Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

Hey Em - Thanx for that Red light stuff - I have always wondered why my girls that are getting full sun from birth til harvest always start out real leggy!!! This might explain it!!

first seedlings may 29.jpg
So I have my lights set to come on for 10 minutes immediately before the lights come on at 6am, and for 10 minutes after the lights go off at 7pm, 13 hours later
I just started to use it... far red 730, ON 5min before turn off the main light and I keep more 15min after turn off. Are you on 13h ON and 11h OFF schedule? I heard that is possible 14/10 with great yields.

watching your auto, almost finishing my Alaskan Purple :yummy:
I am new, and I have only been working with autos for five months or so, but in my very limited experience and reading, autos can do some very funny things. From what I have read, some of the autos do not behave stable. Some come up in weird shapes, some stunt, and some go full size. Some don't auto-flower, but have to be kicked into flower with lighting tricks. So I dunno. (I am still trying to master the basics, and your threads are an amazing help.)

But, if these are a good example, these are some Purple Kush Autos. They were all five taken to the kiddie pool and soaked on the same day, for the same amount of time, and planted directly in soil, and watered the same way. Three look more or less healthy (considering I was not feeding them right--since corrected, thanks to you and @Azimuth , and two look kind of like squiggly girls who don't want to sit still or pay attention (even though everyone is getting fed correctly now). I don't know, do they maybe have mild autism and ADHD (like me)??

purple k auto.jpg

The forums and reviews I read said that sometimes autos take a little more time, and they grow out of it (maybe like your Miss Persnickety from your Coffee Shop thread). And sometimes they straighten out.
So I will run with them for now, and hope they straighten out, like children who don't bloom until later (no pun intended).
And if they go too long looking squiggly, I will just pull the plug, and plant something else (but I want to give them an opportunity to straighten out first).
But in my very limited experience, from what limited reading I have done, there are some comments from other users autos do not seem to be as stable as photoperiods, and sometimes they just come up weird.

They say that pets resemble their owners. Maybe my girls got autism and ADHD from me? I hope not!! (But oh well, they say cannabis is the best medicine for that!... Oh, wait...)

I hope that is helpful. If not, please just disregard.
If anyone can make an auto take off in an organic way, I'll bet we will see it here.
I am new, and I have only been working with autos for five months or so, but in my very limited experience and reading, autos can do some very funny things. From what I have read, some of the autos do not behave stable. Some come up in weird shapes, some stunt, and some go full size. Some don't auto-flower, but have to be kicked into flower with lighting tricks. So I dunno. (I am still trying to master the basics, and your threads are an amazing help.)

But, if these are a good example, these are some Purple Kush Autos. They were all five taken to the kiddie pool and soaked on the same day, for the same amount of time, and planted directly in soil, and watered the same way. Three look more or less healthy (considering I was not feeding them right--since corrected, thanks to you and @Azimuth , and two look kind of like squiggly girls who don't want to sit still or pay attention (even though everyone is getting fed correctly now). I don't know, do they maybe have mild autism and ADHD (like me)??

purple k auto.jpg

The forums and reviews I read said that sometimes autos take a little more time, and they grow out of it (maybe like your Miss Persnickety from your Coffee Shop thread). And sometimes they straighten out.
So I will run with them for now, and hope they straighten out, like children who don't bloom until later (no pun intended).
And if they go too long looking squiggly, I will just pull the plug, and plant something else (but I want to give them an opportunity to straighten out first).
But in my very limited experience, from what limited reading I have done, there are some comments from other users autos do not seem to be as stable as photoperiods, and sometimes they just come up weird.

They say that pets resemble their owners. Maybe my girls got autism and ADHD from me? I hope not!! (But oh well, they say cannabis is the best medicine for that!... Oh, wait...)

I hope that is helpful. If not, please just disregard.
That was extremely helpful actually and helps me to understand the Auto. It makes perfect sense that part of the Ruderalis plant has to come out in this offspring, and up there in the northern climates you could expect a plant to be all scrunched up and huddled ... I would bet that Ruderalis grow weird, and so I would expect some of that to show up in the downline. This has got to be what we are seeing.
I think she looks fine. Her color is great. Just be patient. She’ll come. She’s saving energy to make fan leaves that are huge. Again mine stayed looking like this or close to it for almost two weeks, with steady but very slow growth and then about when her second set of leaves hit it was as if a switch got flipped. Wish I had more and better anecdotal evidence for you!
However I found some good anecdotal evidence from the breeders themselves concerning autos and light. This should lay the argument (not that anyone’s arguing about it here, but I see it all the time) to rest.

Here’s what a sponsor says about the Strawberry Banana Autoflower they sell (bolds are mine to show the relevant passage):

Strawberry Banana Auto will grow indoors and outdoors taking between 10 - 11 weeks to reach maturity from germination. Plants will grow to a height of 110 - 150 cm. tall with indoor yields of 450 - 600 gr/m2 while plants grown outdoors will yield between 500 - 250 gr. each.

Here’s another example, a strain many know, White Widow Auto. This is from Royal Queen Seeds about their WW auto:

Yield of White Widow Automatic​

The buds, despite their hybrid genetics, display an indica appearance and effect. White Widow Automatic has a woody, pungent, earthy aroma and taste, similar to but not as strong as White Widow. This strain was bred for a few years to ensure stability in the genetics. Indoors, it will grow to an average height of around 50cm, with some larger plants reaching 100cm. Its yield is quite good for an autoflowering strain, producing around 190–240g/plant, depending on conditions. Indoor growers will be just as lucky, achieving yields up to 450g/m².

