Duggan Does Gorilla's - Double Berry's In Doc's Gear - Four Plants - One Kit

This bit of news has regenerated grow companies value on the stock market, (which took off after the Liberal victory...but then somewhat declined)...8 to 11 percent this week...still kicking myself for not following my gut and buying in at the get go when they first started trading...could have made some serious coin!...sucks having 20/20 hindsight...LOLOOL...cheerz...h00k...

Pfft, I almost bought Trump at under 30! Two days later he won. That's a 233% return. Bah. :laugh: Win some, lose some. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Looking fantastic Duggs and thank you again for the light info. Got it yesterday and hung it this morning, for some reason I thought it would be smaller diameter than it is. Got it over the green crack and we will see how things progress, may need 3 more to get the coverage better but looking forward to seeing the results for sure. Anyhow, have a great evening and thanks again for all your help, we both greatly appreciate it.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Jesus, Duggs, your plants are off the hook excellent....REPS+ you definitely rock.....as for all this BS on legalizing in the name of commercial $$ it just gags me....I have made great efforts of going off the grid.........cash only, on the down low......works for me.....
I remember reading that our NEW Ca Law would put a stop to local/City/county/ Bans on indoor growing ?
Outdoor not so much. So If I am not mistaken I can now grow 6 plants indoors even though my local City
had previously banned ALL growing in out City.

Please tell me this is TRUE. I do understand they can still ban outdoor growing but no power to stop
indoor cultivation within the 6 plant limit.

I don't think they have had time to overturn any of this Yet, Have they ?

I think you have it correct Gazoo. 6 inside ok. Outside most cities banning. State pot agency figuring it out....for now old medical laws still in effect too. Not much will change for me....keep quiet & lay low, still feel "pot stigma" for use & growing developed over a lifetime, grow many more than 6, still keep recommendations on hand from several patients. I'm within laws for Prop. 215 Medical but not for current legalization. And I will be planting outdoors this year regardless but not as many & not as big. Getting old anyway. :Namaste:
Duggs, I have to give someone reps so I can back to you, and I will...this happens to me all the time...sorry....I will get back to you....
I'm sorry bright, I am a relentless advocate.....and very passionate....you have got my juices flowing.....please go on.....

with a packed canopy like that, how deep are the lights penetrating?

do you lollypop anything below a certain point? what length bud are you averaging or shooting for?

I actually think I have been opening up my plants to much and might be better off packing them in.
Thanks Boogs, moving right along eh...cheers bud!:)

This bit of news has regenerated grow companies value on the stock market, (which took off after the Liberal victory...but then somewhat declined)...8 to 11 percent this week...still kicking myself for not following my gut and buying in at the get go when they first started trading...could have made some serious coin!...sucks having 20/20 hindsight...LOLOOL...cheerz...h00k...
it's not too late to get 'in' . Just need some 'loose' cash and good reliable info. and some BIG balls.....:rofl:

Pfft, I almost bought Trump at under 30! Two days later he won. That's a 233% return. Bah. :laugh: Win some, lose some. :cheesygrinsmiley:
FFS's Gray...'rat soup' brotha! You play it safe anyhow...i know you !:)

Looking Great Duggan! Killer jungle you got there

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine
Top of the mornin to ya DL...some call this GR 'Duggans Dungeon'...wonder why eh!....:tokin:

Looking fantastic Duggs and thank you again for the light info. Got it yesterday and hung it this morning, for some reason I thought it would be smaller diameter than it is. Got it over the green crack and we will see how things progress, may need 3 more to get the coverage better but looking forward to seeing the results for sure. Anyhow, have a great evening and thanks again for all your help, we both greatly appreciate it.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
A very good morning to ya's AB! glad you got the light..it's a 90W Dorm grow (G-8) all red UFO right? ya , get a few of em if one doesn't cover all, buy more, they're cheap....:thumb: They work great too! Cheers eh!:high-five:

Jesus, Duggs, your plants are off the hook excellent....REPS+ you definitely rock.....as for all this BS on legalizing in the name of commercial $$ it just gags me....I have made great efforts of going off the grid.........cash only, on the down low......works for me.....
Much thanks Shawnee, and ya, i know exactly what ya mean too! Things are gonna change...lets hope , for the better and they don't punish us small 'hobby growers'. Cheers Shawnee, have an awesome Wed. would ya:)

I remember reading that our NEW Ca Law would put a stop to local/City/county/ Bans on indoor growing ?
Outdoor not so much. So If I am not mistaken I can now grow 6 plants indoors even though my local City
had previously banned ALL growing in out City.

