First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

I agree.. 1 plant for a 3x3, you could do two if you didn't want to veg as long..

And res temps need to be below 70F that was your problem.. And of course the longer you veg the larger they get??
if i did decide to go hydro then id need to read up on the best method to use, plus temps,ppms,ph etc etc, theirs so much i dont know about hydro, i wouldnt want a long veg so i think 2 plants would be the best option, id need to sort out what i need and all that, but i wont be doing it just yet so got time to think about it, i got the 6 plants in flower to finish off then i got the plants in veg, i could use them but id prefer to find a strain i like out of the ones im growing then go with that, i got time to sort it all out anyway
if i did decide to go hydro then id need to read up on the best method to use, plus temps,ppms,ph etc etc, theirs so much i dont know about hydro, i wouldnt want a long veg so i think 2 plants would be the best option, id need to sort out what i need and all that, but i wont be doing it just yet so got time to think about it, i got the 6 plants in flower to finish off then i got the plants in veg, i could use them but id prefer to find a strain i like out of the ones im growing then go with that, i got time to sort it all out anyway

Yeah two plants would go quicker you could do two strains as well as long as they have similar growing patterns and stretch. Hydro is so much simpler then soil (in my opinion)..

DWC is the cheapest and easiest to set up as long as your temps are below 82F in your grow area. This is setting up: take netpot lid, place rapid rooter/rockwool into netpot, back fill with hydroton just like soil.. Fill reservoir until 1" below netpot lid, mix nutrients, add air stone.

Here's daily maintenance: Once a day (at least for me) I check ppm with my meter. If the PPM is low or the same as the day before I add more premixed nutrient solution, if it is higher then the day before (100+ ppm) I only add water. After I topped off I check the pH, if it has moved you adjust it with x ml/gallon of pH up/down.. You learn quickly how many ml's it takes to get it to the correct pH. You'll only need to top off daily once you get to flower pretty much, before that every 2-5 days.

weekly/bi-weekly maintenance: It's up to you how often you change your res out.. I go between 8-15 days, drain res and fill it back up.

Flushing: drain res and fill with water for 2-3 days.

DWC is also the cheapest.. Air pump, air stone, airline, netpot lid, hydroton. $40 pre-made. You have the stuff except for lid and hydroton.
Below 70...ok..but it grew like hell..and it was a month old when i put it in was in soil..i washed the roots off...

K lol I don't know what we're trying to get at here..? I understand it didn't work for you but it's proven method to grow, rather quickly at that. In my opinion a DWC will make the largest plants, the quickest out of pretty much any hydroponic or soil system. Other hydro systems are more user friendly but I also don't think DWC's are hard in the first place.
man stop talking te Smp!
your about 2 sentences from converting me from soil to dwc...but i dont want to be converted, lol =D

