EastCoastGhost Does Multiple Strains From Cropking - Coco - PS COB

The Green Crack is finally starting to bulk up a little bit and it is also loaded with trics now. One noticeable difference in the buds on this grow with the PS COB is the tric coverage. The buds on this grow without a doubt has a lot more tric coverage than any of previous grows. Is it the perfect sun or the coco, or maybe both lol. I will do a pic update tomorrow hopefully.✌️

Thats a great way to test it and give us the run down! I'm looking at lights now, and the PS line is a nice one...
Hi ECG things looking frosty! Sorry to interrupt, Hey I'm also growing green crack and have some yellow leaf slow growth 75 days veg from seed. I remember you warned me on something nutz wize on GC...What was that again?

My GC is a little finicky when it comes to Nutes. I got her around 650ppm now and every time I go to bump her up she don’t seem to like it. I’m just gonna leave her alone and let her finish out. She didn’t have near the amount of trics as everything else until about two days ago. She is absolutely loaded with trics now and she’s bulking up some also. I’m pretty excited to see her finish up.✌️
Thats a great way to test it and give us the run down! I'm looking at lights now, and the PS line is a nice one...
The plants definitely love the spectrum and I got a lot more veg growth . I only vegged the two bigger Super Silver Haze for 39 days and the GC was 34. The smaller Crown Royale was vegged the least at 28 days. I’m hoping my buds will swell more than before and I’m pretty sure the quality is going to be much better cause this is the most trics that I have seen so far. I have to be honest though, the money I spent on this one light I could have had a kick ass Q Board setup. That will be my next purchase. Once I finish my new grow space I will have two 4+8+9 rooms with Q Boards in both. I’m gonna do it right so have equal coverage across whole tent. My corners will be getting same amount as center. I will have one 4+8 room for nothing but flower and the other 4+8 will be half veg area and half autos. That way I can have three or four autos running at all times. It’s probably gonna be another 3-4 months or so before I get setup the way I want but once I get everything lined up and dialed in I should be pulling some pretty good numbers.✌️
Got a few bud shots this morning to post, here’s a couple of Kylie the Crown Royale

Next is Jaimie the SSH

Next is Sherry the other SSH

Last is Kim the GC

So far I’m very happy with these girls and I’m looking forward to finishing them up. I’m also surprised at how well the plants has done in this coco. They have been healthy the entire grow and thankfully I haven’t had any problems so far.✌️
My GC is a little finicky when it comes to Nutes. I got her around 650ppm now and every time I go to bump her up she don’t seem to like it. I’m just gonna leave her alone and let her finish out. She didn’t have near the amount of trics as everything else until about two days ago. She is absolutely loaded with trics now and she’s bulking up some also. I’m pretty excited to see her finish up.✌️
Finicky fuckin plants
Hey dude i saw that you gave me all sorts of likes... im so bad i never go to other peoples thread. Ill try to do better. I like you advice on Green Crack.
I try to keep up on other journals also but it’s hard sometimes lol. I got about 20 that I’m following and I try to follow along the best I can lol. Your soil plants are looking amazing by the way and they are growing pretty fast seems like.✌️
I try to keep up on other journals also but it’s hard sometimes lol. I got about 20 that I’m following and I try to follow along the best I can lol. Your soil plants are looking amazing by the way and they are growing pretty fast seems like.✌️
Thanks man. I still have mother fucken carple tunnel from the marathon posting with Jack a week ago
Thanks man. I still have mother fucken carple tunnel from the marathon posting with Jack a week ago
Lol, I think I may have been in that marathon for a little bit lol. I’ve been on this phone so much the past year and a half I believe its fucked my vision up lol. I never got on computer or phones until I started researching growing weed and found 420 mag and now I’m on this phone all the time lmao.✌️
Wow brotha killer plants
Did you sign up for the comparison grow? I signed up for the Blue Dream autos but I don’t think I filled the form out correctly cause I never got a email saying I would get them. I’ve seen a lot of people on here have already received their seeds. Oh well if I don’t get them I may try to order some soon. I been wanting to try some Blue Dream for a long time.✌️
Lol, I think I may have been in that marathon for a little bit lol. I’ve been on this phone so much the past year and a half I believe its fucked my vision up lol. I never got on computer or phones until I started researching growing weed and found 420 mag and now I’m on this phone all the time lmao.✌️
You absolutly were...
I hear you
Did you sign up for the comparison grow? I signed up for the Blue Dream autos but I don’t think I filled the form out correctly cause I never got a email saying I would get them. I’ve seen a lot of people on here have already received their seeds. Oh well if I don’t get them I may try to order some soon. I been wanting to try some Blue Dream for a long time.✌️
I didnt
I’m germinating a Chemdog, Girl Scout Cookies, and a Candy Kush to go outside along with a clone from SSH and a clone from Kylie the Crown Royale. I’m getting a little late start but I figure I can still yield a couple oz off each one, maybe more. The two clones are monster cropped clones so I’m hoping they go back to veg pretty quick. They already have nice rooots so I figure they should start shooting out single blade leaves when the go back to veg.✌️
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