First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

thanks jimmy, it puts my mind at rest, so its not pm then, its was like white fluffy stuff, just as if someone had sprayed 2 patches of white paint on the soil, i scraped off the top inch and the mold was clumped together so was easy to get off, so i chucked that out, so from what your saying it should not spread to the buds, all im thinking is if that was ok for that mold to grow then would this also be the right conditions for pm to grow, i just hope i got it in time before any pm does break out, so thanks for the info.

i think the problem was the lack of air moving around in the bottom of the grow room, as my hempies had got so tall i moved my fans right up to the top of the room next to the light, i think doing this made the conditions lower down ideal for growing mold, so ill put another fan just outside my grow room so its blowing air all around the room, where as the 12v fans i had moved higher up was only blowing on the tops of the 2 x 2ltr dwc hempie so i think this is what caused my problem
below is the special kush in flower



below is the nl x bb, this is the 2 headed plant




below is the monster cropped nl x bb




below is a group shot with the 1 hempie in the back ground

below is the other hempie, this is just before i removed the side branches,

below is the top of the hempie

below is the fruity chronic juice, this is the plant i found mold on top of the soil, plants are now out of the flower room so they can get some fresh air and dry out a bit.




so thats the latest pics of the plants i have in flower, im very concerned about the fungus or mold i found on top of soil of the one plant, it was white and fluffy and it was in 2 patches on top of the soil, so i scraped it off and removed the top inch of soil so hoping this keeps it away, or should i pull the plug on all the plants and cut my losses, ill still have bud to smoke but its not 100% ready yet but its not far off, so is this something thats going to spread or have i caught it in time and stopped it getting any worse, the pots need to dry out, i think the humidity was to high and the muggy weather has made it ideal for this to spread and grow, im hoping ive caught in time, i checked all the buds and found no signs of any problems on the buds or plants, but its hard to tell without removing the buds, im even getting paranoid about the smell, i give the buds a squeeze n they smell ok, but in the back of my head im thinking i can smell something worse, but this may just be me worrying about it to much, im sure if their was mold on the buds i would of noticed it, i looked with the microscope as well and could only see trichs, so have i caught this in time, if it has spread to the buds then its all ready to late, but i have not noticed any anywhere else, am i worrying about nothing or should i kill the plants and cut my losses, all i can do for now is keep a fan blowing on the top of the pots to prevent any air from standing still,
glad someone could give you a better answer then I:) your plants are beautifull and I would hate to see them go south on ya:circle-of-love:
thanks fish cake, i just hope i caught it in time and it has not spread to the buds, ill have a good look at the buds when i get back, ill try and sort the air flow out when i get back and try and keep it in check,
i was just making worked for me..check my journal..i just posted my DWC...start to finish...with pics..

Ok :) I wasn't sure if you were knocking DWC or weren't satisfied or??? Maybe I misinterpreted what you were saying.

This is the Stupid Thought, Having Heat Stroke Hour Of Sunday, so bear with ME, here it Goes. Have any of You Guys ever Heard of a HYDRO being set up and done Outside??? Imagine the size of Plants that could be Gotten that WAY!!! Especially, if you had unlimited Space for the roots, to just keep increasing in size, I bet You could Get 25 pound Plants, I bet easily, I am surprised I have not heard of any studies(THAT I KNOW OF), where this has been done, in my minds eye, I could see Plants as big as 5 of Mine Put Together!!! Surprised at the rate of growth a Hydro System can put out. I would imagine Outdoors it would Just Be Insane, for a Hydro Sytem, that could have un-interrupted, from Sun Up, Till Sundown, LIGHT!!! And a Hydro System Large enough to keep up!!! It's a wonder that some Government Agency, of One country, or the Other, has Not tried Something Like This, Like in the US, at the Government Run Cannabis Laboratory in MISSISSIPPI. If any Government has tried, I have not Heard about it, but I have not GOOGLED it Either. I know, a Rambling, Nutty Idea, but Sometimes, My Mind Does Come up with Strange Thoughts, Like that!!! I also wanted to Show GiG, teSmp, I am using Paragraphs for them, since several Folks have IMPLORED ME to do SO as well, like FC!!! So I am doing it now, I just Hope I keep Remembering To, LOL.:high-five: It certainly Lengthens Things, Shorter Posts Look Longer Now. Well those Are My Heat Rattled Thoughts ATM!!!:clap: Gonna Eat some Ice Cream Now and Maybe Make a Round of the Property, and Go Look at The Garden, By Flashlight. Talk Later My Friends. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:

Yes I would love to see you do this! My friend that first got me into growing in WA state that would do outdoor plants in hydro. In your case you would need a very large reservoir and you would need a cooler if your temps are in the 100's, the res temps need to be below 70F. You could also do a ebb type system but the biggest plants come from a DWC. Maybe you could build the res inside something that could keep it cool but it would be really cool to see you do this.. You don't need to write in paragraphs lol, it's just hard to read sometimes (if you do want to press the "enter" button twice so it skips a line) :) like this..

