Duggan Does Gorilla's - Double Berry's In Doc's Gear - Four Plants - One Kit

is it soup yet?


Soup?....Ziggs, "what you talkin bout Luis?"
OK, gang , had my doctor appnt. yesterday, as i thought x rays came back just as the last ones from the summer did...nothing...clear lungs , chest and ribs...WTF. I knew they would show nothing. Anyhow she prescribed anti
inflammatory along with muscle relaxers (no thanks). She SPECULATED that i pulled rib/chest ligaments ...OK, ..i guess! So got home yesterday and took one of the anti inflammatory and it helped take the edge off , so i will continue to take those but not going to take any of the muscle relaxers...they just scare me too much . She gave me a note sayin i am to go back to work Monday but to go on 'modified duties' for two weeks. I will miss my last hockey game Sunday , i suspect , but , oh , well, could have been a lot worse.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Hope everyone has a happy Friday and is lookin forward to a groovin weekend!:)
Cheers gang!:circle-of-love:
soup?....ziggs, "what you talkin bout luis?"
ok, gang , had my doctor appnt. Yesterday, as i thought x rays came back just as the last ones from the summer did...nothing...clear lungs , chest and ribs...wtf. I knew they would show nothing. Anyhow she prescribed anti
inflammatory along with muscle relaxers (no thanks). She speculated that i pulled rib/chest ligaments ...ok, ..i guess! So got home yesterday and took one of the anti inflammatory and it helped take the edge off , so i will continue to take those but not going to take any of the muscle relaxers...they just scare me too much . She gave me a note sayin i am to go back to work monday but to go on 'modified duties' for two weeks. I will miss my last hockey game sunday , i suspect , but , oh , well, could have been a lot worse.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Hope everyone has a happy friday and is lookin forward to a groovin weekend!:)
cheers gang!:circle-of-love:

next!! :rofl:
Yeah those ligaments and tendons don't heal very quickly...lack of blood supply. Try some magnesium cream, look up the benefits! Also bone broths do wonders for tendons and ligament repair. I've done a lot of high impact sports, including ice hockey, I feel your lingering pain man!


Thank you DL, for the nice words and great lil bit of info. That might explain why a hot bath seems to work so well...i guess. These 'anti inflammatory' work some too...along with a puff or two of DBHBB, Green Crack...:tokin:
So, i got this cream, it seems to help a bit too, it's that 'voltarin amulegell' or that...heard of it? Rub some on and it reminds me of rub a53/4...but doesn't stink .
Oh yeah that's a topical NSAIDS...anti inflammatory cream. I can only tolerate those medicines for a couple of days, then my body reacts negatively to them. Sometimes to get me over the hump if I have an injury, an infrequent puff of Papaver Somniferum does the trick, but care must be exercised...dependency can sneak up on you before you know it.

Can't wait for my DBHBB toke! Counting down!

Geez, Duggs, so sorry to hear of your ailments....sending you healing thoughts and wishes from here to infinity.....
Geez, Duggs, so sorry to hear of your ailments....sending you healing thoughts and wishes from here to infinity.....
Thanks Shawnee, and a nice good morning your way K! Cheers, have a great day.

Good morning Nis...lil early but OK....cheers....Son has his last game of the yr. this morning (10 oclock:))Still has play offs but this game is a big one:) Everyone have a great day would ya:)
They/we tied being down 3-1 with 4 min's. left. The lil boys played their hearts out and came back to tie it. Shoulda seen them all jump over the boards to hug as a group...jumpin around ...very cool to see, very proud of them today! "Coolest game on earth". Tied for first place , overall , for the reg. season,...play offs start this Fri.

Anyhow , a bit off topic eh....wonder how my girls are doin....sun comes up at 5 down there. When the clocks went ahead last week , i didn't (never do) change the timers. Best to just live with them coming 'on' an hour later than your used to. When you mess with the photo period by changing the timer/s when the clocks change , i believe it 'stresses' them , so why bother, just leave alone...IMO of course.:)
Hope everyone is having a great week end and is looking forward to another Sat. night. Cheers gang...:circle-of-love:
They/we tied being down 3-1 with 4 min's. left. The lil boys played their hearts out and came back to tie it. Shoulda seen them all jump over the boards to hug as a group...jumpin around ...very cool to see, very proud of them today! "Coolest game on earth". Tied for first place , overall , for the reg. season,...play offs start this Fri.

Anyhow , a bit off topic eh....wonder how my girls are doin....sun comes up at 5 down there. When the clocks went ahead last week , i didn't (never do) change the timers.

Congratulations on the COME BACK :)

On the other point, I never change the timers either, Wish we never had to change the Time at all, Really 24 hrs is 24 hrs, just
don't understand how this gives more Day light DOES THE SUN do something special when we change the

Now there is something to VOTE ON I would bet most don't want it either
Congratulations on the COME BACK :)

On the other point, I never change the timers either, Wish we never had to change the Time at all, Really 24 hrs is 24 hrs, just
don't understand how this gives more Day light DOES THE SUN do something special when we change the

Now there is something to VOTE ON I would bet most don't want it either

I like it, now my class is in the day and I don't drive at night also to can fish longer .. when I'm at the lake. It's all a state of mind lol

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I like it, now my class is in the day and I don't drive at night also to can fish longer .. when I'm at the lake. It's all a state of mind lol

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App

I just hate the re-adjustment twice a year, I guess I am just like
my plants it messes with my internal clock :)
I just hate the re-adjustment twice a year, I guess I am just like
my plants it messes with my internal clock :)

Im with you. I swear I just feel 'wrong' for a week after jumping ahead...and find myself wide awake at some ungodly hour when we set it back.

Hello everyone, hope ya's all had a great weekend. Just came up from Dugg's Dungeon....three girls got a big drink tonight. Each pot got a full five gal. jug w/ 1/4 Trans and a wee bit of Tea. Last drink was straight water. If they were smaller they woulda got another straight water tonight instead of a lil Trans. Smells like a fish factory down there....the girls love it ..plus the added RH too. These pots are so big , just soaking them with ten gal's of water raises the RH some. Anyhow , the next drink will be a Drench w/ GE and Tea, as per directions:)
After they get that Drench , they will explode ...they will be right in that 'sweet spot' when bloom is racing .After that Drench and then two more drinks they will get their first CD. That's a ways off .

Have a great night gang....:circle-of-love:
Hello everyone, hope ya's all had a great weekend. Just came up from Dugg's Dungeon....three girls got a big drink tonight. Each pot got a full five gal. jug w/ 1/4 Trans and a wee bit of Tea. Last drink was straight water. If they were smaller they woulda got another straight water tonight instead of a lil Trans. Smells like a fish factory down there....the girls love it ..plus the added RH too. These pots are so big , just soaking them with ten gal's of water raises the RH some. Anyhow , the next drink will be a Drench w/ GE and Tea, as per directions:)
After they get that Drench , they will explode ...they will be right in that 'sweet spot' when bloom is racing .After that Drench and then two more drinks they will get their first CD. That's a ways off .

Have a great night gang....:circle-of-love:

Good morning Duggan,

Your soil to water ratio is 5 to 1 (25 uh, em...I mean 26 gal soil to 5 gal water). If I have 15 gal pots ( and let's pretend I filled them to the top with soil...:oops: should I be using 3 gals of water each time I water? Half top feed, the rest in the tray?

Have a salubrious day!

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