Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

I've been potting up some of the clones.
3 of the Short Stack clones went into a 70/30 coco perlite mix, and I watered them in with coco a&b, EC 0.6, pH 5.8, till runoff. The pots are pb2, 1.2 ltr planter bags. Nothing special.
I have 1 Short Stack clone left, and another clone from another mother, but I need more coco, so they can wait.
I also potted the clone I took from the soil plant. That one went into a pb5, 3 ltr planter bag, with the same soil I already have.

To be honest I didn't think they would live this long. I'm stoked.

Can you see the green do-dad?
Don't trust them.
They lie.
Get a decent meter to measure pH and EC.





I've been potting up some of the clones.
3 of the Short Stack clones went into a 70/30 coco perlite mix, and I watered them in with coco a&b, EC 0.6, pH 5.8, till runoff. The pots are pb2, 1.2 ltr planter bags. Nothing special.
I have 1 Short Stack clone left, and another clone from another mother, but I need more coco, so they can wait.
I also potted the clone I took from the soil plant. That one went into a pb5, 3 ltr planter bag, with the same soil I already have.

To be honest I didn't think they would live this long. I'm stoked.

Can you see the green do-dad?
Don't trust them.
They lie.
Get a decent meter to measure pH and EC.





Mine is black not green, usually pretty honest w me. Green one.muat just be jealous of your cloning and not want to help you pop-they look like they are enjoying their bottles. And what time is it there, you just a very early riser?
Mine is black not green, usually pretty honest w me. Green one.muat just be jealous of your cloning and not want to help you pop-they look like they are enjoying their bottles. And what time is it there, you just a very early riser?
Yeah thanks, the clones look happy (so far, lol)
As I write this, it is 8 am here. I often have trouble sleeping, so I can be seen lurking around the place at any time of the night or day.
Yeah thanks, the clones look happy (so far, lol)
As I write this, it is 8 am here. I often have trouble sleeping, so I can be seen lurking around the place at any time of the night or day.
Well this makes sense and you answered my question of do you sleep much, already soooo....good morning! How long have you been growing solely from clones?
Well this makes sense and you answered my question of do you sleep much, already soooo....good morning! How long have you been growing solely from clones?
I started growing with bagseed (that's the ones in the tent) and I'm trying to find a nice pheno to use for a 'sea of green' setup.
That's why I started cloning.
This is the 2nd time I've cloned plants. The first time was last year, 4 clones from an outdoor bagseed plant in flower, two of them grew into solid little buds about 10" tall, and I re-veged the other two and grew them in the tent. Unfortunately I don't have many pics.
I've only had the tent and light a few months.
I'm really liking the looks of the plant in the red fabric bag.
I'm also going to have a go at breeding my own strains.
I have a purple boy that flowered really early and looks like a sativa, I'd like to cross him with 'Short Stack', she's got a nice shape, looks like indica, and smells good.
So the long winded answer to your question is, not long at all.




I started growing with bagseed (that's the ones in the tent) and I'm trying to find a nice pheno to use for a 'sea of green' setup.
That's why I started cloning.
This is the 2nd time I've cloned plants. The first time was last year, 4 clones from an outdoor bagseed plant in flower, two of them grew into solid little buds about 10" tall, and I re-veged the other two and grew them in the tent. Unfortunately I don't have many pics.
I've only had the tent and light a few months.
I'm really liking the looks of the plant in the red fabric bag.
I'm also going to have a go at breeding my own strains.
I have a purple boy that flowered really early and looks like a sativa, I'd like to cross him with 'Short Stack', she's got a nice shape, looks like indica, and smells good.
So the long winded answer to your question is, not long at all.




Answers all my questions. I have all these seeds but I should embark on a cloning mission, soon. I'll be looking to you for some advice when/if I do. Otherwise, I will be following anyway. They all look great! So healthy! Love her coloring
Answers all my questions. I have all these seeds but I should embark on a cloning mission, soon. I'll be looking to you for some advice when/if I do. Otherwise, I will be following anyway. They all look great! So healthy! Love her coloring
I must warn you, I'm a complete novice with clones. I'm surprised they're still alive tbh.
Everything I've learned so far has been from copying the awesome growers at :420:
I'm honored and humbled by your praise and kind words.
I must warn you, I'm a complete novice with clones. I'm surprised they're still alive tbh.
Everything I've learned so far has been from copying the awesome growers at :420:
I'm honored and humbled by your praise and kind words.
The good juju helps a grower. I know from experience. I look around here for answers to my questions all the time. I have plenty more, I'm sure we all do-even our remarkable :420:friends
Update on the clones.
I've potted all but 2, not sure what to do with the last 2, I may end up planting them outside, I haven't decided yet.
The 3 clones in the soil are looking a bit sad, kinda yellow, but still standing. We'll see how they go.
The one from the soil plant has been potted into the same type of soil as her mother. She looks happy and healthy and is doing well without a cover now.
The clones in coco are 3 from Short Stack and 3 from #6.
I'm trying to get them used to life without a lid, but I can't leave them open too long, they're still really delicate.
They seem healthy enough at the moment.
I fed the clones in coco with EC 0.6 and pH 5.5 till runoff.






The girls in the tent are coming along nicely.
I fed them today with EC 1.6 and pH 5.4
My nutrient schedule could be more accurate, no, should be more accurate, I'm working on that.
I've been raising my light as they stretch, keeping it at around 30cm or 12in or 1 foot from the canopy, depending on whether you use imperial or metric measurement.