Guess that would have to be next year now thought!

I think i got a huge problem, i took everything out the flower room to give it a clean and on top of one of the pots i found a load of fungus or mould, it was white furry stuff on top of the soil, so i scraped the top inch of soil off and left the plants out the room to get some fresh air, i think having no inlet or outlet has caused this problem, its only on the one pot though so not sure what to do, is it time to pull the plants and harvest what i can to prevent it spreading to the buds, or should the buds be ok, i checked all the plants and found no pm on the buds anywhere, it was just on top of the soil so i scraped it all off the soil and chucked it out, just hoping its not spread to the buds, should i finish the plants off or pull them now to prevent the spread, but i have not found any on the buds, just on the soil of the one plant, i think i need to have more air moving in the cupboard so ill have a bigger fan blowing from now on and have it blowing on the bottom of the plants and the tops,

I don't think your problem is not having a fan circulating the air inside the room, that's just blowing around stale air.. You need good ventilation. Air in, air out! Anyway you could improve on this? Definitely don't cut those beauties down :) I think the first DWC-H would of made a pretty lollipop!
thanks tesmp, i tell you what i have got, in the top of the cupboard in the one side is an air vent, now the cupboard im growing in is a built in brick cupboard, it was originally a clothes drying cupboard and had wooden poles runnin across at 3 different levels, it has a small tube type heater in the back that was used to dry the clothes, the heater dont work, but this air vent could solve my problem, i have covered it up wiv plastic and sealed it up because heat rises and the smell would stink other flats out as all the flats in my building would have the same vent, im not even sure where the vent goes, i took the cover off it when i covered it up and its just a big void that has electric wires running all over the place, so chances are at some point their must be an outside vent, so im wondering if i put a fan where the vent is and have it sucking the air into the grow room, this would be cool air and should be fresh, so do you think this is a good idea, only problem is that i would need to leave the fan running 24/7 as once the fan was off the smell would then leave through the vent and might get me unwated attention, so ill need to have a fan running constant to stop this happening,

do you think this would solve my problem or is it to much of a risk, the plants are out of the grow room now and are in my living room getting some fresh air, ill be putting them back in the flower room when i get back, so maybe tomorrow i can sort the fan and the vent out, would this solve my problem, the grow room door is always open when the lights are on and my 2 12v fans blow on the plants and bring in air from outside the door, but i dont think the 12v fans are moving enough air about,
thanks tesmp, i tell you what i have got, in the top of the cupboard in the one side is an air vent, now the cupboard im growing in is a built in brick cupboard, it was originally a clothes drying cupboard and had wooden poles runnin across at 3 different levels, it has a small tube type heater in the back that was used to dry the clothes, the heater dont work, but this air vent could solve my problem, i have covered it up wiv plastic and sealed it up because heat rises and the smell would stink other flats out as all the flats in my building would have the same vent, im not even sure where the vent goes, i took the cover off it when i covered it up and its just a big void that has electric wires running all over the place, so chances are at some point their must be an outside vent, so im wondering if i put a fan where the vent is and have it sucking the air into the grow room, this would be cool air and should be fresh, so do you think this is a good idea, only problem is that i would need to leave the fan running 24/7 as once the fan was off the smell would then leave through the vent and might get me unwated attention, so ill need to have a fan running constant to stop this happening,

do you think this would solve my problem or is it to much of a risk, the plants are out of the grow room now and are in my living room getting some fresh air, ill be putting them back in the flower room when i get back, so maybe tomorrow i can sort the fan and the vent out, would this solve my problem, the grow room door is always open when the lights are on and my 2 12v fans blow on the plants and bring in air from outside the door, but i dont think the 12v fans are moving enough air about,

