Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

My first time checking since the High Brix Jamaica incident.......Duggan and I with Mare and my lovely wife are going to stroll down the beach into the sunset and try to encounter some good food.

Its hard to describe the fellowship, friendship and brain trust that has formed between us all.

And the weed. All I can say is Neiko's stuff is incredible, ditto Graytail. Duggan's. Devils Carnival taught me the meaning.

The cab ride from the airport was a two joint affair and its been nonstop ever since.

Epic. More later. Sunset.

Glad to hear you are having a blast!!
My first time checking since the High Brix Jamaica incident.......Duggan and I with Mare and my lovely wife are going to stroll down the beach into the sunset and try to encounter some good food.

Its hard to describe the fellowship, friendship and brain trust that has formed between us all.

And the weed. All I can say is Neiko's stuff is incredible, ditto Graytail. Duggan's. Devils Carnival taught me the meaning.

The cab ride from the airport was a two joint affair and its been nonstop ever since.

Epic. More later. Sunset.

Man when I first read "High Brix Jamaica Incident" all I could picture is the gang out running a horde of angry local pushers and getting forced into an all night smoke off against a band of Rastas that they had to win in order to regain their freedom! :laughtwo:
Man when I first read "High Brix Jamaica Incident" all I could picture is the gang out running a horde of angry local pushers and getting forced into an all night smoke off against a band of Rastas that they had to win in order to regain their freedom! :laughtwo:
Re: Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Thanks Amy...very busy day around here.Constantly checking the weather forecasts...stressed.
Anyhow i said i would throw a few pics up . Have a great week everyone, won't have time in the morning...getting up at 430 for a 500 pick up.
Ready to set sail.....:surf:

Those are the most radiant plants I've seen. Had to repost all of them in your journal. Wow. Definitely going to read back on your feeding tricks. They make me feel good just looking at them. Power man.
There are guys selling Jamaican weed Everywhere. We give them samples of our stuff and its funny to watch them smell and handle it.

This is a fantastic trip.

Last year we smiled, said "No thank you, we have better" and let them smell your Tangie. :rofl:
Morning Duggs an gang
Pretty sure we can see you guys smoke from here.........lmfao, hell if we can see Russia from here we sure as hell can see the smoke screen towering into the sky from all that HB weed your all smoking :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft: Duggs.....we’re putting a dent in your stash while ur ............ jumping off cliffs :rofl:
I haven't posted any pics in a good minute, so I guess I'll decorate Duggs' walls a little before he gets back.

This are just more of the same old thing...a healthy, lush, potent cannabis plant with about 4 weeks to go...




cheers gang!
Beautiful governmentchz

Agreed, looking fantastic Gov!

Thanks guys. Those frost-covered sugar leaves will almost disappear by the time it's finished...and each branch will be like swinging a mace, fist-sized and hard as rocks. I dropped a few different seeds this week, but it'll have to be something really nice for me to displace this one.

We should hear something from the guys soon...
Hi Duggan,

Looks like you made it home now.

Hope what we left of your plants are looking good, can we see some pics please?

I realize it may not be for a day or two since they are taking the site down all day tomorrow, but I am excited to see how they grown and filled out while you were away.

Hope you had as much fun as the others that reported in, I am sure you did.

good to have you back :thumb:
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