Duggan Does Gorilla's - Double Berry's In Doc's Gear - Four Plants - One Kit

In my climate, there's no reason for local gardening centers to carry soils in the winter, so it can be expensive to have bales of Pro-Mix shipped in, but I can find smaller bags of their more commercial soils. :hmmmm: So I called Premier and managed to find a plant soil scientist. He told me that the mixing for ALL their Pro-Mix starts with a pH-stabilized base (primarily from calcitic limestone). Then they produce their specialized soils. So if you can source a basic variant, you can often adjust it to match Pro-Mix HP (add some more perlite for instance).

I've wondered if the bales of raw peat would work, but I don't know what they use to pH it - dolomite lime isn't acceptable for the Kit.


here are an extra couple to keep you going!!

:rofl: :rofl:

Vitamin L


Ya,...need some!:)...:thumb:.....:Namaste:

In my climate, there's no reason for local gardening centers to carry soils in the winter, so it can be expensive to have bales of Pro-Mix shipped in, but I can find smaller bags of their more commercial soils. :hmmmm: So I called Premier and managed to find a plant soil scientist. He told me that the mixing for ALL their Pro-Mix starts with a pH-stabilized base (primarily from calcitic limestone). Then they produce their specialized soils. So if you can source a basic variant, you can often adjust it to match Pro-Mix HP (add some more perlite for instance).

I've wondered if the bales of raw peat would work, but I don't know what they use to pH it - dolomite lime isn't acceptable for the Kit.

What Gray said.....:high-five:
Duggs, Canada to legalize by July 2018.....!!!!!!!! <Oh Canada>......Trudeau rocks!!!!! Woo hoo!
just dropping by to say hi and thanks for the welcome
we meet the other day at docs

Hey 49,...welcome to my journal !:):welcome:
Please stick around and see what happens to my Double Berry's...next up is Blueberry Twist :)
Help yourself to a cold Stella,...in the corner ..the cooler with the Bob Marley poster on it.:tokin:

Sent from my DeLorean...in the future!
Hey Shawnee, mornin to ya !:) Yup, it's gonna happen! Full legalization for rec. use. It's long over due IMO!
The personal growing laws are what i'm most interested in. anyhow , have an awesome day Shawnee and gang!

Hmmm, I wonder if they'll consider pot-growing as a profession, for immigration purposes ... :hmmmm: ... Tahiti would be better, but I'm a Northerner, so Ima used to the climate anyway ... :hmmmm:

Hmmm, I wonder if they'll consider pot-growing as a profession, for immigration purposes ... :hmmmm: ... Tahiti would be better, but I'm a Northerner, so Ima used to the climate anyway ... :hmmmm:


Ya eh Gray...lots of possibilities. Gonna be loads of people and businesses jumping all over this. it's gonna be funny and frustrating , at the same time.:high-five:
Hmmm, I wonder if they'll consider pot-growing as a profession, for immigration purposes ... :hmmmm: ... Tahiti would be better, but I'm a Northerner, so Ima used to the climate anyway ... :hmmmm:


Ya eh Gray...lots of possibilities. Gonna be loads of people and businesses jumping all over this. it's gonna be funny and frustrating , at the same time.:high-five:

Nope, no such luck. I just went through the eligibility questionaire. It's not that easy, even with a traditional self-employed business. Ah well. :straightface: My State legislature might eventually manage to extract their collective heads from their rectums and obey the results of our own "successful" initiated measure. FFS, how can it be legal to have but not to grow? What's the upside in that? These people have no fuggin clue.
For reference....CA's legalization while great philosophically & for general public is NOT good for medical growers. Many local jurisdictions already passing ordinances forbidding outdoor growing. The passed bill allows 6 indoor plants. Most medical growers voted against prior failed bill & also this one. :Namaste:
It's all politics and money, and lets not forget, they , the govn. doesn't have a clue what , or how to get it all done ,..properly, so there will be amendments to the laws as the next few yrs. progress. The most important thing is, it's a major step forward and so many people have come out of the closet , so to speak , and things are not as taboo as once were. The general population is warming up to it ...maybe cuz most are using it..:wood: ...cops, judges, doctors, lawyers, :)
Anyhow , it's a conversation , for sure.hey Bright,...thanks for swingin by my journal BTW...cheers bud. Congrats on your recent harvest too..:high-five:
Cheers gang, gonna give the girls a big drink in a few min's. Tonight it will be 1/4 Trans and just a wee bit of Tea. They are getting big , so this is when i start to give the 1/4 Trans between Drenches ( Drenches are considered G.E. , Transplant, OG, or Cat. Drench ). Not every time ,..next drink will be straight water. Just like i said about five days ago, that's how long between drinks, so they are drinking about a gal. per day.
I may throw up a few new pics as well...:bravo:


Sent from my Delorean...in the future!
For reference....CA's legalization while great philosophically & for general public is NOT good for medical growers. Many local jurisdictions already passing ordinances forbidding outdoor growing. The passed bill allows 6 indoor plants. Most medical growers voted against prior failed bill & also this one. :Namaste:

I remember reading that our NEW Ca Law would put a stop to local/City/county/ Bans on indoor growing ?
Outdoor not so much. So If I am not mistaken I can now grow 6 plants indoors even though my local City
had previously banned ALL growing in out City.