It wouldn't be a bad idea if it you could leave the cupboard open 24/7 and you had a strong enough fan to ensure air wasn't going back into the vent, to risky for me... As soon as you shut the door there will be quite a bit of positive pressure from the fans and the air will need to be displaced somewhere. It will either find it's way back out the vent or push it into your living area, not sure. Can you cut holes in the wall of the cupboard or are they all brick on all sides? Just thinking you could make little holes that can suck air in on one of the walls and then blow air out, then you could filter that exhaust.
the door is open all day and at night its virtually closed, its brick on 3 sides then it has the door, but above the door it has a wooden panel that i could drill small holes in to let the air escape, ill have a look and see what i can come up with when i get back to mine, just on my way back now, ill sort out what i can
thats a great idea, i tell you what i have got, you know that flexy plastic pipe that you have on a clothes drying machine, its like a 6 inch tube that is long but also stretches further, basically you push it on to the pipe in the back of the dryer and it vents the hot air out of an open window, well i got some of that, i could possibly make something with that and do what you said and bring the vent down to the floor using the pipe,
anyways i got back and checked the plants as i had left them in my living room while i was out so they only had the light through the big windows, i got back and checked them and they was ok, i cleaned out the grow room and made sure it was clean, then i put the plants back in, the 2 12v fans are at the same height as the light so it dont cook my 2 hempies, when i put the plants back in i noticed a few of them little flies again, so i squashed what i could and the rest the sticky paper can get, i honestly think i have bought this problem on myself, i think what i have done is not watering the plants enough each time i water, well that wouldnt be the problem in itself but here is where i think the problem started, by only watering the plants small amounts i have been watering them more often, when i lifted the plants out today they was heavy so i know the soil is wet, so what i think is happening is this, i have not give enough water and every time i water it dont run out the bottom because i have not been watering enough, so by me keep watering small amounts more often i think this has made it to humid and caused the problem, i wont water now till its dry then when i do water ill make sure i water till i have run off, then ill leave them till they are dry again, i think i got carried away with the watering without checking how heavy the pot was,

so what ill do now is let the pots totally dry out, last time i did this it got rid of all the flies so i think i have been not over watering as such but watering to often and this has kept the top of the pots wet even though its probably not that wet further down, so ill leave them 3 days now and then ill take the plants out and give them a good water till i have got run off, i think this should help with the problem, i think the nutes have been building up and made it a breeding ground for this type of mould, so id says its self inflicted, but its a lesson learned, i think the next couple of waters ill just give plain water to flush out anything thats built up, then if the plants need longer to finish ill start with the nutes again.

none of the plants show any signs of problems, all the leaves are healthy even the leaves further down the plant so i dont think its hurt the plants as such, possibly slowed the growth down due to it, the hempies are not suffering with this due to them taking what they want out the res, plus i can check how much they have got left and top up as needed, so i think my problem was not over watering but watering to often with not enough water,

the lights are off now, when they come back on ill have the big fan blowing on them as this should push enough air in the bottom of the room and push the hot air out the top as long as i leave the door open, the door is always open when the lights are on so this wont be a problem, i have one of those big desktop type fans with 12inch fan that rotates, so ill put this on a chair and have it blowing on all the plants and ill leave the 12v fans blowing across the tops of the hempies to stop them getting burned.

i think i have learned now that its not good just to keep watering often, its a whole lot better if i water them a lot and leave them to dry out, so next time ill take each pot out and check for problems, then ill use plain water for at least the next feed or 2, and ill water till i have run off then ill let them drain and put them back in the room,
so thats my plan and hopefully that will solve the problem i had, i checked all the other pots and their was no sign of mold in any of the other pots so i think i caught it early enough before it got to bad, so ill see how they go over the next few days, if i have not solved the problem then it will come back again, but if i have now figured out what the problem is i should see no further out breaks, ill have a play around with this vent tomorrow and check if i have got enough of this flexi tube type stuff, if its not long enough then ill go hardware store and see how much that silver stuff is the tube type stuff that all growers use to direct the air into their grow,
but all been well ive saved the plants and found the problem, if it comes back then ill need to think of some remedies like those mentioned above,

thanks for the input and advice, i would hate to cut them early, but if the mold stays away then they should be good till they finish, they have not got long left by the looks of it, so i just hope they hold on till then, the plants are not showing signs of stress so hoping it wasnt anything that spread to the plants, i think the high temps and humidity caused the problem with the lack of moving air, the 12v fans where just blowing the hot air and humid air back down on the plants, so the fans where just keeping the same air in the grow room, so ill have my big fan on the outside blowing air in with the door open, this should solve the problems
thanks miwa, ill get on the case tomorrow, i dont want any air going back out this vent so im thinking about getting one of those vents that close when the air is moving one way, the type you have outside a vent for the bathroom, when the fan is working it pushes the vent open allowing the air out, but once the fan is off these flaps fall shut and stops the air going the other way,

