Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

My water is getting closer to pH7, so I was using vinegar to lower it on my first grow in garden store potting mix, till I got some decent soil and haven't bothered since. The soil takes care of that.
As for the coco perlite, when I add my nutrients the pH drops to 4.8 ish. So I add pH up, around 10 ml of the stuff I've got at the moment. I just bought a new brand, so it'll take a bit to get used to it since it's more concentrated.
As for the baking soda, I tried it, but I found it inconsistent and frankly a pain in my hemisphere :rofl:
One thing I've learned here is there's so many different types of cannabis growers, you can pick and choose from their skill set to find your own way of doing things. It's fantastic to be able to discuss growing cannabis with people from all walks of life.
Tag me if you start a journal and I'll come watch your garden grow.
Absolutely no doubt about it. There are about a million ways to grow with a good outcome. I can't tell you how many times I've watched a friend of mine go about his grow and think, "Those plants are going to run into some major issues." Three months later we're all sitting down making comments on how awesome they turned out.

In this case, I pH my water first. Then I use an EC meter to get my nutrient level up to where I need it for the strain and time period of the grow. Since I've been using coco there's never been a reason for me to pH up. So although I keep the baking soda on hand, I've never actually needed to use it.

I'm not sure yet what I'm going to post. It's going to take me a while to get used to this place. It's pretty big and active! But I'll definitely tag you if I decide to run a journal.
Hi all,
The Short Stack clones are all living happily out of the bottles full time now. So is the clone in soil. Unless I do something drastic (stupid), they should be okay.
The 6c clones aren't as strong as the rest. Not sure what I'm going to do with them. They start curling up within minutes of being in the open air. Frustrating.
Any who,
The nutrients list for the plants in coco today is,
5.5 ltrs water
Fulvic acid 5 ml
Calmag 7.5 ml
Coco a&b 12.5 ml
Bud burst 10 ml
Flavor savior 15 ml
Guano 15 ml
After adding nutrients I tested with my EC / pH meter, and the reading was 4.4 pH and EC 1.6, I added around 12 ml of pH up and got this reading.
EC 1.7
pH 5.7
They're looking ok to me.

I'm still learning but I think the stretch has slowed somewhat now. I'm noticing some more pistils too. :thumb:

First pic is Short Stack in soil
Next two are Short Stack in coco perlite
4th down is the soil plant clone. I might call it Spidey, because it looks like a spider, kind of. :rofl:
Last is the clones from #6, the weaklings. As you can see the ones at the back look sad.





Fed coco plants with pH 5.5 and EC 1.7, hand watering once per day.

The plant in soil is keeping up with the others with minimal effort.

The clones are still alive but the 3 weaker ones got put outside, I've had enough of trying to baby them along. They're on their own now.

All the Short Stack clones, are happy.

Spider girl is looking good.

AC is still in the clone box with the vents open getting used to the air.

The 3 remaining 6c clones are in the open air now. Sink or swim.

The 4 in the water are turning their stems, almost like they don't want to be in the water.

All clones in coco fed EC 0.7, pH 6 till runoff. I'm feeding them every 2nd day for now.

I'm not sure if I should start another journal specifically for the clones.








Fed coco plants with pH 5.5 and EC 1.7, hand watering once per day.

The plant in soil is keeping up with the others with minimal effort.

The clones are still alive but the 3 weaker ones got put outside, I've had enough of trying to baby them along. They're on their own now.

All the Short Stack clones, are happy.

Spider girl is looking good.

AC is still in the clone box with the vents open getting used to the air.

The 3 remaining 6c clones are in the open air now. Sink or swim.

The 4 in the water are turning their stems, almost like they don't want to be in the water.

All clones in coco fed EC 0.7, pH 6 till runoff. I'm feeding them every 2nd day for now.

I'm not sure if I should start another journal specifically for the clones.








Looking good JJ!
I’ve got two threads going it’s pretty tough on me but I’m old . There are a few running perpetual journals. Girls are looking great.
Haha, I'm old-ish, but I'll give it a go.
I have trouble keeping an interest in long threads.
Thanks, I think they look good too, but it's good to hear it from someone else.
Hi all,
At the moment we're getting warm days (20-25°c) and cold nights (10-15°c)
Since I live off grid, I can't just turn the heater on.
Because I'm growing indica I believe the plants can survive a little cold spell. Obviously it's not ideal, and growth will be slowed down, but I'm working with what I have. It's spring, so it'll warm up soon.
Anyway, I fed the plants in coco with EC 1.7, pH 5.5
Nutrients are the same as before, except for the a&b, I raised that to 15 ml from 12.5

I removed some foliage for better air flow and light penetration. Not really sure what I'm doing but I'm definitely learning new tips and tricks from the :420: crew.






Hi all,
At the moment we're getting warm days (20-25°c) and cold nights (10-15°c)
Since I live off grid, I can't just turn the heater on.
Because I'm growing indica I believe the plants can survive a little cold spell. Obviously it's not ideal, and growth will be slowed down, but I'm working with what I have. It's spring, so it'll warm up soon.
Anyway, I fed the plants in coco with EC 1.7, pH 5.5
Nutrients are the same as before, except for the a&b, I raised that to 15 ml from 12.5

I removed some foliage for better air flow and light penetration. Not really sure what I'm doing but I'm definitely learning new tips and tricks from the :420: crew.






I think you are doing a just fine job and asking the right questions in the best place at the right times. :goodjob:
I’m most invested in the hostage you have in that filthy fucking boot heeee brew!

I took her out of the boot and put her in a less obvious spot, just as filthy, so she feels right at home :rofl:

It took me a couple times and had to get direction from @TorturedSoul
I'm just 'technologically challenged'. I get the general idea, maybe if I could choose from a list of pages or something? Psh it, I don't know what I'm doing lol. I copied the link and it deleted the other one now. I'm using a phone. Android. Old.
I'm just 'technologically challenged'. I get the general idea, maybe if I could choose from a list of pages or something? Psh it, I don't know what I'm doing lol. I copied the link and it deleted the other one now.
Where are you getting stuck
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