Duggan Does Gorilla's - Double Berry's In Doc's Gear - Four Plants - One Kit

Hey Dugg's and all...Happy 420 to Ya'll...EH!...lolool...Good looking Girlz!...as usual...As you may or may not know...I've been following these HB journals for some time now...sitting on the fence whether to pull the trigger...getting satisfactory results using current methods...however...despite all the astounding results of "kit" growers...I'm going to try my own(hopefully close) version using the knowledge I've gleaned from these journals and Doc's thread and other HB research...over the past year, I've put away extra cash to upgrade my hillbilly lighting. and stepping up the soil seems the next logical step...the stubborn SOB in me dictates...I can do this!!...understandably...Doc's(and other internet sources) amendments and amounts are proprietory...but he had to start somewhere...I'm hoping that any of the "crew" could stop by the stage 2 part of my 2017 journal once that gets going to offer any advice/criticism...hoping to get my soil started cooking this weekend...although real life may intervene(90 year old Mom took a tumble and broke a hip yesterday...surgery done late today)...anyway...rambling...Cheerz to All!...Who for Stanley Duggs!??...h00k...:hookah:

dr.h00k, kudos for wanting to pull a Frank Sinatra on the kit...:) good luck with it. HB farming has been around for some time.
If you get a chance and read Doc's journals from their beginning, he mentions the ingredients, agricultural lab(one that shall not be mentioned here;)) etc..

BTW..Doc can provide you with what you would need (bulk) if you want to convert your soil in your yard into HB soil...you would test your soil, and he would consult with you with what you would need, etc.
PM him; :thumb:
Top of the day to everyone!:) Last night the three girls got a GE Drench , Epsoms and a little Tea. That will be all the Epsoms they get , since their days are numbered now. I will fit in one more GE Drench right before harvest, until then they will get only water with a lil Tea.
I haven't seen them yet today since that GE Drench , so . The buds and colas are very heavy and i have had to 'pull up ' a few lower branches that were going to snap any time , so i'm glad i caught those. Smells are very fruity as expected and very , very sticky...:)
Hope everyone had a great day today and will have an awesome night,..cheers gang!:circle-of-love:
Top of the day to everyone!:) Last night the three girls got a GE Drench , Epsoms and a little Tea. That will be all the Epsoms they get , since their days are numbered now. I will fit in one more GE Drench right before harvest, until then they will get only water with a lil Tea.
I haven't seen them yet today since that GE Drench , so . The buds and colas are very heavy and i have had to 'pull up ' a few lower branches that were going to snap any time , so i'm glad i caught those. Smells are very fruity as expected and very , very sticky...:)
Hope everyone had a great day today and will have an awesome night,..cheers gang!:circle-of-love:

Sup Duggs? Why don't you use the OG drench instead of the Epsoms? Isn't that what the OG is for? Magnesium deficiency. Just wondering

Cheers dude
Hey Noob, ya , as a matter of fact, i have a full bottle Doc sent me early last year,...haven't used a drop:). I keep forgetting i have it,..it's tucked away . I've had to 'release' the pressure a few times in the bottle , as it was getting ready to go 'boom'. It hasn't done that for many months now , so not sure it's still good tbh. Pretty soon i'm gonna be getting a box of supplies from Doc, with all the new stuff!
Cheers bud!
Mornin Mon :ganjamon:

Top of the morning to ya my friend!:) Have a great day Budley,..hoping all is well in your world...:high-five::Namaste:
Morning Duggs those ladies look amazing... I'm still cooking the Kit over here I'll be at a month in about a week.
Yup, not long now Dickie. When it's time , give us a 'heads up' and ask any and all questions you might have OK.
Have an awesome day Dickie...:high-five:
Morning Duggs those ladies look amazing... I'm still cooking the Kit over here I'll be at a month in about a week.
That's about the time I toss a few leaves and "roots" into the bin and if they are not there in a few days it is ready. Just another way to tell if it's ready is all.

Have a good day duggs.
Nismo just any leaves and what kind of roots? And when should I do this
You can use healthy leaves from your plants, if you have any. As for 'roots' it is the little bag of myco powder and goodies that doc sent ya. Just sprinkle a little bit on the leaves and cover them up. Within a week the microbes and magic will have started to have their way with them. You'll know it when you see it.
Evenin gang! Hey Dickie, you need not concern yourself with getting healthy leaves off your plant to feed your cooking soil OK!! Leave them right where they are, on the plant:)
When your plants get big and your doing some pruning,...that's when to save those OK. Don't start thinkin you gotta do it neither, cuz ya don't. You must remember , when you add all kinds of leaves , your humus level rises and that can change things. I always add some leaves in with my cooking soil , but you have to watch how much. Most of what i prune off gets discarded, only a few big handfuls go to the soil. Too many EWC's over time does that too, that's why some of us like to 'cut in' some fresh PM before the third 'cook', to bring the soil back in balance.
Dickie , you get this bud! Cheers .:passitleft:
Duggs I just love how you mentor the newbies to navigate Doc's grow techniques.....you are a real gem....:circle-of-love:
Evenin everyone, hope ya's all had a decent day with no stress,...well, very little anyway..:tokin:..it's been four days since the last GE Drench, so i thought i'de throw up a few pics. Some of the leaves are toasting , but overall health is quite good. Cola development is thru the roof and the once upon a time secondary buds have gotten much larger ,...all these colas you see are hard and heavy. Wanted to show just how great these 'pipe cleaners work with just a couple steaks in the pot.
Anyhow have a great night everyone.
Getting the hang of it eh!...:rofl:...stress!?...God must really trust how much I can handle...first Mom...now 2 days of ice storm...Fook!...silver linings...Mom's still here(don't know how long tho') and no power outages...I take what I can get...always a pleasure to look at your garden!...cheerz!...h00k...:hookah:
Wow Duggan... I dunno if I'll every have buds that look that good. At least I can stop in to look and dream a lil.
Okay later Bud..
Always a pleasure to stop in n read.... N take a peek..
Oh yeah, Shawnee said it right... You're some good awesome mentor.
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