Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Fed coco plants,
EC 1.6
pH 6.1
Soil plants are grooving away with minimal effort.
Once I get some more soil and coco I'll repot them into fabric pots.


Fed coco plants,
EC 1.6
pH 6.1
Soil plants are grooving away with minimal effort.
Once I get some more soil and coco I'll repot them into fabric pots.


Is that a big leaf or do you have unusually small man hands?

I can hear her screaming the safe word at you from here!

Yeah my bad, it's really mean, I know. I've done it before, when they heal, the wounds turn into a big knuckle. According to some, it makes bigger buds for some reason. It seemed to work but what do I know. I squeezed a couple of branches early on in veg and the buds were slightly bigger on those branches.
Or I could have imagined the whole thing.
Or I could just like hurting them for fun.
We'll never know.
So I'm having to use tap water while we're in lock down, it's 4.8 pH and 0.6 EC.
I think it's full of calcium because it leaves white stains on everything.
I gave the plants a feed using the tap water (5ltrs) with 5 ml calmag, 12.5 ml a&b and 5 ml fulvic acid.
I'm not sure if I should drop the calmag for now, just till I can get filtered water again.
EC of today's feed was 1.9, pH 6.1 (pH is being kept between 5.8-6.1) they seem happy enough at the moment.




G'day trala,
There is no safe word lol.



Good morning :)

I don’t mind a bit of tying up, but I draw the line at HST. It literally gives me anxiety hearing the branches crack. Rather than view it as plant torture HST, I’m gonna pretend it’s plant yoga ok? And yoga is good for you :)

They look good, but cuzzy, that stem split. Go easy on the yoga poses coz it’s all fun and games till you rip her legs off!

Good morning :)

I don’t mind a bit of tying up, but I draw the line at HST. It literally gives me anxiety hearing the branches crack. Rather than view it as plant torture HST, I’m gonna pretend it’s plant yoga ok? And yoga is good for you :)

They look good, but cuzzy, that stem split. Go easy on the yoga poses coz it’s all fun and games till you rip her legs off!

LOL, yeah I feel bad when I do it but I think she secretly likes it ;)
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