Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Boot girl got some worm castings.
She seems to be doing ok. My super-crop-circle.
It's very humid here at the moment, up to 90%, I guess that explains the plump leaves.
Anyway, here's a few pics.



Maybe I missed it .. what's the verdict.
Coco perlite or living soil?

You did the test right? Two plants with each soil, same genetics, fed the same, light the same ... the only difference was the medium difference.

So? I gotta know.
What was the yield and quality of the different media types?

Not quite finished yet. The journal title is somewhat misleading. I'm really only experimenting for my own benefit. The plants are bagseed of unknown strain. The coco and soil are virtually the same in growth and development. The coco is a lot more work than the soil, but it's less likely to be over watered and I feel like I have more control. I have a bunch of clones from these plants and I'm growing some in soil and some in coco so I'll find out how the substrates affect the flavor sooner or later.
I'll keep an eye on ya.
I like comparative studies. I've gotten to do a couple of them with relatively large samples (100 plants each) and exact conditions except for the one variable.

Observational studies, with one or two plants ... not as much.

But, I use Coco without perlite. Always have. My partner laughes at me and shakes his head and says in his Island accent that "life is better than sterile my friend."
Some day we'll do a test; but results are difficult to disprove. And, I think I'm getting all there is to get from my girls.
I'll keep an eye on ya.
I like comparative studies. I've gotten to do a couple of them with relatively large samples (100 plants each) and exact conditions except for the one variable.

Observational studies, with one or two plants ... not as much.

But, I use Coco without perlite. Always have. My partner laughes at me and shakes his head and says in his Island accent that "life is better than sterile my friend."
Some day we'll do a test; but results are difficult to disprove. And, I think I'm getting all there is to get from my girls.
Yeah, like I said the title is misleading.
If I had to choose one over the other, it would be soil. Only because I'm lazy :rofl:
Boot girl got some worm castings.
She seems to be doing ok. My super-crop-circle.
It's very humid here at the moment, up to 90%, I guess that explains the plump leaves.
Anyway, here's a few pics.



Feeding 3 times a day, EC 1.6, pH 5.6
Humidity between 40 and 60%
Temp 26c









You got a packed house three heeee brew.

Ganjagranddaddy would be stoked with those plant knuckles lolllllll
Boot girl got some worm castings.
She seems to be doing ok. My super-crop-circle.
It's very humid here at the moment, up to 90%, I guess that explains the plump leaves.
Anyway, here's a few pics.



Boot girl is like a Christmas wreath!

She is exceptional!
Thanks @Trala
I think she's forgiven me. She smells oh so good and she looks a million bucks. Gonna enter her in the plant of the month. She's already won my heart.
I loved her first.


She proves what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Not that I’m advocating your hostage locked in boot style of growing mind ;)
I loved her first.


She proves what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Not that I’m advocating your hostage locked in boot style of growing mind ;)
Yes, yes you did. She may not have made it if I had left her out in the cold. :thanks:

The ones that have been treated the worst, often turn out the best. Humans included. :love:

My 'style' of growing is called 'tough love'. :rofl:
Yes, yes you did. She may not have made it if I had left her out in the cold. :thanks:

The ones that have been treated the worst, often turn out the best. Humans included. :love:

My 'style' of growing is called 'tough love'. :rofl:
That is very true, from one almost broken boy to one almost broken girl. Tho it’s a hard road back from that kind of start.

I don’t mean to go all Dr Phil, but that’s what attracts me to monstercropping. When they are small they look like they are unlovable and will never amount to anything. Like they are a waste of space, but with love and nurturing they fight back and become extraordinary. I swear every time I bring a little monster from blergh to banging, I fix me a little more.

In Australia we call that type of love attempted murder. LOLLINGGGGG
That is very true, from one almost broken boy to one almost broken girl. Tho it’s a hard road back from that kind of start.

I don’t mean to go all Dr Phil, but that’s what attracts me to monstercropping. When they are small they look like they are unlovable and will never amount to anything. Like they are a waste of space, but with love and nurturing they fight back and become extraordinary. I swear every time I bring a little monster from blergh to banging, I fix me a little more.

In Australia we call that type of love attempted murder. LOLLINGGGGG
Yeah mate, it's a hard road alright, but growing my own medicine is a sort of therapy in itself.
That's why I love this site, everybody is so caring and willing to help. If only the whole world was the same.
So I'm inspecting the girls for pest damage and I noticed one bud looking sad. This is what I found on boot girl. Looks like a caterpillar or something, couldn't see the culprit but there was a couple of leaves rolled up with what looks like a cocoon and a hole in the stem. Dammit. I don't want to use chemicals if I can help it, but I also don't want to leave it to chance. I'll see if the grow shop has something natural that doesn't kill bees. In the meantime I'm going to dry out this bud and smoke it. Bugs or not

Hey everybody,
Every time I think I've got it, I haven't :nomo: I went through and reset everything again, I looked at the settings etc, still don't know what I'm doing :eye-roll::rofl:
Still, it's good to be back, even if it's sporadically.
@Jungle Joseph :welcome: back I have been lurking in the back catching up to all that you have going on here very interesting journal with some ups and downs but all in all beautiful ladies keep up the good work it will pay off in the long run and help in your re up efforts
Happy growing :Namaste::rollit:
@Jungle Joseph :welcome: back I have been lurking in the back catching up to all that you have going on here very interesting journal with some ups and downs but all in all beautiful ladies keep up the good work it will pay off in the long run and help in your re up efforts
Happy growing :Namaste::rollit:
So you're the reason my phone keeps binging, just joking :rofl:
Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.
Getting close to the end now, but I'm having some trouble with the girls in the tent at the moment, not sure if it's nutrients, lights, bugs etc.
Looks like I'll have something to smoke at least. Hopefully the outdoor girls do better.
Some cannabis and,
The neighbors dog Deano, coming to pee on the grass since my girl Beedle is on heat.
He's so little, but he's over here trying to get some :rofl:







Can you blame Deano for trying Beedle is a looker and Halo of Hemp seems to have come thru quite nicely even after the abuse, but I guess papa knows best :lot-o-toke:
Happy growing
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