Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

LOL, yeah I feel bad when I do it but I think she secretly likes it ;)
Yeah nah brah, if she needs medical assistance post HST, I can’t believe she likes it. I know it’s all about that knuckle, but I just can’t do it.

Have you seen copperrein HST? She fucks em right up. LOLLLL
See his little balls?
Photo isn't the best.
I looked with my loupe.


You got a Miss Man there fo sho.

And if you need a loupe to see those things you need spec savers stat!

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
So I pulled a male yesterday and I'm not happy with the jiffy pellets. The mesh around the pellet was choking the roots. Lucky for me I took the mesh off the others before I put them in pots.
I'm kind of hoping for some more males, (to make more room) since I didn't realize my light is barely enough for 1 plant.
I'll pick the best 1 or 2 to stay inside and the others will go outside.
Just as well I used bagseed which I have lots of.
To upgrade my light to a more powerful one will require more solar panels since I am completely off grid. It'll happen, but not right now.
Anyway, some more pics.








They are coming along well.

I have an unknown seed. Old mate has had it in his freezer for 5 years and gave it to me to strike. He is unsure if it is male or female. I have had such good luck with having females. Hopefully this run continues:)
They are coming along well.

I have an unknown seed. Old mate has had it in his freezer for 5 years and gave it to me to strike. He is unsure if it is male or female. I have had such good luck with having females. Hopefully this run continues:)
Hey trala,
I've never kept seeds in the freezer, always in an air tight container in the pantry. I've had seeds pop that were over 10 yrs old. Bloody amazing.
Hey trala,
I've never kept seeds in the freezer, always in an air tight container in the pantry. I've had seeds pop that were over 10 yrs old. Bloody amazing.
Me either tbh

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

I don’t think it will strike, but you gotta be in it to win it aye :)
Hi all,
I fed the plants in coco with EC 1.4, pH 5.9, that's 12.5 ml a&b and 10 ml bud burst.
I dropped the calmag for now (till I can get filtered water) since the a&b has plenty. I also added some bud burst.
I topped one and dropped the top in the runoff liquid, I was going to throw it out but decided to just poke it in the soil and see what happens. It's still alive after 3 days, problem is, now I've got WAY too many plants for my tiny little light.
Once I know which ones are female, I'll decide what I want to do with them, (inside or outside).







Oiii did you know if you clone a top it grows symmetrically like a seed? Coz I didn’t till I dipped a top and tried my luck. From this day on I’ll always clone a seed top.
I imagine it will just grow roots and carry on as an exact replica of mum.
But they aren’t symmetrical. Regular clones I mean. There branches are higgldy piggldy.

You picking up what I’m putting down?
Yeah, cos 99% of clones come from the branches eh, but you only get 1 main top on the plant and I believe that's the one that grows 'apical'. I think. Maybe. Hahaha. And so that's the only one that grows like the normal xmas tree shape when you clone it. I think. Maybe.
Yeah, cos 99% of clones come from the branches eh, but you only get 1 main top on the plant and I believe that's the one that grows 'apical'. I think. Maybe. Hahaha. And so that's the only one that grows like the normal xmas tree shape when you clone it. I think. Maybe.
Apical? Are you making up words? Coz I’m not sure if that’s actually a word. And if it is it totes shouldn’t be.

That’s the one thing I don’t like about clones. I’m all about the symmetry.

I‘m gonna monstercrop my monstercropper tomorrow. Those things throw limbs like a limb thrower. I don’t think a limb thrower is a thing now I’ve typed it.
Apical? Are you making up words? Coz I’m not sure if that’s actually a word. And if it is it totes shouldn’t be.

That’s the one thing I don’t like about clones. I’m all about the symmetry.

I‘m gonna monstercrop my monstercropper tomorrow. Those things throw limbs like a limb thrower. I don’t think a limb thrower is a thing now I’ve typed it.
Yeah, it totally is a thing. Probably.
Limb thrower is the same thing as a wood chucker. Just in a different way.
Yeah, it totally is a thing. Probably.
Limb thrower is the same thing as a wood chucker. Just in a different way.
I’m not sure. Tho to be fair I haven’t consulted google.


Its basically a wood chucker who is also a serial killer with a dismembering limbs throw fetish.
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