now what i have got is a fan that will fit into the vent, its used for removing condensation from the bathroom, so if i had a bath the fan would turn itself on to push the condensation out, then once its gone the fan stops and the flaps outside close, but this fan can also be started by pulling the cord or it can be wired to the light switch, so im thinking if i mount this fan where the vent is and seal it in place so nothing can get past the fan, then if i fit that tubing your on about and run this to the bottom of the grow room, then what i can do is wire the light up to the timer and have the fan come on as soon as the lights come on, this should then blow the air into the bottom of the grow room and ill have it blowing all the time the light is on, but then when the lights go off the fan will stop and these flappy things will fall shut, this would then stop any air going back out through the vent, plus if i have it as low as possible then the hot air rises so it shouldnt push anything back up the pipe and into the vent, but with these flappy things in place it should close when the fan stops so no air should be able to go back up the pipe and out the vent.

thanks miwa, its a great idea, ive all ready got a fan that i bought for the bathroom as it just has a normal vent in the bathroom so i was going to fit this auto fan, so instead ill use it in the grow room, ive had it a few years but its one of those jobs that you do tomorrow, and as all us blokes know, tomorrow never comes, well i think tomorrow is here now, but not for the bathroom for the grow room, and i know exactly what you mean about the pipe, its the same size and i even think the pipe i got is the same size, if not ill just buy some cuz its not that expensive, so tomorrow ill mount this fan in place of the vent thats in the top of the cupboard, ill seal it all in but as its the exact size to fit the gap it should be easy to fit and should be easy to seal, it would mean fitting it in backwards so i can mount the pipe onto it so its running the pipe into the grow room and not out of the vent, so that should get it working, ill use the flaps as well to keep the air one way.

it comes in 2 pieces, it has the fan that fits in the vent, but then this other plastic piece that has 4 flaps on it is usually mounted on an outside wall to stop the cold air coming back into the room, but if i mount the fan backwards i can then have the flaps inside the grow room where the vent is then run the tubing from that, the flaps fit inside the round pipe on the fan, so it should be pretty easy to fit,
DPP, it is a way better way to Water, by letting it get dry, and then watering, it keeps things like what happened to You from happening, and Root Rot and Stem Rot. I think if it was Plant specific, it would have gotten Yours By Now!!!:phew: Glad You noticed it though!!! Stuff like that can certainly ruin your Day, Week, Month!!! Thanks for liking My Stupid idea of Sunday Guys, it would be something to see!!! I feel all out of Sorts of Late, Tired,Groggy, almost like a Hang Over, I wonder if it is the Heat,BTW, it is 110 Here Today!!! I do not like the Heat, but it has Never effected Me like this Before, and I ain't running around in Body Armor and an NBC suit Either!!!:high-five: I just feel like I am an Un-Motivated Individual ATM, maybe I am Depressed or Some Thing, IDK.

First Sergeant's are supposed to be the motivators, not the Ones needing IT!!! I think I might Be Depressed being out of the LOOP, I thought it would Be Great, now with all the Medical Problems with Y,ETC, ETC. I just do not know??? I feel I am letting all of You Down, not answering Posts Punctually, catching up Reading, just saying simple Hellos, I am Gagging My Self Complaining Like This, Just SORRY GUYS!!!:adore: If anybody has any suggestions, PLEASE ADVISE, ROGER OUT!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
JTG just one suggestion for you my friend....chill out!

we all know your life is high stress, do not worry about us. were not going anywhere, lol.
i dont have the time to keep up with every post, i try. but quite often ill just skim read and try to grab what i can from it.

you can tell from your writing style that your afraid of being caught relaxing. you put too much on yourself my friend.
you still havnt told me whats wrong with Y, but i can tell you that as long as your dependants are fed,watered and have access to entertainement...job done. its not your place in this world to pander to anyone and you certainly wont be a bad person, (even if someone neurotic may accuse you of such if its that time of the month or whatever ;)

i have seen your parnter out in the garden standing on her own two legs, i dont think its a stretch to figure she can put food in her own mouth?

If this is the case, i can see no reason WHATSOEVER that you cant just say bugger off woman, im going out for half a day.

just go swimming on your own, or hicking in the country or just something that doesnt involve having to keep an eye on someone else. lose yourself bro..and do it at least once a week.

if you need to cling to your guilt, then i will use it for you.

