Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Wow! ...A very great morning to everyone!! Got home late last night but too tired to post. Wanna say thanks a lot everyone for keeping this journal very much alive during our canoe trip. Loved all the humor and that vid Cnewb,... was hilarious..thanks for that eh! The group this yr. had a great time and the fellowship was priceless. Had a chance to spend time with 5 other members who ive come to admire and have grown close to over the yrs. It was pure joy meeting them for the first time. Seeing and meeting Doc and Gray who were just as i imagined....what a pleasure spending time with them ,...getting a 'feel' for people ive been posting with for over 5 yrs.but had yet to meet. The members who came last yr. had a much better time this yr. with us all being together at the same hotel. Food was superb as usual as was the warm/hot sun, warm (bath water)water and friendly service everywhere.
Our group very much enjoyed going on lil excursions , enjoying different places to eat and loiter:)grinjoint:) Local produce was sampled from various vendors , but NOTHING comes close to our very own HB stuff. Ours has much more flavor , and is smoother to smoke , for sure.
Produce sampled included strains like....Thai, Lambreath(?), Black Cherry Punch, Purple Haze, Lemon Paki, Devils Carnival , Hazelnut Cream, and many more. Gray brought some samples to try as well(including his NOTY) as Doc and Neiko. i can say the island was very spoiled by us for 7 days,..with the bestest weed among us canoeists...:blunt:
Lots more to say about our trip ....
Plants are going nuts and will get their first of two consecutive Cat Drenches , starting tonight. Colas and buds everywhere....resin has begun to develop like crazy and not a bad leaf in sight! Lots to say and talk about.
Wanna thank all my fellow canoe trippers for making this trip a memorable one. Gray.....we miss your Margie already..she was my 'laugh therapy' this trip..:hug::love:
Have a great sat. gang....i gotta get ready for a hockey game and go get some more distilled for later. Cheers everyone.....enjoy these times :circle-of-love::Namaste:
Welcome back Sgt. Duggan! So glad to hear you had an awesome trip. :surf: look forward to the plant pics :nomo:
Wanna say thanks again to everyone who visited my journal and spread joy and humor throughout the week.
Yeti , glad you received the MB2 ok ....SS , promise to get your special 'T' out this next week. Hope to post a few pics of the four girls later tonight. got boys , so back to being a dad, friend, cook, cleaner and hockey 'trainer'...LOL. Hope everyone is groovin along today!:circle-of-love:
Welcome back Duggs.
Your yard was safe and well cared for as you can see.
In the name of good taste I wont say who left some condoms in the Delorean.
At least they were Un-used. ;)
Wanna say thanks again to everyone who visited my journal and spread joy and humor throughout the week.
Yeti , glad you received the MB2 ok ....SS , promise to get your special 'T' out this next week. Hope to post a few pics of the four girls later tonight. got boys , so back to being a dad, friend, cook, cleaner and hockey 'trainer'...LOL. Hope everyone is groovin along today!:circle-of-love:

Thank you again Duggs! Already made some glycerin tincture with it!


About a pint of it infused with an oz of green shark!
Thank you again Duggs! Already made some glycerin tincture with it!


About a pint of it infused with an oz of green shark!

Most excellent Yeti...lookin just a bit tasty , ide say.. I'm gonna fire up my MB2 as well,...prolly make some Star Pupil shortbread cookies...or some Black Cherry Punch muffins....or ....or....:popcorn:
got a few pics tinight gang....showing some growth ...:tokin:
Both pots are now 'sinked'. They both got 5 gal's. each of their first of two Cationic Drenches...W/Tea, of course.
i had to look hard to find a 'bad' leaf...found one...LMFAO,...it was hidden down inside the canopy...a little yellow in one spot....:bravo:
Anyhow , gotta go check supper.....enjoy the night gang.:circle-of-love:

thanks for the soil Doc Bud....:Namaste:

So good to hear you all got some great memories and laffs!
The girls are drop dead gorgeous brother!! They smelled great while we all looked in on them :smokin: only couple lil testers pulled from down low......lol hope you didn't have plans for those :rofl:

Good to have ya back around Duggs we missed ya :love::circle-of-love::Namaste:

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Most excellent Yeti...lookin just a bit tasty , ide say.. I'm gonna fire up my MB2 as well,...prolly make some Star Pupil shortbread cookies...or some Black Cherry Punch muffins....or ....or....:popcorn:
got a few pics tinight gang....showing some growth ...:tokin:
Both pots are now 'sinked'. They both got 5 gal's. each of their first of two Cationic Drenches...W/Tea, of course.
i had to look hard to find a 'bad' leaf...found one...LMFAO,...it was hidden down inside the canopy...a little yellow in one spot....:bravo:
Anyhow , gotta go check supper.....enjoy the night gang.:circle-of-love:

thanks for the soil Doc Bud....:Namaste:
What's up Duggan? Missed you at breakfast this morning. Were home safe and I'm told my garden is fit and spiffy too.

What a great trip!
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