You will see this over and over again. Do the math. If I get 240 grams outdoors that’s about a half pound auto. If I grow it indoors and train it so it actually fills a 3x3 there’s my m2 and my 450 grams - almost double the yield. I can promise you that Titan leaves 240 grams way way in the dust.

So what I’m saying is that the breeders are telling you right up front that an auto will yield far better grown indoors.



Contrast that with some photo strain info. Any strain any breeder you want. Every one will list much higher outdoor yields. Why is that? Because in both cases the photos get (approximately) 12/12. Same light. Sun = better yield always than LED. By a mile, all conditions being the sameish.

Like I said, anecdotal. But….
That’s my two cents for you this evening.
Here we go! Our auto has now reached the surface, and here we are at day 0 of veg. Is it fertilizing time yet? Let's see a big leaf first... but we will be treating her like the fast growing beauty that she is, and she will be fed very well. Everyone, please meet Banana Sherbet Double XL, Auto!

We have ignition!!! Blast off!
I think she looks fine. Her color is great. Just be patient. She’ll come. She’s saving energy to make fan leaves that are huge. Again mine stayed looking like this or close to it for almost two weeks, with steady but very slow growth and then about when her second set of leaves hit it was as if a switch got flipped. Wish I had more and better anecdotal evidence for you!
However I found some good anecdotal evidence from the breeders themselves concerning autos and light. This should lay the argument (not that anyone’s arguing about it here, but I see it all the time) to rest.

Here’s what a sponsor says about the Strawberry Banana Autoflower they sell (bolds are mine to show the relevant passage):

Strawberry Banana Auto will grow indoors and outdoors taking between 10 - 11 weeks to reach maturity from germination. Plants will grow to a height of 110 - 150 cm. tall with indoor yields of 450 - 600 gr/m2 while plants grown outdoors will yield between 500 - 250 gr. each.

Here’s another example, a strain many know, White Widow Auto. This is from Royal Queen Seeds about their WW auto:

Yield of White Widow Automatic​

The buds, despite their hybrid genetics, display an indica appearance and effect. White Widow Automatic has a woody, pungent, earthy aroma and taste, similar to but not as strong as White Widow. This strain was bred for a few years to ensure stability in the genetics. Indoors, it will grow to an average height of around 50cm, with some larger plants reaching 100cm. Its yield is quite good for an autoflowering strain, producing around 190–240g/plant, depending on conditions. Indoor growers will be just as lucky, achieving yields up to 450g/m².

You will see this over and over again. Do the math. If I get 240 grams outdoors that’s about a half pound auto. If I grow it indoors and train it so it actually fills a 3x3 there’s my m2 and my 450 grams - almost double the yield. I can promise you that Titan leaves 240 grams way way in the dust.

So what I’m saying is that the breeders are telling you right up front that an auto will yield far better grown indoors.



Contrast that with some photo strain info. Any strain any breeder you want. Every one will list much higher outdoor yields. Why is that? Because in both cases the photos get (approximately) 12/12. Same light. Sun = better yield always than LED. By a mile, all conditions being the sameish.

Like I said, anecdotal. But….
That’s my two cents for you this evening.
I've noticed that too @Jon the breeders all list higher indoor yields for autos - usually much higher and also way higher than anything I've ever grown lol
She is definitely growing, just slower than I normally see at this point in the grow. Today was day 3 since watering, and I felt a need to water her just a little bit, right down the middle. Now we wait another 3 days, unless she suddenly start gulping up the water already there.

We are at day 7 above ground and we all expect a growth spurt.
She is definitely growing, just slower than I normally see at this point in the grow. Today was day 3 since watering, and I felt a need to water her just a little bit, right down the middle. Now we wait another 3 days, unless she suddenly start gulping up the water already there.

We are at day 7 above ground and we all expect a growth spurt.
Seeing the comparison between my photo and auto I would say auto pops up faster but photo grows faster then the auto will explode with growth I know that makes no sense but I hope I helped Sensei @Emilya
She is definitely growing, just slower than I normally see at this point in the grow. Today was day 3 since watering, and I felt a need to water her just a little bit, right down the middle. Now we wait another 3 days, unless she suddenly start gulping up the water already there.

We are at day 7 above ground and we all expect a growth spurt.

Hi Emmy! Here's my current 2 at 7 days AG for comparison. I always stress about how small they seem at first, the clock is ticking. IMO the key to their size is how close to 30+ days vegging they give you.



I'd say you're right where you should be, these 2 are better than my last 5-6 attempts. Good luck!
Now she is growing! As if on a wild mission, she has suddenly taken off and is working on the third node. It will be time to top her before long!

Along with the slow growth, she was also not sucking up a lot of water. She was using a bit, but I can see where it could be very easy to overwater and overfeed an Auto just starting out. I patiently gave her little drabs of water every few days, waiting on her to finally drain the bottom the first time. She still has not accomplished that task yet, but I suspect that any day now, she is going to surprise me.

Now, the biggest plant in Veg Room #1, I give you my humble little Auto
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