Duggan Does Gorilla's - Double Berry's In Doc's Gear - Four Plants - One Kit

I think I put this in the wrong thread so I'm re-posting it again sorry Duggan....

I could continue to use as greenhouse and would rather, I just luv the free sun but have major heat issues with these next months coming. I live in Palm springs California with our climate its really tuff to stay cool. These past two weeks the weather changed to 90-95 degrees. gone down to about 80-85 since Sunday but next month I will have days in the 100's. Not worried about neighbors its pretty well secluded on the side of my house. I have the fans and timers.. still need the lights and wish I had more money(LOL). I believe I can control the environment with the window A/C. right now I have 4 newbies just planted from seed and the greenhouse stays 76-78 with a controller. I grow in pots not the ground. The greenhouse has a 12"x12"concrete paver floor. Yah I have a budget of around $800 but I can go a lil over if need be. I Have some pics if you need to see the confusing set up I have. I also have some pics of a grow I started in November and harvested the last week of February which I did under the sun. I also washed my plants for the first time and man that was something I will always do. These pics will only be from my second harvest ever which was this last Febuary 2017.

OK , got it. Understand your situation now, thanks for that info. You will need to spend a few hours getting the walls covered properly, that may mean on the outside too, to help with the heat. Make sure you have good airflow capable with a ground level intake, if possible.I would get pcs. of hard Styrofoam (1-2 inches thick) for under the pots to keep them off that concrete. You will need a good exhaust fan/filter to help with the heat and take care of air exchanges and the smell. I recommend a 6inch fan/filter combo , on a speed controller, set to 70-80% of max. speed only. More on that later ok. Also one of those 12-16" oscillating table fans for on the floor and get another smaller one for the canopy air flow . Look at my set up Dickie (minus all the lights). Your GH is not much bigger. This space i have is only 42" X 60" X 7.5 Ft. H.
OK , for lights i would get two medium sized mid range lights , like say two of Dorm Grow's 450's. (sponsor) mid -range units. A good value without breaking the bank. I run four of their lights ...two of the 240w all blooms and two of the all red 90W, UFO's. If you spend wisely then your budget of 8 bills can work...or not. :) I can recommend fans/filters/timers all that stuff , but it's fun looking around and seeing what's out there. Let me know if you need more help deciding on a good exhaust fan/filter combo or anything else too OK. Cheers Dickie.:high-five:
on the bottom watering. (non brix example 4wks flowering)

my current grow has a plant in a 2gl pot with a lot of holes around the lower half, and it sits in another pot just a little bigger for holding water. It has been watered 2/3 on top and 1/3 into the outer pot for bottom feeding every watering.
this might be one of the healthiest plants I have grown so. not a bad leaf or spot yet.
non kit brix tested @12 ain't to bad.

and one plant is in one of those 3gl ecopots where there is a chamber in the bottom with a filler tube.
it was only top watered at transplant, the rest of the way only bottom fed.
also healthy except for a slight fade beginning. tested @11
Yesterdays feeding was from the top to see if she greens up a bit.

even when I was growing brix in 7gl bags I would do the 2/3 1/3 thing every other watering.

I see no downside except if it is the only means of watering, then you might not be getting the most out of your soil.
Hash Hound , evenin to ya, yes your idea with the pots is good and no doubt works great for that sized pot. I feel that as long as the entire soil mass is equally watered it doesn't matter how that's accomplished. For me and my use of very large pots (for indoors) a slow good soak down the top is /has been working . These pots get 5 gal's. each ,every five days.
Your method of the holes all around the bottom half of your pots....reminds me of something i used to do about 12-15 yrs. ago. Used to use those 5-7 gal. round plastic jugs and drill lots and lots of 1/4 inch holes all around the bottom 3-4 inches of the pot, then fill it up and place it in a tray , with those clay lil balls...all the run off would stay in those trays and the roots grew out of all the holes , into the clay balls...was cool to see . The way i use Doc's gear now , is by far , the easiest and most reliable method ive tried. Cheers HH.:high-five:
Hey Duggs. Just strolling through to look at your big ass plants. Man do I love me some big stinky cannabis plants. Just made the dive into LED after seeing your success with your 100 LED lights looming over your monster buds. Lol I still need to look into those dormgrow you told me about. Hope your having a great week buddy.
Hey Duggs. Just strolling through to look at your big ass plants. Man do I love me some big stinky cannabis plants. Just made the dive into LED after seeing your success with your 100 LED lights looming over your monster buds. Lol I still need to look into those dormgrow you told me about. Hope your having a great week buddy.

