Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

I'm still alive. Woo-hoo.
Whenever I can get on the site, I'll drop some photos. Boot girl and some clones, and the tent.






I'm still alive. Woo-hoo.
Whenever I can get on the site, I'll drop some photos. Boot girl and some clones, and the tent.






Heeeeeee brew!

Where the fuck have you been?

I was seriously starting to think Boot Girl killed you!
Thanks, I'm pretty happy with myself getting this far lol.
I'll be happier when the buds are in the jar though.
I can understand why your happy with yourself great work fighting the elements. At least two weeks in the jar , but that fourth week always taste better.
Looking good buddy and omg I love dog!!! Yes 2 weeks is good 1 mo is better 3 months is yaaaassss....I keep a little quarter reserve of each strain for longevity
Looking good buddy and omg I love dog!!! Yes 2 weeks is good 1 mo is better 3 months is yaaaassss....I keep a little quarter reserve of each strain for longevity
Thanks, yeah they're good mutts, although one just cost me $190 for an ear infection. I take them swimming in the river and her ears don't dry out properly.
I'll be surprised if I keep any of these buds longer than 3 months lol. Maybe once my stash grows a bit more.
Thanks, yeah they're good mutts, although one just cost me $190 for an ear infection. I take them swimming in the river and her ears don't dry out properly.
I'll be surprised if I keep any of these buds longer than 3 months lol. Maybe once my stash grows a bit more.
My cat almost cost me 2700 when he dislocated his hip a month after we adopted him-he got stuck in the frame under the bed trying to escape the vacuum....doc said surgery or see if it heals. In 3 weeks he was fine BUT I would have spent the money.. hahah my reserves make it longer depending on what morons I need to deal with that day
My cat almost cost me 2700 when he dislocated his hip a month after we adopted him-he got stuck in the frame under the bed trying to escape the vacuum....doc said surgery or see if it heals. In 3 weeks he was fine BUT I would have spent the money.. hahah my reserves make it longer depending on what morons I need to deal with that day
Haha about the morons, not the cat. I'd sell my soul for my best friends, they give so much they're worth it.
A nice smoke certainly makes it easier to deal with morons.
Today's feed for the coco plants in 5 ltrs water,
2.5 ml fulvic acid
12.5 ml Coco a&b
15 ml bud burst
12.5 ml crystalic
15 ml Flavor savior
20 ml guano
EC 1.9
pH 6.1
Tent temp 74f, 23c
Rh 70%, it's spring rain outside and extremely muggy. It's usually around 40-60% and I have plenty of airflow so I'm not stressed about it.
Buds are fattening up. Doesn't look like I'll be overwhelmed with top quality colas, but I'll definitely have something to smoke.




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