Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

I think I vegged her for over 90 days. Tho it was winter which is the worst time to Veg.

I think I need another light. Too many fucking plants.
Yeah, I need a greenhouse, more lights, better genetics, more experience....I'm sure I'm forgetting something lol
All clones still alive, surprisingly. I'm spraying the ones in the ice cream container with bottled water 5 times a day. The covered ones have enough humidity in their little house. They're sitting on top of my fridge that runs on propane so it's nice and warm for them. The light is a 15w cfl, on for around 16 hours a day.
On to the tent,
Today's feed consists of;
5 ltrs water, (pH 6.4, EC 0.0)
10 ml each of coco a&b
5 ml calmag
5 ml fulvic acid
15 ml guano
15 ml Flavor savior
10 ml bud burst
12.5 ml crystalic
After adding all that, the pH is 4.1, so I adjusted pH to 5.7
Temp of nutrient solution is 21°c
E.C is 1.6
I believe the only thing that will limit the grow is my light.
Or bugs.
Or me lol.
One last thing, I have been pouring the runoff liquid onto my thyme plant and it's going crazy and smells amazing.






I now have 16 clones and they're all still alive. Woo-hoo!
Coco plants fed with EC 1.4, pH 5.5
The plants in soil have had virtually no attention apart from the occasional drink of water and a couple of feeds of molasses. One is in a plastic planter bag in the tent and one is in a fabric shopping bag in the car. I also planted one in just plain old dirt. That one gets the runoff liquid from the tent, and besides the bug damage its new growth looks healthy. It's currently 10°c outside.
Starting to see the stretch happening in the tent.
The one in the red fabric bag is looking paler green than the others. I'm not sure if needs more nutrients than the others, I'm considering a foliar feed to see if it greens up a bit.







Clones out for a breather.
I gave the plant in soil a good soak with water and guano (10 ml per ltr)
Since I'm a little more comfortable with coco now, I've decided to get a bit aggressive with the feeding. I gave them a feed of pH 5.7 and EC 1.9, too aggressive? Maybe, but I figured I could flush and start fresh if it is.
I am experimenting after all.
This is what I added to 5 ltrs water,
Coco a&b 12.5 ml
Fulvic acid 5 ml
Calmag 6 ml
Crystalic 10 ml
Bud burst 10 ml
Flavor savior 15 ml
Guano 40 ml
Also gave everyone a foliar feed of 15 ml per ltr of flavor savior.




After giving the girls what I thought would be too much food, looks like they're loving it. I can't believe the overnight growth, I realize they're stretching since I changed the light to 12/12, but holy crap, they're pumping. The one I was worried about has greened up nicely.







Hey there, I've got heaps of bagseed so I just picked some decent looking ones and 9 out of 10 popped up. I used jiffy pellets but one got trapped in the mesh and couldn't poke its head through so I had to tear the mesh off. Seems the roots on some of the others had trouble with the mesh too so I might not use those next time. Expect a few males will thin out the bunch.
Hey jj. Looking forward to watching this grow! I’ve thought about doing an experiment similar to this for a while. Won’t have to now thanks : ) I’ve had similar issues with the mesh on jiffy pellets. What I’ve started doing is pre-snipping a slit in top and bottom mesh so when I transplant to her next pot I am able to gently tear off all the mesh before planting. Just make sure she’s well wet so the dirt stays together. Has worked every time for me so far.
Hey jj. Looking forward to watching this grow! I’ve thought about doing an experiment similar to this for a while. Won’t have to now thanks : ) I’ve had similar issues with the mesh on jiffy pellets. What I’ve started doing is pre-snipping a slit in top and bottom mesh so when I transplant to her next pot I am able to gently tear off all the mesh before planting. Just make sure she’s well wet so the dirt stays together. Has worked every time for me so far.
Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely be doing that from now on.
Stupid, stupid, stupid me.
I took the lid off the clones in the little humidity box thingy, and then I forgot about them. :thedoubletake::nervous-guy:
I'm not sure if they're going to make it.
I gave myself the Dad talk, "I'm not angry, I'm disappointed".
Dammit. Stupid boy.


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