Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Of course!!
That's so sweet that's what I want TK to have my son get me now lol....

Is that even possible? I guess it is...they've bred weirder

i remember this picture from somewhere and I believe I commented on how beautiful she was!

Wow..I could have one that age I guess...I would've had it a little young though lol..my 1st miscarriage baby would have been 13 now...that makes me feel old in itself but you're still young and so am I!!
Sorry to hear about your miscarriage.
We think the puppies would be cute but weird looking, imagine a muscle bound chihuahua-pitty cross. Lmao.
And yes I'm still young, but I don't like the music the youngsters play these days and I don't fully understand what they're talking about :rofl:, so maybe not that young.
Congrats on the one on the way!
I bet your house is a noisy riot on holidays lol.
I’ve got 99 acres here and built a dirt track that keeps them busy . Plus the river I try to get them to fish . Speaking of fish I couldn’t get them to eat it . So l put it on another platter and told them it was water chicken, they cleaned the plater . Told them after it was all gone thanks for eating the fish . The look on the youngest ones faces was a million bucks of laughs .
I’ve got 99 acres here and built a dirt track that keeps them busy . Plus the river I try to get them to fish . Speaking of fish I couldn’t get them to eat it . So l put it on another platter and told them it was water chicken, they cleaned the plater . Told them after it was all gone thanks for eating the fish . The look on the youngest ones faces was a million bucks of laughs .
Sounds like lots of fun at your place.
'Water chicken', that's priceless. Would have loved to see the look on their faces.
I bought a new phone. Hopefully no more problems accessing the site now. Check out these pics.








Hi Joe!

So glad you’re back.


Your tent is exploding with green goodness. How is my boot girl?
Thanks, it's good to be back. For good this time I hope:goof:
Here she is, I'll get some better pictures tomorrow.

Anna von Trooper aka Boot Girl is my fav :)

Just like my favourite humans, I like a plants to come with a good story.
She's the ugly duckling, rejected and cast out into the cold, abused and humiliated, only to become the beautiful swan princess.
She's the ugly duckling, rejected and cast out into the cold, abused and humiliated, only to become the beautiful swan princess.
She is basically a plant version of me, except for the beautiful part.

That is how I feel about my clones. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I’m looking after a little me. Monstercropped clones are just such a mess, just a waste of space, broken and pathetic looking. They look ridiculous and look like they will never be anything. But with attention and care their roots grow, and they just morph into a strong resourceful amazing hunk of green.

While it takes the longest to actually get the clone to strike, the feeling of satisfaction when I see that first sign of growth is just my favourite :)
She is basically a plant version of me, except for the beautiful part.

That is how I feel about my clones. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I’m looking after a little me. Monstercropped clones are just such a mess, just a waste of space, broken and pathetic looking. They look ridiculous and look like they will never be anything. But with attention and care their roots grow, and they just morph into a strong resourceful amazing hunk of green.

While it takes the longest to actually get the clone to strike, the feeling of satisfaction when I see that first sign of growth is just my favourite :)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Inner beauty is more important.

I feel bad that I was so mean to her, so I'm making up for it now. It's been raining for days, and she's currently sitting under the dogs shade umbrella, keeping dry and warm. She's in good hands.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Inner beauty is more important.
Said everyone, but actually believed by no one. Lollllllinggggg

Money fixes ugly. Seriously, a good hair dresser, ok figure, nice clothes and make up can even make a pig sparkle. I know. I’m an oinker from waaaaaaaay back. I look better in my 40’s than I ever did in my 20’s and 30’s. Lollllll

I feel bad that I was so mean to her, so I'm making up for it now. It's been raining for days, and she's currently sitting under the dogs shade umbrella, keeping dry and warm. She's in good hands.
She forgives you :)
Said everyone, but actually believed by no one. Lollllllinggggg

Money fixes ugly. Seriously, a good hair dresser, ok figure, nice clothes and make up can even make a pig sparkle. I know. I’m an oinker from waaaaaaaay back. I look better in my 40’s than I ever did in my 20’s and 30’s. Lollllll

She forgives you :)
You can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter. If I shaved and put on some pants I could probably pass as average :rofl:
You can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter. If I shaved and put on some pants I could probably pass as average :rofl:
Omg lolllinggggggggg!

Exactly what I’m saying!
Sorry to hear about your miscarriage.
We think the puppies would be cute but weird looking, imagine a muscle bound chihuahua-pitty cross. Lmao.
And yes I'm still young, but I don't like the music the youngsters play these days and I don't fully understand what they're talking about :rofl:, so maybe not that young.
I don't either...I think most people don't just the young kids do
I bought a new phone. Hopefully no more problems accessing the site now. Check out these pics.








And here I am thinking I'm crowded...maybe I just need a bigger light again lol
Here's an up skirt pic of boot girl hiding from the rain. Excuse the mess, bloody dog bones everywhere. It's where the mutts chill out during the day.
After 3 days of rain the humidity is through the roof so I have the dehumidifier going inside. It was 85% in the tent this morning and it's 65% now.






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