Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Couple of kilos from Mexico :adore::drool::cheesygrinsmiley:
Back then it was the finest you could get for $55 a kilo , smoke too much it’d put you to sleep. Bad thing our government decision to paraquat Mexico right after that and everybody at the boarder would sell the poison back to us .
Back then it was the finest you could get for $55 a kilo , smoke too much it’d put you to sleep. Bad thing our government decision to paraquat Mexico right after that and everybody at the boarder would sell the poison back to us .
We had police in choppers spraying bush crops, not sure if they're still doing it, but some people smoked it anyway. I remember one of the choppers getting shot down when I was a kid. Crazy stuff.
She's turning into a booty. A big booty girl.
She's sulking a bit because it's 10° outside.

Shes my pick :)

Has she got a name?
Shes my pick :)

Has she got a name?
I was wondering about that. Haven't decided on a name.
I decided I was being a bit mean treating her like a bad dog. She's getting eaten by slugs, she's cold and she's neglected. But she's a trooper. Hey, how about that for a name? Trooper. Super Trooper?:cheesygrinsmiley:
As soon as I get more soil, I'm going to repot this plant. I'm cheap, so I'll be using a washing basket with a fabric supermarket bag inside.
The white powder is diatomaceous earth, to get rid of any bugs. I see snail trails and eaten leaves.
Besides that, she looks good. I'll do some supercropping after I repot.




After complaining about empty jars, and making a batch of oil, I found this hiding behind a chair. :yahoo:
I must have put it there to dry and forgot it :rofl:
It was in a paper bag and it's over dry, but it's sticky and smells nice. Happy daze.

I was wondering about that. Haven't decided on a name.
I decided I was being a bit mean treating her like a bad dog. She's getting eaten by slugs, she's cold and she's neglected. But she's a trooper. Hey, how about that for a name? Trooper. Super Trooper?:cheesygrinsmiley:
Well my advice, since you asked ;)

That name is not pretty enough.

The song super trooper was sung by abba - as a little girl I loved the blonde one. Her name is Anna.

I vote:-

Full name: Anna von Trooper
Nickername when she’s good: Super T
Well my advice, since you asked ;)

That name is not pretty enough.

The song super trooper was sung by abba - as a little girl I loved the blonde one. Her name is Anna.

I vote:-

Full name: Anna von Trooper
Nickername when she’s good: Super T
Anna von Trooper.
I like it.
I hope she earns the name 'Super T'
I'll like that even more:yummy::cheesygrinsmiley:
Boring update today, fed the girls with
EC 1.8
pH 5.8
5 ltrs water
5 ml fulvic acid
7.5 ml Calmag
15 ml Flavor savior
10 ml bud burst
10 ml crystalic
30 ml guano
12.5 ml a&b
Looking good, smelling good, and making buds.
Happy daze.




Fed coco plants with
pH 5.8
EC 2.0
That's max nutrients I can feed them before tip burn right now. That's something I'm liking about coco, that I can blast them with nutrients, but it is time consuming getting the mix right, pH etc.

On the other hand, I soaked the plant in soil with 10 ml per ltr guano, (which is unnecessary as the soil is advertised as 'water only', I'm adding it for flavor) and I don't have to water again for a couple of days or so. I'm impressed with the quality of the soil so far, it's keeping up with the coco in the same size pot so it must be pretty good.
No matter whether it's coco or soil, I love watching the buds develop, it's very satisfying.






It's that time of year again, so I finally went shopping, and came home with more soil, some mulch (pea straw), and some calibration solution for the pH meter.
I repotted AVT in the fresh soil, added mulch and spread diatomaceous earth liberally around to stop bugs. As you can see, she's been visited by some nasty little creepy crawlers, getting high on my supply. I think it's a slug. He won't be back. Not if I can help it.



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