Morning Noob, ya Dorm Grow always seems to have a sale on. If ya don't wanna try the all red UFO's what about looking into the two 240 'all bloom' ones from Dorm Grow. They are meant for bloom too and are the ones on the 'ends' of the Budmaster. Their main purpose was to increase the light getting to outer edges after they get some size to them,..i feel they are doing their job very well too!:)
Anyhow , thanks for the 'drive by' Noob, have a great day bud!:high-five:.....a pic of my lights:)
OK , got it. Understand your situation now, thanks for that info. You will need to spend a few hours getting the walls covered properly, that may mean on the outside too, to help with the heat. Make sure you have good airflow capable with a ground level intake, if possible.I would get pcs. of hard Styrofoam (1-2 inches thick) for under the pots to keep them off that concrete. You will need a good exhaust fan/filter to help with the heat and take care of air exchanges and the smell. I recommend a 6inch fan/filter combo , on a speed controller, set to 70-80% of max. speed only. More on that later ok. Also one of those 12-16" oscillating table fans for on the floor and get another smaller one for the canopy air flow . Look at my set up Dickie (minus all the lights). Your GH is not much bigger. This space i have is only 42" X 60" X 7.5 Ft. H.
OK , for lights i would get two medium sized mid range lights , like say two of Dorm Grow's 450's. (sponsor) mid -range units. A good value without breaking the bank. I run four of their lights ...two of the 240w all blooms and two of the all red 90W, UFO's. If you spend wisely then your budget of 8 bills can work...or not. :) I can recommend fans/filters/timers all that stuff , but it's fun looking around and seeing what's out there. Let me know if you need more help deciding on a good exhaust fan/filter combo or anything else too OK. Cheers Dickie.:high-five:

Duggan how does this look for covering that GH of mine

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Still need a few more thing you suggested. Would you be able to help me with the ground level intake and exhaust combo. As far as what brand. Cheers Duggan .

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Dickie, very nice job, OK, great pic, your some lucky to have it...pretty cool GH and grow room:) You will have to decide on where you wanna vent the exhaust, how high up, what wall , etc. It should be a 6" hole to accept your fan/filter set up. I'm excited after seeing this pic. We/you can make this very cool, sleek, stealthy, and highly productive. Start thinking about noise and security OK, There are many things to do , but it will be fun. Is that (sliding?) door the only way in?
There are a few different layouts you could have inside, you decide. I suggest making a 'horseshoe' walk around with the plants in the middle all the way to the back...know what i mean? That way you will have great access , all around , both sides and one end. I would grow 4-6 plants , under two larger lights. With a set up like that you could (as long as the enviro is proper)harvest close to 2 lbs , maybe a lil more , each crop. I would highly advise getting Doc Bud's 'kit' . Yesterday...:rofl: Cheers Dickie:):high-five:
Dickie, very nice job, OK, great pic, your some lucky to have it...pretty cool GH and grow room:) You will have to decide on where you wanna vent the exhaust, how high up, what wall , etc. It should be a 6" hole to accept your fan/filter set up. I'm excited after seeing this pic. We/you can make this very cool, sleek, stealthy, and highly productive. Start thinking about noise and security OK, There are many things to do , but it will be fun. Is that (sliding?) door the only way in?
There are a few different layouts you could have inside, you decide. I suggest making a 'horseshoe' walk around with the plants in the middle all the way to the back...know what i mean? That way you will have great access , all around , both sides and one end. I would grow 4-6 plants , under two larger lights. With a set up like that you could (as long as the enviro is proper)harvest close to 2 lbs , maybe a lil more , each crop. I would highly advise getting Doc Bud's 'kit' . Yesterday...:rofl: Cheers Dickie:):high-five:

I'm trying my hardest to get that kit. Thanks again Duggan with all the help and suggestions. I planted four plants before I started to chat on this site. I didn't know all the inns and out of the Brix fully. I planted my plants in the HP mix about three weeks ago. I don't think I'm gonna get Doc's Brix most likely for lil bit and then it takes 30 days to cook. So I wanted to ask you what should I do as far as nutrients for the young ladies I planted. I always plant in a regular soil that has nutrients in the soil but this HP has zero nutrients if I'm correct I really don't know Duggan that's why I'm asking. Here is the pics of the sprouts. There is one lil spout weird looking so tiny any thoughts on the last pic. Sorry for all these questions Duggan hope I'm not bugging you.
All the sprouts are B. Farms critical kush

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How bout that Dickie,...i grew BF CK a few yrs back in soil too! Very potent and stinky buds:) you will like the strain. yes , about Doc's 'kit' get one on order Ok. For now we will work with what you have. Try and work in a bunch of EWC's. into that soil. I would remove those lil sprouts , (go deep) and then work some goodies into that soil . Then thru growth you can give some organic nutes like fish emulsion type feeds and some Tea's and things.The beauty of Doc's 'kit' is ,..all the guess work has been removed by Doc and bunch of people that wear white lab coats:) I would like to see some thongs worked into that soil though , while you have the chance to just remove the lil ones for an hour or so, just long enough to build a better sustaining soil. Pro Mix HP is fantastic but will not support healthy growth later on, all by itself, the soil will need minerals and a good micro herd along with regular feedings of organic fish juice. lots to talk about dickie....so many different possibilities. You really should build that soil though,...while you still have time.Cheers eh!
Morning Noob, ya Dorm Grow always seems to have a sale on. If ya don't wanna try the all red UFO's what about looking into the two 240 'all bloom' ones from Dorm Grow. They are meant for bloom too and are the ones on the 'ends' of the Budmaster. Their main purpose was to increase the light getting to outer edges after they get some size to them,..i feel they are doing their job very well too!:)
Anyhow , thanks for the 'drive by' Noob, have a great day bud!:high-five:.....a pic of my lights:)

