Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

I've topped all the plants now, except for the mutant, which topped itself. It's getting trained to make sure the branches coming from the stem grow up towards the light.
The coco is more work than the soil but I'm seeing the benefits already.
The taste test is what counts, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
So far, so good.



The growth in soil is definitely slower than coco.

the plants in coco get oxygen to the roots much better. they will grow more rapid and fill out better as a result.

I am envious, you're still having frost and your country has handled covid better than anyone.
Its 90⁰+ here every day and I am surrounded by lunatics.

we've allowed our content machinery to create false narratives used by folk of questionable character for nefarious purposes.
all the while enriching them as they destroy.
I am envious, you're still having frost and your country has handled covid better than anyone.
Its 90⁰+ here every day and I am surrounded by lunatics.
I must admit we are pretty lucky. Right now we're in lock down cos some stupid bugger brought covid with them.
We have a few lunatics, but they get dealt with quickly.
Hey all,
I think I have the beginning of a magnesium deficiency in the coco plants.
After some research, it seems my pH may have been the problem.
It's slightly lower than ideal for magnesium uptake (lowest 5.3, this time 6.2, ) so I'm going to keep pH around 5.8-6.2
I'm also going to add 2ml per litre of cal-mag, instead of the 1.25ml specified on the bottle.
If anyone thinks I'm on the wrong track, feel free to school me lol.
It's easier to see from below.





you need to feed coco at a consistent 5.8 or you will run in to ph issues. the soil should be fed at 6.3 or so. either make two separate mixes or divide them before you ph and feed to the different plants.

if not it will be a comparison of ph problems in soil and coco.
you need to feed coco at a consistent 5.8 or you will run in to ph issues. the soil should be fed at 6.3 or so. either make two separate mixes or divide them before you ph and feed to the different plants.

if not it will be a comparison of ph problems in soil and coco.
I deliberately allow my pH to drift (5.8-6.2), so anywhere around 6 works for me in any medium (Bio, Canna A/B)
the bio aspect will compensate to a degree. it's not a guarantee though. and bottled bio -anything nutes are notorious on the board for ph and late veg/flower nute problems.

depending on your soil / nute choices you can ignore ph, but the coco will need a consistent 5.8 to begin, with an updrift to complete the cycle.
you may have seen this used on the board


it targets a bit higher in soil at 6.5. there is some debate as to whether 6.5 or 6.3 works a touch better.
you may have seen this used on the board


it targets a bit higher in soil at 6.5. there is some debate as to whether 6.5 or 6.3 works a touch better.
Yeah, but I think this representation is misleading - availability doesn't just cut off like that in blocks, rather it just tapers off
According to the chart, 5.5 is in 'range' for hydro but also shows that zero P or Mg can be absorbed - that's not correct
Allowing for some drift makes certain the plant gets all it needs, the overlap is +/- pH 6.0
Yeah, but I think this representation is misleading - availability doesn't just cut off like that in blocks, rather it just tapers off
According to the chart, 5.5 is in 'range' for hydro but also shows that zero P or Mg can be absorbed - that's not correct
Allowing for some drift makes certain the plant gets all it needs, the overlap is +/- pH 6.0

coco can get fucked over time at 6.0. depends on how it's been amended. some brands have lime etc to compensate. nearly all coco suppliers maintain a rock solid 5.8 ph as the starting point
you need to feed coco at a consistent 5.8 or you will run in to ph issues. the soil should be fed at 6.3 or so. either make two separate mixes or divide them before you ph and feed to the different plants.

if not it will be a comparison of ph problems in

Lol, the comparison of pH problems in soil and coco. Got ya.
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