EastCoastGhost Does Multiple Strains From Cropking - Coco - PS COB

Update time, 14 days since flip and girls are stretching and doing great so far. I will start off with Kim the Green Crack, she is Stretching up and has become a nice size plant. I have high hopes for her.

Next is Kylie the mutant Crown Royale, she is still stretching also and seems to be enjoying life

Next is Sherry the Super Silver Haze, she is a beast and I’m hoping for some killer Sativa bud lol. The pics are a little dark so sorry about that.

Last but not least is Jaimie, she is definitely a beast also, she is 42in wife at her widest point and is still stretching. She has been on fire since sprout so I’m hoping she’ll produce be some fire at the end lol

In very happy with their performance so far. I will be introducing Big Bud to the feed schedule starting tomorrow so hopefully they will enjoy it and start stacking me some big buds lol. Hope everyone is having a great day. I live in the middle of nowhere but it’s a beautiful sunny day lol.✌️
I got my nutrients in today except for the overdrive and it will be here next week. I won’t need it till later on in flower anyway. I do have a question on the Big Bud if anyone can help. The directions say to use weeks two through four of the bloom phase. What I was wondering is if they are talking about weeks 2-4 after flip or weeks 2-4 from time I see pistils. Some people count from flip while others count from the time she starts shooting pistils.✌️
I liek to use from week 3-5 /6 maybe
Beautiful structure on these girls! Jaimie is going to be a monster.
I have to say I’m very pleased with all three of these Cropking strains so far and I’m pretty excited for these to finish lol. I’m hoping the SSH is good bud cause I been wanting a good Sativa cause everything around here almost is Indica. I love Indica to but I love a nice strong Sativa also lol.✌️
I have to say I’m very pleased with all three of these Cropking strains so far and I’m pretty excited for these to finish lol. I’m hoping the SSH is good bud cause I been wanting a good Sativa cause everything around here almost is Indica. I love Indica to but I love a nice strong Sativa also lol.✌️
I am with you on the sativas. They are my favorite too. I was just in Colorado and the sativa was very limited, at the dispensary’s. Most of the locals prefer the indica.
Lights are off for tonight. I will start introducing the big bud tomorrow. These SSH are pretty finicky over the Nutes. So far anything over 650-700ppm and I start getting burnt tips so I don’t think they like a whole lot of Nutes. The Green Crack and Crown Royale seem to handle the Nutes a little better. I was thinking today how I used to finish 5-6 plants in my 4+4 when I was in soil and now I’m in a 5+5 with coco and barley fit 4 so that shows how much bigger these plants are. They are without a doubt the biggest indoor plants I’ve had to date. I was vegging 60 days or longer in the soil I was using but just couldn’t get the size plants I wanted. I hope my bud size will be a lot bigger this time also in the coco. Once these ladies get done stretching I will lollipop on them some more. ✌️
Lights are off for tonight. I will start introducing the big bud tomorrow. These SSH are pretty finicky over the Nutes. So far anything over 650-700ppm and I start getting burnt tips so I don’t think they like a whole lot of Nutes. The Green Crack and Crown Royale seem to handle the Nutes a little better. I was thinking today how I used to finish 5-6 plants in my 4+4 when I was in soil and now I’m in a 5+5 with coco and barley fit 4 so that shows how much bigger these plants are. They are without a doubt the biggest indoor plants I’ve had to date. I was vegging 60 days or longer in the soil I was using but just couldn’t get the size plants I wanted. I hope my bud size will be a lot bigger this time also in the coco. Once these ladies get done stretching I will lollipop on them some more. ✌️
After stretch I make sure all my lowers are clean and remove thru the middle to make sure they get air. That will get you big dense buds. Airflow is key.
Thanks for the tip Derby, hopefully they will be done stretching by day 21 of flower. Today was day 14 so maybe in another week they will be done. Jaimie is already 25in tall from the coco and 42in wide at her widest point so hopefully she won’t get to much taller lol. The other SSH and GC are 22in y’all from coco and 33 or 34 in wid so they are pretty good size also. Hopefully they will yield good for me in the end.✌️
I transplanted the GC I took out of tent to a 10g toat in soil. These plants that I’ve had to take out and transplant in soil for outdoor has had great roots. Pretty much the whole three gallon fabric pot is one big rootball. You can see were they have airprooned in the fabric pots. I have to say, I will be using fabric pots for now on and anyone that hasn’t used them I strongly recommend you give them a try cause I have always used plastic pots or 5-gallon buckets in the past but I have got a lot better roots in the fabric pots this run.✌️
Started introducing the Big Bud to the ladies this morning at 1/4 strength so hopefully they like it. It don’t have any nitrogen in it so I really like that and it has plenty of K so they should love it. Their looking really good today and they stretched up around another or so inch since yesterday. Their shooting pistils everywhere now, the two SSH are ahead or the CR and GC by just a tad. Here’s Kloe the Green Crack that I took out of the tent to make room. I transplanted her to a 10g toat last night and she will be going to her final destination probably Tuesday.✌️

Girls seem to like the big bud, they’ve been perky as can be today lol. I am feeding at 525-550ppm and I know a lot of people feed much higher but these SSH won’t allow it and I was getting some tip burn on the GC also at around 650-700ppm so I back back down a little bit. It seems like they do better around the 500-550ppm range and as long as their not asking for anymore I believe they will be fine. A lot of times feeding at high ppm will get you in trouble with lockouts and things. From my experience lower is better lol.✌️
Got a few pics after their second feeding today to share. I will start off with a pic of Kim the Green Crack, she is almost 24in tall from the coco to her highest point and around 34-35in wide. She has some beefy limbs so hopefully she can hold the weight lol

Next is a pic of Kylie the mutant Crown Royale, she is still stretching also and doing really good
This next pic shows the top of her polyploid branch

This next pic is of Sherry the SSH, she’s still doing her thing and looking great
Last up is Jaimie, she is a very wide girl and is always happy. Here’s a pic that shows her patiently waiting for her feeding lol
This next pic shows one of Jaimie’s branches so you can see how much she’s flowering.
That’s all the pics for now and the girls will be going to sleep in another 3 hours so another day down. It’s getting exciting now with the girls stretching and starting flower. I love watching them at this stage.✌️
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