between flower and veg, it just keeps giving me loads of new leaf and stem growth and the buds themselves are getting longer, i think fox tailing has something to do with it because the buds look ready to explode, you can see how blown up each seed pod is, maybe their are seeds in their, i hope so love this strain, but as you can see, herbie has hooked me up, you dont need to spend loads, just drop him a comment about his service and low prices and herbie hooks you up, prices are the lowest and i get mine the next day, anyways ill catch up with you all when i get back, gota take the dog before i have to clean up shit of the floor.

the auto blueberry i planted the other day is now 2 inches tall and growing quicker than any other auto i have planted, but it says it needs plenty of water and not to let the soil dry out as it will affect yield, so i got to keep on top of it with the watering if that is the case.

i have just planted another auto, i planted the pyramid seeds auto purple femenised, so thats gone strait in soil about 5 min ago, from now on ill put my beans strait into pots and not use paper towel method, by doing this im not getting any weird leaf growth or signs of stress and the seeds seem to pop and grow quicker, i only bury them as deep as the seed and after 2 days its growing out the soil, i have also noticed this with all the regular seeds i planted the other weeks, the ak47 took upto 7 days for the seed to crack before puttint it into a pot, but putting the 2 seeds i had left strait into a pot got them growing out of the soil within 3 days, so maybe their is something in not soaking the seeds before putting them in a pot
herbie also sent me a tin of royal queen seeds mints, herbie really sorted me out this time.

quick update on my plants,
my 2 x 2ltr dwc hempies are huge, the leaves are bigger than a dinner plate and they are getting really tall now, taller than my other plants, really thick stem as well, now this time i have had an air stone in the 1 and not in the other, now looking at the plants themselves you cant tell the difference, but the roots on the 2ltr with the air pump in are huge, the res is full of roots, the one without te pump dont have as many roots, id say less than a quater of the plant with the air pump attatched, so the roots are clearly liking the air pump
I would get an air pump in the other asap! from what your saying. glad all is going well mate! Cant wait to see some pics! You ever think of recording a video on a phone or something? Its much quicker for quick updates. not real great quality for me, but still good if you have quite a few plants and just want to get the sizes captured and brief description of whats going on! just an idea... also it would be cool to put a voice to you! +reps as usual!

thanks mate, yep i all ready got the air pump as we speak, i was going to do them both seperate 1 with pump and 1 without, but the 1 without has less than a quater of the root mass of the one with the pump, so just raiding my tropical fish tank supply cupboard so ill be adding the pump today, but by looking at the plants you couldnt tell the difference from the top, both are identical, different strains but growing the same speed and height, and both have got the biggest leaves i have ever seen, its taking over all the grow space, the leaves on both hempies are bigger than a dinner plate, i took the side branches off so got 4 clone off each hempie, i put 2 of each strain in soil to clone and 2 from each into water so i can try the water clone method again, ive not used rooting hormone on the water ones.

i did a video very early on when i started, ill get another one sorted out, these hempies are huge the leaves are bigger than anything i have ever seen, not sure why these got so big, 2 different strains and they look like its the same strain, both huge,
my other plants are well in flower and gettig fat now, cant wait to see the end results this time, its going to be loads more than last time.

i got myy 2 autos growing as well, one is 2inches high and the other just went in the pot today so its not sprouted yet, but hoping for some nice purple strains,
only time will tell, ive got more plants than im comfortable with though, i got 6 in flower, then loads in veg, the seedlings and clones have taken my plant numbes up loads, but the seeds i planted are all regular and the clones will be chosen from and the strongest clones kept and the others given away or killed if i cant find anyone who wants them, so some of the seedlings will be male so this is why my plant numbers are high, but they wont see it like that if the shit hits the fan, i can hardly say that some are male and some female, they way they see it is that all of them are plants male or not, so i need to get the numbers down, my veg room is now running glr schedule as this got the seedlings showing sex at around 2 weeks last time so i should be able to remove any males as soon as i can
The growth up top doesn't need to be different, and as you've seen already it is not different. When it starts flowering though you'll really see what having a good root structure will do for the plant/yield.. pics?
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