I call your lights the Starship.
Duggan sorry im a real dummy when it comes to this stuff. These question might sound odd but I really need help. What are ECW's and how do i work them into the soil. You also suggested to "remove spouts and go deep into the soil with the goodies". How do I go about that? What are Tea's? (any really good brands you could suggest ) Also what are Thongs that you said should be worked into the soil? "The good micro herd along with the fish juice"..What are micro herds? I want to build that soil like you suggested just don't know what I'm doing really. I would really like some more of your input and help if you have time... Again thanks Duggan. I'm gonna go to the local hydro shop to get this stuff today
Hi Dickie! EWC is earth worm castings and can be found at your local nursery. I'll let Duggan answer the other questions but I wonder if you couldn't use Doc's nutrients with what you have going on....? I'd suggest starting a journal of your own and putting a link in your signature and then dropping by a few journals and that will draw more help to your journal. Definately get Doc's kit! Well worth it!
thanks weenmeoff for the help... I will do the journal soon just have to figure out how I start one.. I also get Duggan input he's been really good to me since I started to ask questions from the start. We have a similar size growing space so I like to post here to get Duggans feed back. I only have 15 post. I'm a newbie to all this.. Thanks again for the info to my questions weemeoff.
thanks weenmeoff for the help... I will do the journal soon just have to figure out how I start one.. I also get Duggan input he's been really good to me since I started to ask questions from the start. We have a similar size growing space so I like to post here to get Duggans feed back. I only have 15 post. I'm a newbie to all this.. Thanks again for the info to my questions weemeoff.

Duggans is the man for sure! He has helped me and many others a lot! I was a newb about a year ago and still ask for help so don't feel bad about it, Duggan and many others are very helpful. When you get the EWC's, add a bunch to the top the use a little rake or something to get them down in the soil a bit. You don't want to add nutes for the 1st few weeks since the seedling is pretty fragile, I could be wrong because you have straight pro mix but Duggan or someone will come along soon and confirm. There is a journal on how to start a journal at the top of age 1. Good luck with everything and keep the questions coming.

Duggan sorry im a real dummy when it comes to this stuff. These question might sound odd but I really need help. What are ECW's and how do i work them into the soil. You also suggested to "remove spouts and go deep into the soil with the goodies". How do I go about that? What are Tea's? (any really good brands you could suggest ) Also what are Thongs that you said should be worked into the soil? "The good micro herd along with the fish juice"..What are micro herds? I want to build that soil like you suggested just don't know what I'm doing really. I would really like some more of your input and help if you have time... Again thanks Duggan. I'm gonna go to the local hydro shop to get this stuff today

Good morning Dickie,...no problem , everything will come together OK. Just try and relax and we/you will do one thing at a time OK. First thing ,..thank you very much to Ween for the help with this . Ween , cheers my brotha:)
Ok Dickie , yes, as Ween said, EWC are Earth Worm Castings or 'worm poop' . We use these in our soil to provide nutrients and humus.They are a great addition to any soil and can be 'top dressed' and 'worked in' a bit .How big are those pots they are in now?
Order Doc's. 'kit' asap and as Ween said , you can use some of it for this grow. With the lil sprouts or seedlings , i wanted you to take them out of those pots ...just for an hour or so to re work your soil...if they are in big pots already of just Pro Mix OK...understand bud? If the pots are smaller and you will be transplanting to bigger one's then let them be and we will address the soil in the bigger pots , got it? OK, at your Hydro store or local nursery buy a bag 10-15 kg. of EWC's and a bottle of some Fish fertilizer. Get organic if possible OK. I would like to see you add some minerals too but that's difficult at this stage.
Ok Dickie,.."micro herds" are the tiny microscopic organisms that are present in any 'living' soil. They eat things that are in the soil (rocks , fish juice minerals etc)and then they excrete things that feed the plants Ok. That description sucks BTW :)
Don't worry about the "Tea's' just yet OK. Lets do this lil by lil and try and get a nice crop in for you. Please get a 'kit' from Doc as soon as possible and get some soil cooking properly OK. Keep reading lots around these parts and ask lots of questions....members around these parts will help at every chance and will NOT steer you wrong OK.
After you get some EWC's, carefully remove your seedlings by scooping them out of their pots with a big , deep (4 inches)scoop making sure to get all the root/s. Just set them aside while you work in a couple good handfuls of EWC's...after it's all mixed in then re-plant the seedlings ...very carefully OK...got it? This is not optimum but we can make things work OK. Cheers Dickie:)
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