Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Where are you getting stuck
Wow look at me, working shit out. Now I know how to add stuff you'll have to scroll down for 10 minutes when I'm done:rofl:

:thanks: for your patience.

I feel like I just learned to ride a bike.
Wow look at me, working shit out. Now I know how to add stuff you'll have to scroll down for 10 minutes when I'm done:rofl:

:thanks: for your patience.

I feel like I just learned to ride a bike.
There ya go buddy!!! I have all the patience in the world, believe me!! Just happy you are happy :thumb: Look at you with your multiple signature links! Now I have to go check up on you with my morning coffee and toke! This morning's spread is for you JJ ! :goodjob::passitleft::cheer:

This morning I fed with,
EC 1.8
pH 5.6
5 ltrs water
Fulvic acid 5 ml
Calmag 7 ml
Coco a&b 12.5 ml
Flavor savior 10 ml
bud burst 10 ml
Crystalic 10 ml
Guano 15 ml
I noticed a few leaves that look like excess nitrogen (tip claw) after the feed at EC 1.9, I've heard this coco a&b can be too high in nitrogen when given in higher concentration during flowering. Or maybe my pH is slightly lower than ideal for this stage of the grow. I'll probably use more additives instead of raising the a&b, and keep pH closer to 5.8ish.
Once again the hardest part is getting the pH right, still getting used to the new pH up.
Smells soooo good in there.







This morning I fed with,
EC 1.8
pH 5.6
5 ltrs water
Fulvic acid 5 ml
Calmag 7 ml
Coco a&b 12.5 ml
Flavor savior 10 ml
bud burst 10 ml
Crystalic 10 ml
Guano 15 ml
I noticed a few leaves that look like excess nitrogen (tip claw) after the feed at EC 1.9, I've heard this coco a&b can be too high in nitrogen when given in higher concentration during flowering. Or maybe my pH is slightly lower than ideal for this stage of the grow. I'll probably use more additives instead of raising the a&b, and keep pH closer to 5.8ish.
Once again the hardest part is getting the pH right, still getting used to the new pH up.
Smells soooo good in there.







They look great but I think you will need to re up some other way friend
You're out of Buds in those jars....
Yeah, don't remind me.
I'm going to make some oil from the leaf and shake I have.
I've made some cookies but I'm no chef, didn't add enough sugar or weed. Disappointing.
10c 50f that’s a little chilly, but I’ve seen snow on them and days later it’s 65f and she takes off again .
Brrrr, not quite snow, but the cold does slow things down a bit, including me lol. She'll be right, the weather is getting warmer now.
Brrrr, not quite snow, but the cold does slow things down a bit, including me lol. She'll be right, the weather is getting warmer now.
We started ours in middle of February , our spring is March 21 . She was two feet tall when in April it decided it’d snow 2” in Texas we figured we lost her ended up 11’ tall .
We started ours in middle of February , our spring is March 21 . She was two feet tall when in April it declined it’d snow 2” in Texas we figured we lost here ended up 11’ tall .
Indica or sativa? I figured the Indica would tolerate cold better. 11 feet tall would suggest sativa though. Man that's amazing, I honestly thought snow would kill cannabis outright. Must have been a hardy, healthy plant to survive.
Indica or sativa? I figured the Indica would tolerate cold better. 11 feet tall would suggest sativa though. Man that's amazing, I honestly thought snow would kill cannabis outright. Must have been a hardy, healthy plant to survive.
Bag seed took a detour to Mexico grabbed a couple kilos . Some of the finest boarder fresh smoke . These guys would never put a name on it , it’s when you get deeper into Mexico they had names .
We just scraped it back figuring we lost her . That was in 76 .
Bag seed took a detour to Mexico grabbed a couple kilos . Some of the finest boarder fresh smoke . These guys would never put a name on it , it’s when you get deeper into Mexico they had names .
We just scraped it back figuring we lost her . That was in 76 .
Couple of kilos from Mexico :adore::drool::cheesygrinsmiley:
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