EastCoastGhost Does Multiple Strains From Cropking - Coco - PS COB

I can’t wait to harvest these SSH so I can have some Sativa lol. You very rarely see any Sativa around here we’re im from. Everyone likes Indica couch lock. If you get a good Sativa it will lock you to the couch also and put you in la la land lol. The only Sativa I’ve grown is the Skunk Diesel by GYO and I’ve been out of it for a while. It was pretty good and all but I’m hoping this SSH will be stronger and have more of a kick lol.✌️
I have to say I’m very pleased with all three of these Cropking strains so far and I’m pretty excited for these to finish lol. I’m hoping the SSH is good bud cause I been wanting a good Sativa cause everything around here almost is Indica. I love Indica to but I love a nice strong Sativa also lol.✌️
Crop king seeds never did me wrong really ✊
Day 16 since flip and girls are still doing great. They continue to stretch and I have about 2in left to raise light and then I will have to come up with another way to hook the light up. Hopefully they won’t stretch to much more lol. The Crown Royale is the shortest and I have her on soda crates but the other three are on the floor now just sitting on a 5 gallon bucket lid. These plants have got huge compared to what I’m used to. My plants didn’t seem to stretch as much in soil either but maybe that’s cause they was much smaller when I flipped them. Hopefully these ladies stay on the right path and I’m pretty excited to watch them start stacking some bud.✌️
Just gave the girls their second feeding today and was checking them out, the stalk on these things are getting huge lol. When I was in soil I cut most of my plants down with a pair of scissors but I’m not gonna be able to use the scissors on these, I will probably have to get the chainsaw out lol.✌️
I’m glad I’m able to control tens and humidity on this run. I have kept temp at 72-75 the whole grow and that seems to be their sweet spot lol. I will lower temps at lights out the last two or three weeks. I might even get some color with the lower temps. I’m hoping I get some good resin production with the lower temps. I have been thinking about switching the light cycle to 11/13 for the last two to three weeks but idk. Some people swear by it, even DJ Short lol but you know me I’m always afraid to try new things lol.✌️
They are drinking a lot now. I’m feeding twice daily and the pot is still really light when lights first come back on. I can’t wait till they quit stretching so I can do my final trim up on the ladies. I’m not gonna go real crazy with the lollipop cause some fluff will be ok cause I’m gonna make hash out of my trim and popcorn. I’ve never made it but I’ve been studying up and watching videos and I think I can do it lol. I already ordered the Buddy bags so I will be ready come harvest. After I do the trim and popcorn if it turns out good I might do a small batch, maybe an ounce of bud cause I’ve not had any hash for a while and I figured I would learn how to make it so I can do a run every now and then for a nice little treat lol.✌️
When you do your heavy defol and lollypoping make sure you feed a little less strength of nutes for a few days. Your taking away from the plant and it doesn't want our need as much. Won't burn your tips.
That makes perfect sense, thanks for the tip Derby. I learn something everyday on here lol.✌️
I know it makes sense but it gets overlooked by many
I bet so, I’ve noticed a lot of growers try to pump as much Nutes as they can to the plant. I’ve seen people feed at 1200-1500ppm. Seems like when I try to feed full strength it always causes problems so I tend to stay around 550-600 mark unless the plant is telling me otherwise.✌️
I bet so, I’ve noticed a lot of growers try to pump as much Nutes as they can to the plant. I’ve seen people feed at 1200-1500ppm. Seems like when I try to feed full strength it always causes problems so I tend to stay around 550-600 mark unless the plant is telling me otherwise.✌️
I might go 700- 800 but never more. Smaller amounts of nutes with more feedings is key. Think of a body builder. He sure wouldn't eat 1 or 2 big meals a day. They eat small meals all day long. Same with the plants and never a problem.
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