Please tell me this is TRUE. I do understand they can still ban outdoor growing but no power to stop
indoor cultivation within the 6 plant limit.

I don't think they have had time to overturn any of this Yet, Have they ?

I think you have it correct Gazoo. 6 inside ok. Outside most cities banning. State pot agency figuring it out....for now old medical laws still in effect too. Not much will change for me....keep quiet & lay low, still feel "pot stigma" for use & growing developed over a lifetime, grow many more than 6, still keep recommendations on hand from several patients. I'm within laws for Prop. 215 Medical but not for current legalization. And I will be planting outdoors this year regardless but not as many & not as big. Getting old anyway. :Namaste:
I'm just not sure about the growing laws just yet....can't comment! All i know is...i'm still gonna do what i do , no matter what:) Have a great day Bright!:high-five:

Duggs, I have to give someone reps so I can back to you, and I will...this happens to me all the time...sorry....I will get back to you....


with a packed canopy like that, how deep are the lights penetrating?

do you lollypop anything below a certain point? what length bud are you averaging or shooting for?

I actually think I have been opening up my plants to much and might be better off packing them in.
Good questions HH. Yes, it's a "packed canopy" for sure , always is, it's the only way i can get my required yields! Canopy penetration is one of the reasons i added the Advanced XTE 400, plus to increase the 'footprint' i can get great solid buds out of. These lights penetrate about one foot, that is about it, so that's how i prune...everything from a foot down gets pruned off. I don't really "lollipop" as some do . I prune for canopy buds not branch buds , if ya know what i mean.The plant is treated as a whole , not a branch at a time, so smaller secondary , further down lil branches are left on the plant cuz it might have a canopy bud on it...it's allowed to stay. When i get under and look at the plants from the side they look like the bottom half is bare while the top half enjoys life....so those canopies are about a foot thick , that is all. The main colas always are about 8-10 inches long and very solid. As bloom gets later i like to prune off the big shade fans to help out the lower buds a lil,...works well, but i leave em all on for most of the grow, keeps the Brix up really high for optimum health and resin development...Cheers HH , have an awesome Wed. :high-five:

Im returning the DeLorean...I just got back from tomorrow! :lot-o-toke::allgood:... :)

:happy-birthday:to you....:happy-birthday: to you....:happy-birthday: Dear Dooooooogannnnnnn....

:happy-birthday: to....youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Ziggs, you just rock ...my #1 :0 Bday is end of month though....:tokin:
So you haven't done the CAT yet? We did it waaaaaay too early. It definitely effects yield if done too soon. Those things are gorgeous. I'm going to take a trip up north and try some of that!

No , no CD yet. I like to wait and give it later. Done both ways and they both work. I like to get the mains lookin good before they get it, just my way.:tokin:

Remember Nis and gang....the CD treatment is NOT required for stellar results using the 'kit' OK! GE and Transplant work awesome together.:)
Right date, wrong month...

it happens when you use a DeLorean that multitasks as a time machine...


Marilyn, still knows people's birthday's from years ago , being told once, in passing, it's actually freekish , if you ask me. She has frightened people...:rofl::rofl:with her abrupt accuracy, and relentless perfection. Known her a very long time , and never have i seen her forget a 'date'. truly remarkable. Then again, ask her which way North is .....she's a mess...:rofl: She actually reminded me to call my 'middle' sister today, as it's her B Day....:)
Ziggs, i made my special , 'BIG Batch' of Spag. Sauce this morning...yummy, forgot to get fresh Parmesan for it though. Had to settle for 'Kr..t.. it's OK but my sauce deserves the best ...:blunt:
Cheers Ziggs and gang.:circle-of-love:
Good evening gang,...i received some very bad news from Budley a couple days ago. I'm not sure who he's close with here, but , he is a very valued member around these parts and he needs us right now. He's going thru a family tragedy of the worst kind and has given me permission to advise the gang , who he also said he misses. Some healing vibes to you Budley , our good brotha,..stay strong !:love:
hello today
my question is about ewc
do you have a brand that is good and any that are not to be used
you are eastern and i am western but we are both north of 49
hello today
my question is about ewc
do you have a brand that is good and any that are not to be used
you are eastern and i am western but we are both north of 49

try to use EWC with a 0 (or very very close) for the K(potassium) on the nute analysis N-P-K of the EWC(Earth Worm Castings) With high potassium, wont allow high brix to be obtained.
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