Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Your plants are looking great :)

Even you hostage in the boot looks happy lolllingggg
:thanks:Thanks, I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but so far, so good.
After seeing your plants, I'm humbled by your comments. :adore: If I can get anything like the buds on your girls, I'll consider myself a winner. :yahoo:
:thanks:Thanks, I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but so far, so good.
After seeing your plants, I'm humbled by your comments. :adore: If I can get anything like the buds on your girls, I'll consider myself a winner. :yahoo:
Omg thank you! Thank you so much, That made me big smile.

I am still a novice. I love growing and the advice I receive here has definitely improved my plants 100 fold. I don’t want to just grow, I want to create green magic like Carcass, and Mr Sauga, and Emilya (just to name a few). The beauty in some of the plants here is just awe inspiring. I want to grow like that.

My advice, not that you asked, keep an eye out on the people who post in my thread. In my opinion they are some of the best growers here and best part, they teach you with kindness and never make you feel stupid, even when you are. Somehow I ended up with the best 420 support system. I feel so lucky.
Omg thank you! Thank you so much, That made me big smile.

I am still a novice. I love growing and the advice I receive here has definitely improved my plants 100 fold. I don’t want to just grow, I want to create green magic like Carcass, and Mr Sauga, and Emilya (just to name a few). The beauty in some of the plants here is just awe inspiring. I want to grow like that.

My advice, not that you asked, keep an eye out on the people who post in my thread. In my opinion they are some of the best growers here and best part, they teach you with kindness and never make you feel stupid, even when you are. Somehow I ended up with the best 420 support system. I feel so lucky.
:circle-of-love:And that's why I joined :420:
A place populated by amazing growers and cannabis lovers from all over the world, itching to share their experiences and knowledge.
I'm a big time lurker, so they're helping me already. Even if they don't know it.
Thank you all. :adore:
Try it now
Today's update;
This is my nutrients list,
5 ltrs water
5 ml fulvic acid
12.5 ml a&b
7.5 ml calmag
10 ml bud burst
15 ml Flavor savior
20 ml guano
EC 1.7
pH 5.7
They're stretching like crazy. It's going to be a real jungle alright lol.
The clones are looking good too.
Here's a pro tip from a non-professional. Don't try to grow multiple plants with a light designed for one plant :rofl:







Ok, I just realized you don't know the clones stories. So here goes,
The three clones in the little humidity box thingy, and the three with bottles over them, came from the plant in the back left corner of the tent, called #6. It's been left in a tiny planter bag (believe it's less than a gallon) in coco and fed at the same frequency as the others, just to see the outcome.
These 6 clones from #6 will be used in the 'clone wars, the battle of the flavors' (I hope that's not copyright lol), coming soon.
The other ones in the ice cream container are SSC, for short stuff clone. Short stuff is the plant in the red fabric bag.
SC, for soil clone.
AC, for another clone (lol)
TSC, for twisted sister clone.
My plan is to keep the clones going under the cfl, or maybe outside (it's spring here now) till the ones in the tent are ready, then the clones go to 12/12 as soon as they go in the tent. That way they've had a decent veg time.
Welcome Little boy blue.
I like his color and his will to live.
He's been through a brutal regime, I literally pulled him out of the pot, put a spade in dirt and threw him in the ground. Watered him with tent runoff and left him in the cold (8°c) to die.
Or so I thought.
Fast forward a couple weeks and he wants to live.
He's a trooper.
So I've decided to experiment with making seeds with him. He looks kinda like a sativa, so I'm thinking of crossing him with one of the more indica leaning clones.
I've never tried it, but with so much info at my fingertips here, I'm going to try.
I figured that because he's outside and it's so early in the outdoor season and he's already flowering, it's pretty safe to collect a little bit of pollen as soon as he drops a bit and keep it till the clone is ready.
After that it's all over for him, he's done his duties.
Oh, nearly forgot, if you remember, I took a clone from him before I knew he was a boy and just poked it in the coco. I pulled that clone and here he is before he became compost. Not bad little roots for no rooting hormone. No special attention, just poked in the coco and watered with the same nutrients as the big plants.
Question; does the purple come from the cold or genetics? I've had purple buds previously from my bag of seeds so the genetic possibilities are there.