Please tell me this is TRUE. I do understand they can still ban outdoor growing but no power to stop
indoor cultivation within the 6 plant limit.


Been trying to find were I had read about this. Here is a clip from the "CANNA LAW GROUPs" Blog

Though the state is not required to begin issuing recreational cannabis licenses until January 1, 2018, Prop 64 immediately allows California residents to cultivate up to six marijuana plants for personal use. In response, several localities have instituted bans on outdoor cannabis cultivation. Though they aren’t able to ban personal cultivation indoors, note that they can (and some already do) regulate these activities. Also keep in mind that under Prop 64 if you rent instead of own, your landlord still has the right to prohibit cannabis use on its property.

I don't think they have had time to overturn any of this Yet, Have they ?


Here is another cut and paste from another site

Like comparable initiatives in Colorado and other states, Prop. 64 legalizes the possession and use of one ounce or less of marijuana by adults 21 and over. In addition, it allows adults to cultivate up to six plants for personal use in a private, enclosed space. This limit doesn't apply to medical users, who may still grow and possess as much as required for personal medical use under Prop. 215, though this is subject to limitation by local nuisance ordinances. In addition, Prop. 64 forbids local governments from completely banning personal use indoor cultivation, something that courts have allowed them to do under current law.
How bout that Dickie,...i grew BF CK a few yrs back in soil too! Very potent and stinky buds:) you will like the strain. yes , about Doc's 'kit' get one on order Ok. For now we will work with what you have. Try and work in a bunch of EWC's. into that soil. I would remove those lil sprouts , (go deep) and then work some goodies into that soil . Then thru growth you can give some organic nutes like fish emulsion type feeds and some Tea's and things.The beauty of Doc's 'kit' is ,..all the guess work has been removed by Doc and bunch of people that wear white lab coats:) I would like to see some thongs worked into that soil though , while you have the chance to just remove the lil ones for an hour or so, just long enough to build a better sustaining soil. Pro Mix HP is fantastic but will not support healthy growth later on, all by itself, the soil will need minerals and a good micro herd along with regular feedings of organic fish juice. lots to talk about dickie....so many different possibilities. You really should build that soil though,...while you still have time.Cheers eh!

Duggan was wondering how should I build the soil and what should I use? I bought the EWC's and Docs kit ships this week. Not sure how much I mix or how much of soil to EWC?

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I remember reading that our NEW Ca Law would put a stop to local/City/county/ Bans on indoor growing ?
Outdoor not so much. So If I am not mistaken I can now grow 6 plants indoors even though my local City
had previously banned ALL growing in out City.

Please tell me this is TRUE. I do understand they can still ban outdoor growing but no power to stop
indoor cultivation within the 6 plant limit.

I'm not sure Gazoo. Everything is in 'limbo' right now as the laws change. Wonder how many more raids there will be on dispensaries ,..before the laws do change. That troubles me.
Anyhow Gazoo and gang, i gave the girls that big drink, back pot got 5 gal's., front pot got 6.
They are starting to produce resin now and are looking good,...not as level a canopy , as i would like but , but..:tokin: So hard to train that back pot after they get bigger like this,...watering and pruning are are a chore.
But i like em so far. Here's a few pics of the sit. Enjoy your evening everyone. cheers.:circle-of-love:
Duggan was wondering how should I build the soil and what should I use? I bought the EWC's and Docs kit ships this week. Not sure how much I mix or how much of soil to EWC?

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Dickie, if you are going to get a 'kit' , you will have it soon , but not soon enough to use with those lil plants...you need to 'cook' the soil for 30 days before it's usable. The 'kit' comes with all the liquid Drenches and things along with amendment that you have to mix in with a 3.8 cu ft. bale of ProMix HP. along with the EWC's. You need to get a bale of ProMix HP. When you have that bale and your 'kit' from Doc next week , you can get everything mixed up and set aside until it's ready. In the meanwhile you have to mix some (a few handfuls)of those EWC's. into your existing pots soil. Remember how i said to do that. You need to remove thew lil seedlings for a bit until you get the EWC's. mixed in really good. then put the lil ones back and give them a drink. cheers
Dickie, if you are going to get a 'kit' , you will have it soon , but not soon enough to use with those lil plants...you need to 'cook' the soil for 30 days before it's usable. The 'kit' comes with all the liquid Drenches and things along with amendment that you have to mix in with a 3.8 cu ft. bale of ProMix HP. along with the EWC's. You need to get a bale of ProMix HP. When you have that bale and your 'kit' from Doc next week , you can get everything mixed up and set aside until it's ready. In the meanwhile you have to mix some (a few handfuls)of those EWC's. into your existing pots soil. Remember how i said to do that. You need to remove thew lil seedlings for a bit until you get the EWC's. mixed in really good. then put the lil ones back and give them a drink. cheers

Thanks Duggan for the help

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