Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

I may have figured out what the problem was... the light is too bright? I backed it off substantially. Two of the buds up near that light look like they are finishing out... odd. Anyway, here she is, getting watered more often. We are at day 21 of Bloom, day 54 of her life. If this is a 6 week bloom, we are half way there.

I may have figured out what the problem was... the light is too bright? I backed it off substantially. Two of the buds up near that light look like they are finishing out... odd. Anyway, here she is, getting watered more often. We are at day 21 of Bloom, day 54 of her life. If this is a 6 week bloom, we are half way there.

2 of mine are doing the same thing, I watered Saturday and there’s still water (checked with meter) but this afternoon they started to droop. I watered lightly and they perked up. 5gl. Hempy pot +grow bag sure hold a lot of agua.
2 of mine are doing the same thing, I watered Saturday and there’s still water (checked with meter) but this afternoon they started to droop. I watered lightly and they perked up. 5gl. Hempy pot +grow bag sure hold a lot of agua.
By the way it was in the 90s today.
I may have figured out what the problem was... the light is too bright? I backed it off substantially. Two of the buds up near that light look like they are finishing out... odd. Anyway, here she is, getting watered more often. We are at day 21 of Bloom, day 54 of her life. If this is a 6 week bloom, we are half way there.

Very interesting. This strain also has these big, thick hairs, just as Titan did. And they are starting out brownish just as Titan’s did. I wonder if this might be a function of the genetics? These look great to me. Watch them become awesome buds. You have miles to go.
Here we are on day 24 of Bloom, or day 57 of life above ground. Whatever was upsetting her seems to be gone now, so I have slowly started adding more brightness to the light. She is now taking water every 2-3 days and today was at day 12 since last feeding, so I gave her another shot of @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM. In her water was mixed the new version of Sweet Candy, now rated at 0-17-26, at 1 gram per gallon.

Em, are you sure you are not photoshopping that thing in? Hahaha?
You didn't just splice 16 photoperiods together in Photoshop, and you are pretending it is an auto? Hahaha.
:thedoubletake: :thedoubletake: :thedoubletake:
Em, would you agree with the idea that too much light can cause either foxtail or slowing finish?
I have experienced this with some LEDs
Interested in your opinion
Em, would you agree with the idea that too much light can cause either foxtail or slowing finish?
I have experienced this with some LEDs
Interested in your opinion
absolutely it can. It can also bleach out the upper buds and too much light can kill the plants. I have actually managed to do both of these, playing on the upper limits of things as I tend to do. Aside from actually cooking the plants, simply putting them into the upper limits of what they can comfortably handle can cause the plant to freak out. I wrote a paper years ago that explained that plants in veg will adapt to most things you do to them, but plants in bloom will REACT, and its not usually a good reaction. Hermies, stunting and foxtails can happen. About 65k-70k LUX is about the most I will give my plants if given a choice. The problem with most LED arrays is that they are not CRI 100, so this LUX reading is only an approximation with a medium quality meter and some LEDs can be putting out a whole lot more light (and some less) than what the meter tells you is going on. Every light has a conversion factor that can standardize the reading you get, to PAR, where you can get a much better idea how much energy is actually hitting the plant.
absolutely it can. It can also bleach out the upper buds and too much light can kill the plants. I have actually managed to do both of these, playing on the upper limits of things as I tend to do. Aside from actually cooking the plants, simply putting them into the upper limits of what they can comfortably handle can cause the plant to freak out. I wrote a paper years ago that explained that plants in veg will adapt to most things you do to them, but plants in bloom will REACT, and its not usually a good reaction. Hermies, stunting and foxtails can happen. About 65k-70k LUX is about the most I will give my plants if given a choice. The problem with most LED arrays is that they are not CRI 100, so this LUX reading is only an approximation with a medium quality meter and some LEDs can be putting out a whole lot more light (and some less) than what the meter tells you is going on. Every light has a conversion factor that can standardize the reading you get, to PAR, where you can get a much better idea how much energy is actually hitting the plant.
It is remarkable how quickly this plant is stacking the buds and filling in the empty spots on the branches she stretched out for this purpose. Here she is at day 28 of bloom, day 61 of life above ground and 4 days since her last feeding. She is on a 2-3 day watering cycle and seems to not have any complaints.
She looks amazing. So doing the math, day 61 - 28 = 33. You consider she hit “actual” flower day 33. Mine is today, which I gauge by when I see the first budlets. Day 38. So both were within the range as advertised. Interesting. I know you said, but how did you assess the day again?
She looks amazing. So doing the math, day 61 - 28 = 33. You consider she hit “actual” flower day 33. Mine is today, which I gauge by when I see the first budlets. Day 38. So both were within the range as advertised. Interesting. I know you said, but how did you assess the day again?
I consider it to be the first day that instead of green coming from the growth tips, they suddenly let go with 2 or 3 pistils, with more on the way... probably exactly what you are calling budlets, but maybe 1-3 days earlier.
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