Look at you with your fancy signature and your pollination dreams!

You’ve changed man. You used to be about the car boot and the torture! Now you’ve gone metro mainstream!

Ah trala, you always make me laugh out loud.
I'm a wolf in sheeps clothing.
I'm all about the torture and girls in the boot, but I like classical music too.
Like Hannibal Lecter.
But not the eating people bit.
Hi all,
Today's nutrients for coco perlite plants,
6 ltrs water
7.5 ml calmag
5 ml fulvic acid
12.5 ml a&b
10 ml bud burst
15 ml Flavor savior
20 ml guano
EC 1.7
pH 5.7
I haven't mentioned the 10 ml of pH up it takes to get my nutrients in the correct range. I'm going to need more, so I might get a stronger 'pH up' that only takes a couple of drops instead of 10 ml. It's been a sharp learning curve messing with pH and nutrients.
Once again, the soil plants require minimal input. I'm impressed with the soils performance so far. We'll see how it goes during flowering.
I'm seeing at least a couple of dominant bud sites from each plant, which will give me a decent mix of strains to try. I'll then choose my favorite and clone the clones from the best mothers. After becoming proficient in cloning, I would like to start a sea of green setup.
I'm also interested in breeding, so I'll have a go at that too.
I have a couple of questions about defoliation and opening up the plants, for airflow and light penetration for the prominent buds.
My RH is between 50 and 70, although I try to keep it closer to 50% now.
I try to keep the temperature around 20 - 25°c, but it has gotten as low as 15°c at night a few times.
Since I have such a crowded tent and leaves overlapping, I have noticed condensation between the leaves in places. I realize the plants are transpiring and I've read that removing some leaves can help.
Problem is, I've never done it before and I don't want to stress them at this delicate stage (flipped to 12/12 a few days ago)
I have already pruned the bottom of the plants a bit during veg and taken a few leaves here and there, where they blocked bud sites.
Since I'm off grid, unfortunately I don't have enough power to run a dehumidifier, hence my questions about humidity control by strategic pruning.
I also understand my light is not suitable for multiple large plants, lesson learned, but I just can't bring myself to cull any of them.








Hi all,
Today I fed the soil plants with fulvic acid, flavor savior and bud burst. 1 ml of each per ltr.
I fed the coco plants with 6 ltrs water mixed with;
5 ml fulvic acid
7.5 ml calmag
10 ml bud burst
15 ml Flavor savior
15 ml a&b
10 ml guano
EC 1.8
pH 5.9
As I was feeding, I noticed something.
Turns out that 'twisted sister' was actually a 'twisted mister'.
He's worm food.
At least the girls have more room to breathe now.
Out of all of the plants, my favorite is 'short stack'. Looks like an indica and has nice compact growth. As long as the smoke is good, she's a contender for breeding. I would like to cross one of her clones with the early flowering purple male I'm growing outside. I'm hoping for a compact, early flowering indica-sativa cross.









You don’t want to go below 19c to 22c keeps water pest from growing . Sorry about the males :( When the leaves touch they perspire and the fan blowing makes them rub and that’s when you see the moisture.
There are two light contests still going , do you need the links ?
Making your own seeds if you go to this thread @InTheShed here’s a link to get started .
I put the 3 clones from the humidity box thingy into some coco after seeing some roots.
I then put 3 clones from 'short stack' into the clone box. They seem to root faster in there.
I added a couple of drops of fertiliser with higher potassium (N5, P8, K12) to the spray bottle for misting the clones. I used a seaweed mix to spray them last time I took clones, it helped but I ran out of it, so I'm using what I have on hand for now.
So far, so good.


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