Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Well so far the soil plants are doing well, pretty much the same as the coco. I think the real test will be flowering and flavor. If I don't notice a huge difference, I'll stick with the soil. It's easier, water every few days, don't have to worry too much about the minerals in the tap water etc.
But...if the coco plants give me more to smoke, (depending on how much more) it could be worth it. But truth be told, I'm lazy so it'll have to be lots more lol.
I watered the soil plants today with tap water, fulvic acid, seaweed fish mix and bud burst.
Watered the coco with EC 1.5, pH 5.8.
Did some more training as well.




So I'm in the tent training and I spot a problem.
I think I have guests.
Unwanted guests.
I sprinkled diatomaceous earth on the soil in case there's any critters. Don't like spray if I can help it. Not sure if I should put some on the coco plants.
On a different note, I'm going to use a blower from a car heater to ventilate the tent. I'll show you how I do it but I need some more parts first. My fridge runs on propane and I found out that it gives off co2, so I plan to run some ducting from above the fridge to the passive intake. In summer I plan to run ducting underneath the house to draw in cool air as well. I guess the co2 will be minimal, but it will help with warm air intake in winter. If it works, cool, if not, meh.
I also poked a couple of cuttings in the soil to see if they root. They've been in there for a couple of days. They haven't shriveled up yet so I suppose that's good. Never know, they might grow roots, then they can go outside.







Oh Martha Fockers!

Prey is my greatest enemy. And come the warmer weather comes the locust storm. Hey while there are 101 things I can’t do, main one being getting good bud to the jar, one thing I can do is clones. If you ever want help or advise there just let me know. I am very successful when striking them. I even got a monstercropped clone to veg in winter.
Oh Martha Fockers!

Prey is my greatest enemy. And come the warmer weather comes the locust storm. Hey while there are 101 things I can’t do, main one being getting good bud to the jar, one thing I can do is clones. If you ever want help or advise there just let me know. I am very successful when striking them. I even got a monstercropped clone to veg in winter.
Awesome thanks, I want to do a sea of green setup but I need another tent and light. I will eventually, so I'll be happy to learn when the time comes.
Awesome thanks, I want to do a sea of green setup but I need another tent and light. I will eventually, so I'll be happy to learn when the time comes.
Good morning :)

Omg light shortage. Literally story of my fucking life. I am trying to flower 5 plants using the light source to adequately shine for 3.

I’ll be happy to teach you, tho full disclosure I’m strict. My human training makes your plant training look like a pat on the head.

Good morning :)

Omg light shortage. Literally story of my fucking life. I am trying to flower 5 plants using the light source to adequately shine for 3.

I’ll be happy to teach you, tho full disclosure I’m strict. My human training makes your plant training look like a pat on the head.

Oh crap, I can't afford to lose limbs!
Rearranging stuff again.
Not enough room in the tent so one got put in the mobile greenhouse lol.
It's pretty cold at night at the moment so I hope it's okay. I feel like my kids just left home again. I'm worried all the time, but sooner or later you have to let them go. I'll still be there to help when needed but you're on your own now. Good luck.
Also, check out my poor man's fabric planter pot.


I notice a lot of people grow in those fabric looking pots. Do you think they are better than plastic?
I'm not sure yet. I've always used pots or planter bags. Apparently they stop the plants getting root bound and allows more oxygen to the roots. I've seen what happens when the roots get plenty of oxygen in a hydro setup, they go crazy and get huge. I won't know for sure until I carry out an autopsy though. It's just a shopping bag made of the same material as the $25 pots for $1 at the supermarket. Perfect size too.
Omg you MUTILATED that quote function reply brew :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

And is it really? The thing that concerns me with those fabric pots is they look hard to carry. I lug my pots out in the morning and in in the arvo.
Haha, yeah my interweb skills are lacking somewhat lol.
Probably not ideal for moving around, unless you had something to move them around, like a platform with caster wheels.
I think you can get quite sturdy ones though, I'm just cheap lol.
Hi all,
So today's feed was,
EC 1.7
Which consists of;
5ltrs water
Coco a&b 12.5 ml
Fulvic acid 5 ml
Calmag 8 ml
Flavor savior 15 ml
Bud burst 10 ml
pH 6.1
Did some more training to keep the canopy even.
Starting to see the dominant shoots now.
As long as the plants are girls, those will be buds, not much, but better than paying $400 oz.
It's starting to get dank now, I'm going to need a carbon filter, an excuse to go see my favorite bro at the grow shop. :)






Hi there,
So I removed some fan leaves at the bottom of the canopy to allow for better air flow. Not too much though.
I'm reasonably happy with the training, considering I have virtually no experience. A lot of what I know has been gained on the 420magazine site.
I plan to flip in the next week or two, got a few potential bud sites in position now. Just going to trim the lower leaves and shoots once the plants start flowering, and then I'll let them do their thing.
I still haven't got a filter yet, but I'll definitely need one given the smell emanating from the tent already :yummy:
I was removing runoff from the tubs with a sponge (I know), and I had a brainwave again. I took the window washer motor from the car, hooked up 12v and I have a pump! I'm going to set up another one to feed the plants on the next grow. Just need a feeding ring, bucket of nutrients, and the window washer pump, switch it on, and plants get fed automatically.
Any who, here's some pics.






I also put a couple outside.
We've been having temperatures as low as 4° celsius so I'm not surprised the one in the car is doing better than the one in the dirt.
The one in the car is in good quality soil and looking healthy, besides the white spots from the lime in the bore water.
When I say I put the other one in 'dirt', I mean sandy silt with no amendments at all. It's a bit sad after transplanting. I will be feeding it shop bought 'organic? based' nutrient. We'll see how that goes. I've got hundreds of bagseeds, so I'm not really worried if one dies, I'll do my best to keep it alive though. I just like watching cannabis adapt to its environment, good or bad. It's such an amazing plant.



Joe, if you are going to keep a pretty lady in the boot of your car, at least have the good manners to tidy the areas for her! The fact you have a piece of rope in there suggests she’s not your first victim LOLLLLLLL

Seriously tho, your grow is really coming along beautifully. Well done you :)
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