No I think you do lol.. Have you watched those videos I posted two pages ago. They really did it for me :) and a friend that was insistent I would love it, which he was sooo so right. I'll never use soil unless i am outdoors.
This is the Stupid Thought, Having Heat Stroke Hour Of Sunday, so bear with ME, here it Goes. Have any of You Guys ever Heard of a HYDRO being set up and done Outside??? Imagine the size of Plants that could be Gotten that WAY!!! Especially, if you had unlimited Space for the roots, to just keep increasing in size, I bet You could Get 25 pound Plants, I bet easily, I am surprised I have not heard of any studies(THAT I KNOW OF), where this has been done, in my minds eye, I could see Plants as big as 5 of Mine Put Together!!! Surprised at the rate of growth a Hydro System can put out. I would imagine Outdoors it would Just Be Insane, for a Hydro Sytem, that could have un-interrupted, from Sun Up, Till Sundown, LIGHT!!! And a Hydro System Large enough to keep up!!! It's a wonder that some Government Agency, of One country, or the Other, has Not tried Something Like This, Like in the US, at the Government Run Cannabis Laboratory in MISSISSIPPI. If any Government has tried, I have not Heard about it, but I have not GOOGLED it Either. I know, a Rambling, Nutty Idea, but Sometimes, My Mind Does Come up with Strange Thoughts, Like that!!! I also wanted to Show GiG, teSmp, I am using Paragraphs for them, since several Folks have IMPLORED ME to do SO as well, like FC!!! So I am doing it now, I just Hope I keep Remembering To, LOL.:high-five: It certainly Lengthens Things, Shorter Posts Look Longer Now. Well those Are My Heat Rattled Thoughts ATM!!!:clap: Gonna Eat some Ice Cream Now and Maybe Make a Round of the Property, and Go Look at The Garden, By Flashlight. Talk Later My Friends. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
This is the Stupid Thought, Having Heat Stroke Hour Of Sunday, so bear with ME, here it Goes. Have any of You Guys ever Heard of a HYDRO being set up and done Outside??? Imagine the size of Plants that could be Gotten that WAY!!! Especially, if you had unlimited Space for the roots, to just keep increasing in size, I bet You could Get 25 pound Plants, I bet easily, I am surprised I have not heard of any studies(THAT I KNOW OF), where this has been done, in my minds eye, I could see Plants as big as 5 of Mine Put Together!!! Surprised at the rate of growth a Hydro System can put out. I would imagine Outdoors it would Just Be Insane, for a Hydro Sytem, that could have un-interrupted, from Sun Up, Till Sundown, LIGHT!!! And a Hydro System Large enough to keep up!!! It's a wonder that some Government Agency, of One country, or the Other, has Not tried Something Like This, Like in the US, at the Government Run Cannabis Laboratory in MISSISSIPPI. If any Government has tried, I have not Heard about it, but I have not GOOGLED it Either. I know, a Rambling, Nutty Idea, but Sometimes, My Mind Does Come up with Strange Thoughts, Like that!!! I also wanted to Show GiG, teSmp, I am using Paragraphs for them, since several Folks have IMPLORED ME to do SO as well, like FC!!! So I am doing it now, I just Hope I keep Remembering To, LOL.:high-five: It certainly Lengthens Things, Shorter Posts Look Longer Now. Well those Are My Heat Rattled Thoughts ATM!!!:clap: Gonna Eat some Ice Cream Now and Maybe Make a Round of the Property, and Go Look at The Garden, By Flashlight. Talk Later My Friends. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:

I think its a fantastic experiment...give me a heads up if anyone tests it before i do...there will be a run on diy swimming pools and i want to buy shares =D
I think i got a huge problem, i took everything out the flower room to give it a clean and on top of one of the pots i found a load of fungus or mould, it was white furry stuff on top of the soil, so i scraped the top inch of soil off and left the plants out the room to get some fresh air, i think having no inlet or outlet has caused this problem, its only on the one pot though so not sure what to do, is it time to pull the plants and harvest what i can to prevent it spreading to the buds, or should the buds be ok, i checked all the plants and found no pm on the buds anywhere, it was just on top of the soil so i scraped it all off the soil and chucked it out, just hoping its not spread to the buds, should i finish the plants off or pull them now to prevent the spread, but i have not found any on the buds, just on the soil of the one plant, i think i need to have more air moving in the cupboard so ill have a bigger fan blowing from now on and have it blowing on the bottom of the plants and the tops,
below is the special kush in flower



below is the nl x bb, this is the 2 headed plant




below is the monster cropped nl x bb




below is a group shot with the 1 hempie in the back ground

below is the other hempie, this is just before i removed the side branches,

below is the top of the hempie

below is the fruity chronic juice, this is the plant i found mold on top of the soil, plants are now out of the flower room so they can get some fresh air and dry out a bit.