These are the last clones still in the jiffy pellets.
The top one is from plant A (right front of tent).
She smells nice but she's quite stretchy, not really what I'm looking for in a mother.
Anyway, she's having a hard time adjusting from the clone box.
These pics were taken around half an hour apart.
As you can see, she's tipping over, not the strongest genetics. Or more likely my fault.
The one at the bottom of the pic is from Short Stack, my favorite. As you can see it's having no problem adjusting.
I've taken 4 clones from her so far and they've all taken.
The other 3 from her are in coco perlite, being fed 0.6 EC at pH 5.6 and those clones are already hardening off and looking good.
Short Stack is a good mother with strong genes for cloning. If she smokes as well as she grows, we have a winner.




I see pistils on all 5 remaining plants.
Not sure if you can see, my camera isn't the best.
Nows the best part, watching the buds grow.
Ideally, I would have more light, or less plants, but beggars can't be choosers, and I like a variety of smoke.






I see pistils on all 5 remaining plants.
Not sure if you can see, my camera isn't the best.
Nows the best part, watching the buds grow.
Ideally, I would have more light, or less plants, but beggars can't be choosers, and I like a variety of smoke.






There they be! Hurray!
I topped the plant in the boot and couldn't bring myself to throw the tops away. So I dipped them in rooting hormone and I'm trying a different cloning method.
This time I'll be trying them in a cup of water.
If they take, I'll spot plant them outside.




Hi there, I've decided to experiment a little with different substrates, nutrients etc. One topped itself. It's a bit crowded right now but I'm expecting some to be male. If not some might go outside. The two in the back are in living soil, same as the two in smallest pots, the rest are in coco. Feeding coco with calmag, a&b, fulvic acid, seaweed, fish, etc. Soil is fed water, fulvic acid, molasses, seaweed, fish,etc. Looking forward to a bumper crop.


This is a great experiment! I did mine over three years ago. I've been using coco and perlite ever since. Not trying to sway you either way!!! I have good friends who grow amazing plants in soil. I ended up a coco grower because I love having the control. There's never an indoor problem that can't be solved with coco once you get the hang of everything.

At the same time, soil is great in that you don't have to do too much to it if you get the recipe right. Add water when needed. Done!
This is a great experiment! I did mine over three years ago. I've been using coco and perlite ever since. Not trying to sway you either way!!! I have good friends who grow amazing plants in soil. I ended up a coco grower because I love having the control. There's never an indoor problem that can't be solved with coco once you get the hang of everything.

At the same time, soil is great in that you don't have to do too much to it if you get the recipe right. Add water when needed. Done!
Hey bhang,
I'm starting to feel the same way about coco. It's a little difficult to get the hang of, mainly pH for me. Up, down, up, down, lol.
It's a little pricey to start with, hopefully it's worth it.
But yeah, if you have the time and inclination, it's pretty cool to 'have the power'. :morenutes:
Soil is easy if you have a decent base to start with, 'spray and walk away' lol.
I'm really interested in seeing if the flavor and yield is substantially better either way.
I'm going to do the same experiment with clones from the same plant. One in soil, the others in coco being fed different flavors. Clone wars.
Hey bhang,
I'm starting to feel the same way about coco. It's a little difficult to get the hang of, mainly pH for me. Up, down, up, down, lol.
It's a little pricey to start with, hopefully it's worth it.
But yeah, if you have the time and inclination, it's pretty cool to 'have the power'. :morenutes:
Soil is easy if you have a decent base to start with, 'spray and walk away' lol.
I'm really interested in seeing if the flavor and yield is substantially better either way.
I'm going to do the same experiment with clones from the same plant. One in soil, the others in coco being fed different flavors. Clone wars.
Oh yeah, man. Soak it up! Both grows are cool. I don't know how you're going about doing your pH adjustments but the hurdle for me on that was what I was using. I was using the popular "UP" and "DOWN" stuff with coco until I realized how much it was throwing off my nutrient levels. I soon switched to using pure distilled white vinegar to acidify and baking soda to base out. We're looking to go down most of the time and vinegar hardly measures any salt content. So, I was able to balance both my pH and EC by switching. Now I'm in the fast lane on cruise control with pH. Before that it was a major pain in my entire southern hemisphere!
Oh yeah, man. Soak it up! Both grows are cool. I don't know how you're going about doing your pH adjustments but the hurdle for me on that was what I was using. I was using the popular "UP" and "DOWN" stuff with coco until I realized how much it was throwing off my nutrient levels. I soon switched to using pure distilled white vinegar to acidify and baking soda to base out. We're looking to go down most of the time and vinegar hardly measures any salt content. So, I was able to balance both my pH and EC by switching. Now I'm in the fast lane on cruise control with pH. Before that it was a major pain in my entire southern hemisphere!
My water is getting closer to pH7, so I was using vinegar to lower it on my first grow in garden store potting mix, till I got some decent soil and haven't bothered since. The soil takes care of that.
As for the coco perlite, when I add my nutrients the pH drops to 4.8 ish. So I add pH up, around 10 ml of the stuff I've got at the moment. I just bought a new brand, so it'll take a bit to get used to it since it's more concentrated.
As for the baking soda, I tried it, but I found it inconsistent and frankly a pain in my hemisphere :rofl:
One thing I've learned here is there's so many different types of cannabis growers, you can pick and choose from their skill set to find your own way of doing things. It's fantastic to be able to discuss growing cannabis with people from all walks of life.
Tag me if you start a journal and I'll come watch your garden grow.
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