Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Deano's back, strutting around like Mick Jagger, peeing on everything.
I give him an 'A' for effort.


Deano's back, strutting around like Mick Jagger, peeing on everything.
I give him an 'A' for effort.


Guess whose back, back again
Shady’s Deono’s back, tell a friend

Just got a Without Me by Eminem vibe.
Nutrients for today,
4.5 ltrs water
2.5 ml fulvic acid
12.5ml coco a&b
12.5 crystalic
15 ml Bud burst
15 ml flavor saviour
6 ml pk heavy

EC 2.0
pH 6.1

Struggling with the humidity at the moment, I've had the dehumidifier going, but it's a battle to stay in the sweet spot. Apart from that it's looking good.









Watered the soil plant with a guano mix today. She's doing well. You can see her leaves all plump with moisture after a drink.

On the coco plants, I noticed some nutrient burn on the tips of the leaves. I've been quite heavy handed with the nutrients, so I expected it. It seems anything above 2.0 EC is too much. I'm feeding 2-3 times a day.
This time I dropped it back to EC 1.4 at pH 5.8, since that's what the nutrient company says for late flower anyway.
I think I'm in late flower now, not too sure, I haven't been here very often and I'm still learning when to harvest. I know about trichomes and I have a loupe, but last grow I harvested too early. I prefer somewhere around 20% amber for a nice buzz and a good nights sleep.








Looking great!! Excellent job getting all the ducks back in a row! Think you will be clear of bud rot, Sir! Your little princess seemed like she was having fun on that beautiful sunny day with you out in the garden!!
Looking great!! Excellent job getting all the ducks back in a row! Think you will be clear of bud rot, Sir! Your little princess seemed like she was having fun on that beautiful sunny day with you out in the garden!!
Thanks for that.
I hope so, Bud rot and mites are the two things that worry me the most.:nervous-guy:
Yeah, she follows me around like a bad smell that one, gets in the way all the time haha
Look at you going all IT expert :)

I’m impressed :)
Expert? :rofl: Dunno about that. I can barely figure out how to use email :nomo: although I did just download a ppfd app. Okay then, you're right, I'm a genius. Just let me know if you need any help with the interwebs :thumb:
Got the humidity under control.
I've found more nanners on the same plant.
I'm starting to think it might get worse and I'm not sure how it'll affect the buds. I'm in late flower now so no seeds to worry about, but I hope the buds still smoke alright.
Apart from that they seem okay.
I've noticed some of the leaves on the soil plant are starting to change color (like autumn), she must be getting close to the end. I'm thinking a couple of weeks maybe.
The sooner they're finished the better. I can't wait, literally, I chopped off a branch today for something to smoke. I know, I'm terrible, but it smells fantastic. Nanners or not, I'll know how it smokes in a week or so. If the smell is anything to go by, I'm in for a treat.









Heeeeee Brew

Can you show me what makes you think that’s a nanner and is a nanner a herm?
I suppose because it's yellow and looks like a banana, maybe it's hard to see in the photos. I believe it's a male appendage with pollen inside. I'm not sure if that makes it a hermie, I think it's a stress reaction or the plants attempt to self pollinate. I've never seen it before myself but there's quite a few pictures on the site.
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