Duggan Does Gorilla's - Double Berry's In Doc's Gear - Four Plants - One Kit

I gotta say, Duggs.....by reading your journal I am really loving Mare....would love to meet her, we have already discussed our Canadian roots and military service....and hockey...glad you enjoyed yourself on the vaca....... :smokin:
eh? you must be reading my mind! Here's what I made for dessert..

w/Chocolate Covered CannaCoconut Macaroons

I Believe!!!!


*Cannot fit on most US license plates
I was wondering the same Canna,..
Ziggs, the 'snacks' plate looks deli ...what's the dip like...nevermind , it prolly doesn't taste good....:wood:
Mare dropped off a pack of 'marble pound cake' today ....almost gone, goes down good with whole milk,...yummy! My oldest son found my stash of ice cream bars....walked past me yesterday holding one and said "are these ever good " . Came home today....no more bars left....:thedoubletake:
Ziggs , ya know what you doin don't ya......where are ya ?.....:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Im 'Here'.
How in the world are you as fit as you are?! You eat more food in a day than I do in 3! Lol!

for the same reason as why these wonderful people who are now growing :jawdropper::drool: and other censorable adjectives herb that looks like this
Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

growing amazing quality!!!

Its Quantity Vs Quality.
Thats what Jamaica has; one but lacks the other..

I now only workout 20-23 min/day 3x/ wk.. same thing..quantity vs quality.. Im almost 60. I gotta biohack when I can. :rofl:
Heh heh, he said, "biohack"
Speaking of quality that infused food porn looks like superior quality Chow bro.

How do we all not live close enough to one another to be able to drop in n hang in our gardens and break bread ? In a perfect world, eh
I gotta say, Duggs.....by reading your journal I am really loving Mare....would love to meet her, we have already discussed our Canadian roots and military service....and hockey...glad you enjoyed yourself on the vaca....... :smokin:

Morning Shawnee, yes about Mare...you would love her...she is your kinda people i know that , i can feel it....:thumb:
We have a lot in common and would love to meet! Cheers and have an awesome weekend would ya!:Namaste::high-five:
Morning Shawnee, yes about Mare...you would love her...she is your kinda people i know that , i can feel it....:thumb: Ziggs and i are already planning a second trip for next time and hope you will make it this , next time.
We have a lot in common and would love to meet! Cheers and have an awesome weekend would ya!:Namaste::high-five:
Seriously, Mare is a very funny woman! She's such a sweet person, and I bet she's a great mom too! I wish we could have talked to her more! You are a very lucky man Dewgs!
Love the yellow tulip....nice touch!
Good lord you are off the chain Ziggy...in a good way! You have some talents in the kitchen. I dig that!

I think I've gained 10 lbs the past 2 days just perusing Duggan's garden!
Breakfast at Ziggys

CannaCoconut Oil Cooked Eggs, Sunny Side Up;Over Easy, CannaButter French Toast w/ Wild BlueBerry Sauce w/CannaCoconut Oil
Maple glazed Double Smoked Bacon, High Protein High Fat/Get High Chocolate Thick Shake

I only have 1 comment for this breakfast.... seriously not enough bacon on that plate :eek:

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Got Milk?

LMAO....knees buckle ....i'm here Ziggs...:rofl::rofl:
My oldest turns 16 today:) he is presently doing his final day for his N.L. He's been swimming every week for the last 13 years at the same complex. Today he gets his certification for National Lifeguard and turns 16 on the same day....to say i'm proud doesn't cover it:). It was me that took him all those years, his very first one , he cried and we almost pulled him out. Now he wants to persue Paramedic cuz of all he's learned thru his swimming courses. I know this is very 'off topic ' everyone but it's a big day for him,...and me.
Ziggs, ...Mare and i are going out for a steak later....gotta go get a bank loan first....hahaha. Have a great night gang...all my brothas......and sistas....and spouses, wherever you are.:circle-of-love:
Congratulations to you and your boy, Duggs.....proud Pappa, indeed. Do you get your license to drive at 16 in Canada? That would be a triple whammy....

With all this talking and showing of food, I, too, made myself a tremendous breakfast because I had to go to the market....I never go on an empty stomach.....The temperature has plunged and the wind is howling, so tomorrow I'll be cooking all day: from scratch tomato soup made from the organic tomatoes my gal pal grew last summer. I had a tomato sand with mayo in September and it was so juicy that it ran all the way down to my elbows; to die for....

I digress.....beef stew with crusty baked bread, and pumpkin bread to go with coffee in the morning....

I'm schlepping it all down to my folks for lunch on Monday....

Thanks for keeping me hungry, guys......:laughtwo:
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