Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Can you blame Deano for trying Beedle is a looker and Halo of Hemp seems to have come thru quite nicely even after the abuse, but I guess papa knows best :lot-o-toke:
Happy growing
Hahaha, yeah he struts around like he's Fabio or something.

Her nature is just as beautiful. Best dog ever.

It's the first time I've trained a plant properly, I lurked around the 420 site and figured out how to do it. So much info, tips and tricks...

I messed that one up I wanted to say after all that being said boot girl is the Cinderella of your ladies and we all know how well poor little Cindy turned out hoping the same success story from ya little princess...I wish I could just delete that last message, that's what happens when trying to smoke and type out my formulated thoughts, but got it now :ganjamon:
I messed that one up I wanted to say after all that being said boot girl is the Cinderella of your ladies and we all know how well poor little Cindy turned out hoping the same success story from ya little princess...I wish I could just delete that last message, that's what happens when trying to smoke and type out my formulated thoughts, but got it now :ganjamon:
Been there, done that. :cough:

She's definitely my favorite at the moment.
Some more pics of the girls outside.
The circular girl, AKA boot girl, AKA Anna von trooper, AKA I forget the rest, is from seed. Bagseed.
I took 5 clones from her and only one survived. That's the little one.
The rest are clones from Short stack (ssc), the soil plant in the tent (SC), Number 6 (6c) and one called AC, I forget which plant she came from.









This is a New Zealand Ground Weta, a carnivorous invertebrate.
She comes out at night to predate on insects.
She's not rare, but she is very shy.
You don't see them often, but she's welcome here because she'll eat the bad guys.
She's beautiful.


This is a New Zealand Ground Weta, a carnivorous invertebrate.
She comes out at night to predate on insects.
She's not rare, but she is very shy.
You don't see them often, but she's welcome here because she'll eat the bad guys.
She's beautiful.


It seems your unwanted guess might be wanted after all hope she sticks around and does what she does best eat the bad guys :laugh:and protect the precious ladies :welldone:
Happy growing pal keep up the good work
So the plant growing nanners got the chop today. They were popping up everywhere so she had to go.
I also cut buds off some of the other ones. Wasn't really happy with them anyway, the cob is okay for veg but not so much for flower. Until I get a better light I'm going to use the tent as a dark room for some of the girls from outside since they're already flowering. I'll give them a week or so to see what happens.
At the end of the day, I've achieved my goal of having something to smoke. That's good enough for me, for now.
Hopefully flowering the next lot in the sun will create bigger, more solid buds.


Here's another beneficial insect for the nature lovers. A little baby praying mantis.
The ultimate lady boss.

After she has finished loving her boyfie she tears his head off and eats it like a kiwi fruit!

The ultimate lady boss.

After she has finished loving her boyfie she tears his head off and eats it like a kiwi fruit!

LoL, no wonder she's hanging around with boot girl then. I'm getting nervous they're making plans to 'take me out' now. :nervous-guy:
So the plant growing nanners got the chop today. They were popping up everywhere so she had to go.
I also cut buds off some of the other ones. Wasn't really happy with them anyway, the cob is okay for veg but not so much for flower. Until I get a better light I'm going to use the tent as a dark room for some of the girls from outside since they're already flowering. I'll give them a week or so to see what happens.
At the end of the day, I've achieved my goal of having something to smoke. That's good enough for me, for now.
Hopefully flowering the next lot in the sun will create bigger, more solid buds.
Buying a second flower light is defs one of the best things I ever did. While I am still yet to produce real solid contest winning buds like you see in here, they were the best I’ve produced yet.

That 12:12 lighting made all the difference. I used the sun from 0630-1600, and topped up the other 2.5 hours with faux sun in my grow light. You wouldn’t think that extra 2.5 hours would make that much difference. It does.
LoL, no wonder she's hanging around with boot girl then. I'm getting nervous they're making plans to 'take me out' now. :nervous-guy:
You are a dead man walking bruv.

We never forget when wronged…. even when you think we have.

Buying a second flower light is defs one of the best things I ever did. While I am still yet to produce real solid contest winning buds like you see in here, they were the best I’ve produced yet.

That 12:12 lighting made all the difference. I used the sun from 0630-1600, and topped up the other 2.5 hours with faux sun in my grow light. You wouldn’t think that extra 2.5 hours would make that much difference. It does.
I plan on upgrading the light sooner or later for a more advanced one, in the meantime I'll be using the sun as much as I can over summer. The simple truth is, I wouldn't have anything at all if I didn't have the cob light, so I really should be grateful for what I've got.
My Mars Hydro light is one of the super cheap ones, and it has been so fabulous!

You don’t have to spend a lot when you have sunshine like ours.

What the actual fuck is a cob light? I’m imagining a torch strapped to a pole.
Chip on board, yeah it's basically a big twin bulb torch :rofl:
Technology has left me behind again, it was a gift so I can't complain too loudly.
Eventually I'd like to flower all my plants outside and use the tent for clones etc, but it's a security thing at the moment. Too many prying eyes and smells wafting around.
I'm looking at an LED light board for around $300, it's 120 watts and has a removable meanwell driver etc. But I'm poor right now so it'll have to wait. Sunshine is free.
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