Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

You don’t want to go below 19c to 22c keeps water pest from growing . Sorry about the males :( When the leaves touch they perspire and the fan blowing makes them rub and that’s when you see the moisture.
There are two light contests still going , do you need the links ?
Making your own seeds if you go to this thread @InTheShed here’s a link to get started .
Yeah, trying my best to keep temperature around there. It's a bit of a pain to stay up all night stoking the fire (which I did a few times) but it's spring now so the temperature is better.
It was a blessing in disguise to have a male to remove, gives the others more room. I've been lurking around getting tips from the awesome growers on this site. Thanks for the tip. I've turned up my extractor fan for more airflow and with the male gone they're not so crowded, so I'm hoping that helps.
I think I entered two competitions for the smaller lights but I'm not holding my breath lol, lots of worthwhile winners in front of me. I'm happy to keep trying though. I really like the look of the 'viparspectra xs1000'. It seems ideal for me. It's on my wishlist.
As for 'pollen chucking' lol, I'll go have a look at InTheSheds post.
Again, thanks for the info.
Ok, so I made a mistake when I potted the clones.
I used the coco from the male I just culled. Didn't even think about the fact I was feeding it with EC 1.8, I had a look at the clones and they've fallen over. I hope I didn't mess up too bad. First time using coco is a steep learning curve even with all the top notch info at my fingertips. So I made a mix of coco a&b at EC 0.6, pH 5.5 and flushed the pots. Hopefully they perk up again. Time will tell.



Some of the plants are out-stretching the others, so I bent the stems into open areas last night. They've bounced back already, apart from the one I snapped, oops.





So is this your first super cropping ? Nothing like some electrical tape on hand .
So is this your first super cropping ? Nothing like some electrical tape on hand .
No it's not my first time, I'm just rough as guts lol. Someone showed me how to do it years ago, along with topping. I also recently learned about fimming.
It's not snapped completely, just mostly.
I had some surgical tape I was using for that exact purpose, it's strong, water resistant, breathable and sterile, but I ran out after I split my last plant in half.
Rough as guts.
I put the 3 clones from the humidity box thingy into some coco after seeing some roots.
I then put 3 clones from 'short stack' into the clone box. They seem to root faster in there.
I added a couple of drops of fertiliser with higher potassium (N5, P8, K12) to the spray bottle for misting the clones. I used a seaweed mix to spray them last time I took clones, it helped but I ran out of it, so I'm using what I have on hand for now.
So far, so good.


You are so organised!

Sorry the boys ruined it, but I have to admit the savagery of seeing his twisted broken body in that hole had me clutching my pearls and I’m not even wearing any!

You are brutal!
You are so organised!

Sorry the boys ruined it, but I have to admit the savagery of seeing his twisted broken body in that hole had me clutching my pearls and I’m not even wearing any!

You are brutal!
I am a little bit ocd.
Probably for the best I have a son instead of a daughter, any boys hanging around my girl would end up in the compost :rofl:
I'm finding the clones kept in a humid environment require less attention (don't need spraying as much to stay moist), but they are more delicate than the ones in the open air.
It's all about that balance in between, right JJ?
So I fed the plants in coco the same as yesterday.
While I was looking around, I noticed the fan leaves on one plant have a tiny little leaf growing out of the middle. Trippy, I've never seen this before. They look healthy enough. Genetic mutation?
Some people say they might grow tiny little buds in the middle of the leaf. Man I hope so.



I stole the idea from trala. It works and it's cheaper than buying another humidity box.
Omg that makes me so happy.

I think that is prolly the first grow tip anyone has taken from me.

:) :) :)
Omg that makes me so happy.

I think that is prolly the first grow tip anyone has taken from me.

:) :) :)
You're underestimating yourself. I'm sure you've helped many people, even if you don't realize it. Lots of lurkers learning.
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