so thats the latest pics of the plants i have in flower, im very concerned about the fungus or mold i found on top of soil of the one plant, it was white and fluffy and it was in 2 patches on top of the soil, so i scraped it off and removed the top inch of soil so hoping this keeps it away, or should i pull the plug on all the plants and cut my losses, ill still have bud to smoke but its not 100% ready yet but its not far off, so is this something thats going to spread or have i caught it in time and stopped it getting any worse, the pots need to dry out, i think the humidity was to high and the muggy weather has made it ideal for this to spread and grow, im hoping ive caught in time, i checked all the buds and found no signs of any problems on the buds or plants, but its hard to tell without removing the buds, im even getting paranoid about the smell, i give the buds a squeeze n they smell ok, but in the back of my head im thinking i can smell something worse, but this may just be me worrying about it to much, im sure if their was mold on the buds i would of noticed it, i looked with the microscope as well and could only see trichs, so have i caught this in time, if it has spread to the buds then its all ready to late, but i have not noticed any anywhere else, am i worrying about nothing or should i kill the plants and cut my losses, all i can do for now is keep a fan blowing on the top of the pots to prevent any air from standing still,
thanks GiGa, im not sure if it was good or bad mold, it was like a white later on top of the soil and it was in 2 patches, i could not find any on the plants, im thinking the muggy weather and the fact that my grow room does not have a supply of outside air, i have 2 12v computer fans blowing over the top of the plants but i dont think this is enough to keep the humidity down and the mold at bay, if i never pulled the plants out i would not of noticed it as it was right at the back, and my fans would not of been blowing their so i think that has something to do with it, so when i get back ill put them back in the room and have a bigger fan outside the room blowing into the room and over the pots, this should then stop the mold coming back and should preven it spreading further, i only found it on the one pot and it was only on the soil, it did look like pm though so thats what has me concerned, im tempted to pull the plug and start again, but am i worrying about something i have caught in time, when i get back ill have a good look at the plants again and spend some time going through each and every bud, their not to far off been ready so if one plant has got pm then ill pull the plug on the lot and bin it, it will be a huge loss but if it is pm then id be better off getting rid of the plants and have a fresh start, fingers crossed it has not spread to the buds, im hoping its just a case of not having any moving air around the pots, all the plants had the fans blowing on the buds and leaves, it was just the pots and base of the plants that wasnt getting any moving air, im just hoping i caught it in time, it would be a huge loss to lose them at this point, but if its got to be done then its got to be done,
some times if you dont get molasses mixed well it will sit on top of the soil and begin to mold. if thats it I have just did as you said cleaned and air dryed the soil and everything was fine.
@JTG I dont care if you dont even leave a space between your words, anything you write is good enough for me!!
MY good freind kind of does an outdoor hydro. he started doing this to hide his grow and I think its cool.
he takes 5 gallon buckets and drills holes in the bottom, then he paints them green. fills them with dirt and his plant then hangs them from a branch of a tree over a stream with the bucket just touching the water.
i dont add anything to the compost apart from the bpn nutes, im just thinking it was to wet and with the humidity we been having its let the mold grow, but i think by having the fans blowing on the plants it has stopped it spreading to the buds, i think the pots and soil had got very little fresh air so thinking this is whats caused the mold on the surface of the pot, im hoping i caught it in time,
Personally I say hit it with dish soap water, I would think that would get the mold and itll be microbe and plant safe. If that dont work try hydrogen peroxide with water, lightly sprayed on top of the soil. Do not drench it just hit the top.

Both of those would be plant and microbe safe.

Make sure your dish soap is NOT anti bacterial.

But its not powdery mildew. Powdery Mildew is a plant specific mold. It is extremely unlikely that the mold you got on your soil is the same as the powdery mildew that effects MJ.
thanks jimmy, ill have a look when i get home and see what i can sort out, i didnt notice any on the buds so im hoping i found it in time, looks like the soil was to damp and not getting any air so this fungus or mold started forming, i think i need to get more air moving lower down in my flower room, i think the hot humid weather has made it ideal for the mold to take hold, ill have a look when i get back and check the dish soap i got, if i cant get rid of it or it comes back then ill use some peroxide and get rid of it using that, im hoping i caught it in time and i think the problem was lack of moving air, so if i can get that sorted then i should be ok, ill double check all the plants when i get back and inspect all the buds, ill let you know what i find,
Well while the spores could jump to other pots it would almost definitely only effect the soil. So unless it attacks roots, which I doubt I feel your mold is basically benign as far as the plants go. Especially since they only got a week or two or three more till harvest anyways right?

Finish your grow. Don't chop anything down. I have a lot of faith that this specific mold will not jump to your plants. But to be safe. and just to get rid of the mold try the soap or h2o2 thing.

I had some mold in the bottom of a run off pan on the first or second week or my grow, It kinda got into the soil through the bottom, but mostly it just went away once the air flow got better. Its now my strongest and best plant 3 months later. So don't sweat it I bet everything will be alright.
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