Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

Thank you everyone, and yes, this is fun! She is still not done stretching, we got another 2 inches! We are at day 45 of life and day 12 of bloom and we are at day 11 of the feeding cycle. Since I gave her VEG formula last time, I decided to feed her early. She is now on a 2 day watering cycle and today was her lucky day. She got a half cup of @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM and GLN's Sweet Candy mixed into the water. I turned down the light a bit, the @NextLight 420h is a bit much for her at full strength.

Another two days and another two inches! She is up to 17" (plus 6" laying horizontal under that) above ground, and apparently liking the bloom food on day 14 of bloom. Surely "stretch" will be over soon?!

She has also been building up the girth of all of her stalks, so that she will be able to support the weight that is about to come in on those branches. I continue to be impressed with this plant since the growth I have seen in just the last week is nothing short of remarkable, at least when compared to her slower growing photoperiod cousins.


I can't help but think that we are going to see this last shot repeated in about a month, in the POTM contest.
She isn't doing a lot today. Stretch does seem to be ended now, and today she is on day 3 still trying to use all of the water under her feet. It is hot and I understand. I don't want to do a lot today either. Besides that, she is being invaded with a lot of little @DYNOMYCO experiments. I would be in a funk too.

Love seeing the babies in their new habitat; How'd you get that auto so big, what kinda training did you do? (Maybe, I should go back and read x'D)
Just one topping and some lst
I always thought you were supposed to leave them alone, I might try it with one of the autos outside!
I always thought you were supposed to leave them alone, I might try it with one of the autos outside!
If you have space for a spread out Christmas tree, don't top
If you want a wine glass flat canopy, top at node 3 for an easier grow and better yield
She isn't doing a lot today. Stretch does seem to be ended now, and today she is on day 3 still trying to use all of the water under her feet. It is hot and I understand. I don't want to do a lot today either. Besides that, she is being invaded with a lot of little @DYNOMYCO experiments. I would be in a funk too.

I wasn’t as behind as I thought! Wow she’s a stretcher! Great info to have as I just reached the screen with mine. What day do you consider the day she was officially in flower?
I wasn’t as behind as I thought! Wow she’s a stretcher! Great info to have as I just reached the screen with mine. What day do you consider the day she was officially in flower?
Missed you! She is 51 days old and has been blooming for 18 days, with a transition time of 8 days. Some people would have considered that first day of seeing a pistil, at day 25, the first day of bloom. I did not. I waited until day 33 to officially call bloom.
Missed you! She is 51 days old and has been blooming for 18 days, with a transition time of 8 days. Some people would have considered that first day of seeing a pistil, at day 25, the first day of bloom. I did not. I waited until day 33 to officially call bloom.
Thanks! That’s what I needed. I’m on 29 and have yet to see a pistil. Interesting.
Our Auto fooled me. She was 5 days from the last watering and there was still water weight in the bottom of the containers. I was waiting on her to drain it, and then she started complaining at me, big time. I had a big yellowing of bottom leaves... she wanted water, now! Last night I gave it to her, and this morning she is looking better. Here she is as of last night, during her little protest.

Our Auto fooled me. She was 5 days from the last watering and there was still water weight in the bottom of the containers. I was waiting on her to drain it, and then she started complaining at me, big time. I had a big yellowing of bottom leaves... she wanted water, now! Last night I gave it to her, and this morning she is looking better. He she is as of last night, during her little protest.

Had the same issue, 3 days still had water weight. Plant wasn't happy. We are relatively close on our days. Mine happened a week ago. What's your air temp? Just curious.
Had the same issue, 3 days still had water weight. Plant wasn't happy. We are relatively close on our days. Mine happened a week ago. What's your air temp? Just curious.
I think that has something to do with it... it is nearly 100 degrees in that room most afternoons
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