If you do not allow yourself some free time, your going to have a breakdown, then who is going to carry the world eh?

i appologise in advance if this sounds horrbible, its not meant to. its suppose to sound like someone showing you that you can give yourself permission once in a while to escape and bugger the consequences ;)

we love you man...dont break yourself trying to be the hero 24/7 that only happens in movies and as an epitaph of fallen saints ;)
Exactly...Good plan...should work...but if you really want to get tech...maybe grows in the future...take the measurement of your rm...the man at the store can tell you what size fan you need for that size this...Sizing an Exhaust Fan | Ask the Builder

that is if you want to go high tech..i ain't got no money...i got to get me some lights..

WOW What happen...
thats a great idea, i tell you what i have got, you know that flexy plastic pipe that you have on a clothes drying machine, its like a 6 inch tube that is long but also stretches further, basically you push it on to the pipe in the back of the dryer and it vents the hot air out of an open window, well i got some of that, i could possibly make something with that and do what you said and bring the vent down to the floor using the pipe,

sounds perfect! and i know you say you have a fan, but for other readers i think PCfans can go quite well with these.

i noticed a few of them little flies again

Catch a spider and move it into your growroom?

i think the problem started, by only watering the plants small amounts

Yes friend, this is a very bad habbit. you NEED to water to the point of 20% run off in my opinion. or you get all sorts of problems like dehydrated root tips, toxic salt build up at the bottom of the pot e.t.c

so what ill do now is let the pots totally dry out

just recently i saw mentioned on our forums that too dry can really harm the plant. i reccomend a good watering (so the plant has enough) then artificially dry the top inch or two with strong wind from all your fans (maybe reduce your light strength for a little while you do this so as to avoid heat burn from un winded light ;)

so next time ill take each pot out and check for problems, then ill use plain water for at least the next feed or 2, and ill water till i have run off then ill let them drain and put them back in the room

may i reccomend mixing up some nute water as per normal, but just a lot more of it...then 'fake' flush the hell out of them to remove all traces of previous wet/dry/salts type have no nute symptoms on your plants iirc, so you dont need plain water. feed them what you normally do, just drown it ;) also if needed, make some more air holes in the pots so that you can water more generously more often without it getting boggy and rotting e.t.c

i hope half this ive said seems logical, lol. dont want to give any unsound advice, but it does seem the sensible thing to do =)
Hey Don,
Doing as you suggested posting my CO2 questions in hopes Jondre or some other experienced CO2 users can help me out.

"Hey guys, hoping someone can help me with these questions regarding CO2.
I just picked up a 20lb tank of CO2 with a regulator and controller.
I have a 7x6x6 ft space, running 1 1000 watt HPS exhausted through a cool tube. Room scrubbed through a 3 ft canister. Room is running under negative pressure intake at the moment as I had to plug up my fresh air intake due to a huge PM infestation on the trees outside.

My question is, what intervals should I be setting my interval timers to turn on and off so I can maximize the CO2 being dispensed in the room without sucking it out through the exhaust.
A friend told me to set it at 15 minutes on/off and off an hour before lights out. I imagine I'd set my exhaust to turn off as the CO2 comes on. But how long to dispense for, and when to set timer to turn exhaust back on?
And will any interval timers available at Home Depot work for this?
Is this constant on/off'ing going to raise my temperatures too high?
Oh yeah and the room is sealed..

Any direction here would be extremely helpful as I want to get this up and running tonight.

Thanks guys, eagerly awaiting your responses"
Hey don and friends, just had a question, maybe someone here can help me. So I'm about 4 weeks into flower of my first grow, now I've had my plants on 12/12 but I'm reading some info that suggests cutting the light back to 11/13 or even 10/14 will increase the yield and trigger the plant to produce faster making it think its running out of time and sun. Wondering has anyone ever tried this and what kind of results did you have? Any advice would be greatly appreciated;)
Yeah if that mold grew they are the right conditions for PM to grow most likely. But that mold couldnt cause PM.

But you sound like you are on the job now.

Its really weird though. Your NL x Blueberry looks just like my XXX. Tiny short plant with TONS of little mini tops and smaller popcorns. However my NL 5 x 98 Blueberry, looks kinda different. Its only two weeks or three weeks old. But it definitely seems to grow a bit differently. Maybe it was your super cropping or maybe yours was crossed with the newer blueberry and not the 98 blueberry. But yeah once my NL x BB is a bit bigger I will show ya. It definitely grows different.
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