EastCoastGhost Does Multiple Strains From Cropking - Coco - PS COB

I’m gonna check on the girls here in a little bit and I’m hoping that the stretching has stopped. I got their final trim planned for tomorrow. I will be glad to give them a trim and take a lot of the lower stuff so it will help with airflow also. If they stretch anymore I’m gonna have to figure a way to raise light up a little more. I will figure something out, I’m gonna look at Walmart tomorrow and see what kind of hooks they have. My ratchet hangers won’t hook directly to the poles on the tent, I had to use like a S hook for poles and then hook racket hooks to the S hooks. If I can find a little bigger rope climbing hook I can replace the ratchet hooks with the bigger climber hooks and do away with the S hooks and gain two or three inches. I don’t know if that makes sense but I tried to explain lol. Another option is to do away with the ratchet hangers all together and use the climbing hooks to hook light directly to poles and that would give me plenty of room but I couldn’t adjust the light up or down. I could set plants on a crate or two and level them up if I have to. I will be checking them in a bit so I’ll see if Jaimie and Kim has stretched anymore.✌️
Girls hasn’t stretched much since yesterday, Jaimie and Kim might have stretch just a touch but not much so maybe that’s about all of it. Sherry and Kylie has about stopped stretching I believe. Here’s a pic I took of Kylie’s polyploid branch, it has pistils shooting out everywhere and she’s already got a little bit of frost going on lol.✌️
My temps are at 74f and I got humidity set to 50%. I was running humidity at 60-65% but now that stretch is slowing down a little bit I lowered it down to 50%. The GC seems to like it alot better at 50% cause she has been really perky today. Once stretch stops completely and I do my final trim I will probably lower it on down to 40-45%. I'm hoping i can continue to control the humidity through summer. My room is sealed really good and it's not much bigger than the 5×5 tent so my dehumidifier has been doing great and I've not had to put the thermostat over halfway yet so I'm thinking I'll be able to keep humidity down this time.✌️
Good info brotha

Loving this journal more and more ghost ✊
Alright I got some pics, don’t make fun of me to bad cause I’ve never done lollipop and defo to this extreme lol. I gutted them pretty good lol, I hope they bounce back quick. First up is Kylie the Crown Royale

Next up is Sherry the SSH

Next is Jaimie the other SSH

Last is Kim the Green Crack

Here’s a group shot
Doing their final trim made better air flow and opened everything up, I just hope my girls recover good. I lowered the strength of Nutes also due to taking off all the leaves and stuff. Let me know what y’all think.✌️
Your plants always look so healthy ECG, it’s a pleasure to stroll through. Your plants are how mine usually look so I’ll hang out here to lift my spirits;)

Love everything and can relate to basically strapping your lights to the roof :D

That Kylie is still my favourite and did you say 70 clones??!! Haha :D :D I’ll be sticking around for that!
You got it perfect with that defol you did ghost. Now the plant can get good air circulation and won't be putting resources into parts that won't yield anything. I know it's hard to do the first time but they'll bounce back in 2 days tops. Your going to get some big dense buds on those girls. Well done.
Your plants always look so healthy ECG, it’s a pleasure to stroll through. Your plants are how mine usually look so I’ll hang out here to lift my spirits;)

Love everything and can relate to basically strapping your lights to the roof :D

That Kylie is still my favourite and did you say 70 clones??!! Haha :D:D I’ll be sticking around for that!
Thanks newty, you are welcome to come hang out anytime you like. You guys are the only garden friends I have since I have to keep everything on the down low here we’re I live lol. Yea I cloned everything that I could clone and I also cloned everything on the preflip defo lol. I’m putting all the clones outside for hopefully a outdoor harvest this October. I will post pics of them growing outdoor along the way.
You got it perfect with that defol you did ghost. Now the plant can get good air circulation and won't be putting resources into parts that won't yield anything. I know it's hard to do the first time but they'll bounce back in 2 days tops. Your going to get some big dense buds on those girls. Well done.
Thanks Derby, I was extremely worried to do it but I’m glad I did now. It gave better airflow and I’m getting light to everything now. I really do appreciate you and everyone else helping me and holding my hand through this lol. Hopefully these girls finish strong and provide me with some good meds lol.✌️
You got it perfect with that defol you did ghost. Now the plant can get good air circulation and won't be putting resources into parts that won't yield anything. I know it's hard to do the first time but they'll bounce back in 2 days tops. Your going to get some big dense buds on those girls. Well done.
Did you get your final trim done on your girls yet.✌️
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