Dutchman’s 1st Grow Ever: 2018

October 6 - Day 69

Hello and Happy Saturday everyone! Happy thankgiving weekend to all my fellow Canadians! Gobble Gobble!!:laugh:

So we have a BIG (mostly photo) update today as promised with a beautiful shots of all the girls and their sexy glory!:p
All is healthy and lovely in the tent great temps at 77.6'F and RH sitting around 47-52%... overall im pretty happy with that!
The girls have all been growing strong and the 2 Widows are nearing an end. The Early Miss sisters ...well lets just say they have surpassed my expectations on size! :high-five: WW1 is getting her second round feeding of "OverDrive" this morning. She is still drinking a fair bit at 4L every 3 days but starting to slowly stretch it out to 4 days before needing another water. WW2 is a bit further along so she will get one more feed before flush, she has really started to slow down drinking now. 4L has lasted 4 days now and could still go till tomorrow! But enough of my blubbering on about these beauties, lets get to the pictures shall we!!





All the girls went back home and as a size comparison you can see how dominating EM1 is ;)

I hope everyone has an amazing saturday and an absolutely great Thanks Giving!
Great looking plants man

Hey @NoobyMacDooby Welcome and thanks for the positive vibes:high-five: Hope all is well near you and your having a great weekend! I know im excited to eat some turkey :yahoo: Grab a seat hit the bong and relax and enjoy the grow!

Nice stuff Dutch:)

Harvest soon! Wooop

Hey @newty and thanks!! I know these girls are getting close and man do they ever stink!:cheer: Hope your having a great saturday!
Saved all my fan leaves from today washed and ready for morning shakes !

My new trimmers!! Capsules and loading tray came today in the mail!!

Going to try my hand at making some strong Cana Capsules!

Green days !
Hello @SmokeSara
Hope all is well! I am looking at adding some perimeter lighting. Would you have any suggestions at a reasonable cost?
Hi Dutchman1990, do you mean side lights or supplemental lights? I will send PM.
So Lighting.......

I’ve been loving my HPS for my first grow and will definitely be keeping it for a secondary grow light but I think I want to spend some money and invest!!

Been looking at the Timber 3VL lights.
I was thinking of getting 2 for my tent!

I think with 2 of these bad boys I could really boost my light penetration and yield production! Has anyone used these specific lights yet and what are your thoughts !!

I run Timbers - 'If you haven't pulled the trigger yet, get the VERO29s in 3K - can VEG and bloom with that spectrum. 3.5K is a little cool. IMHO. I run 1/3 17.5K and 2/3 3K. in flower and 3K in VEG turned down to 1/2 power, then increase intensity a week before flip.

Give your big girls some water.. they look thirsty! #2 specially.

Got some big beautiful colas there buddy! Nice job. Love me some big ladies.

I see you defoil, I'm curious why? I never understood that.
Hey Bob! Welcome to the garden and thanks for the input and positive vibes!! I have looked at timber and have considered going big with them but not until I upgrade my entire light setup!! Right now I want to add in additional LED strip lighting around the perimeter to boost trich production and overall penetration!

All the girls are healthy and the widows are getting close to harvest now!! Stinky I tell you haha!!

Glad you came along for the ride as I prepare to go perpetual this winter!

Happy days !
Hey Dutch ladies are looking great my friend!!! Let me know how the canna-caps work for you. I still have quite a bit of my canna-coconut oil just trying to find a better way to use it for the vets I help with meds. Hope your having a good day!!!
Hey Dutch ladies are looking great my friend!!! Let me know how the canna-caps work for you. I still have quite a bit of my canna-coconut oil just trying to find a better way to use it for the vets I help with meds. Hope your having a good day!!!

I will definitely let you know how the canna caps work out for me! I’ll document my process as well and post it here for all that may be interested as well!

Great minds alike! Haha

Green Dayz pal!
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