Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Is there a tiger in your tank?

EDIT: For those of you who have no idea what we are talking about,

I am absolutely sure there are some here who never had a gas
station attendant Wash your windshield, Check the air in the tires,
OR SHORT stick your oil :)

EDIT: I was young but remember it well, collected bottles for
gas money, Bultaco dirt bike and at .33 cents a gallon
I could fill up for less than a dollar :)

EDIT EDIT: Remember when a gas war was two gas stations
at an intersection trying to UNDERCUT each other, Prices went
down not up.
Selfserv was cheaper and most did just that.

Although some stations would just do it anyway as part of the service.
A lost concept these days

EDIT: I am sure the profit margin is no longer there for this type
of service, now all the profit stays up top
This is when the whole tenth of a cent thing came in right? So they didn’t have to low ball the other guy by a whole penny I believe.

Good point, Could very well be WHY, I was still young so not sure.

However I do remember Regular Gas Vs Unleaded Gas.
UNLEADED Gas has always been more ? Excuses me but LEAD is an
additive to Gas SO you are CHARGING me MORE to NOT put it in ?
Ya....hey...Gazoo, 119, OL...i'l tell ya one thing my brothas....i'm gonna be in a high speed, ocean going , canoe,..(Hawaii Five 'O' style)in about 5 days,...and we ain't gonna need no stinkin gas...:blunt:.........:high-five:
Oh ya , get this..in my city , you can actually pay more for a bottle of water, than a bottle of gas...figure that one out...please,...cuz i can't...:wood::wood: I'm surrounded by the Great Lakes..
Ya....hey...Gazoo, 119, OL...i'l tell ya one thing my brothas....i'm gonna be in a high speed, ocean going , canoe,..(Hawaii Five 'O' style)in about 5 days,...and we ain't gonna need no stinkin gas...:blunt:.........:high-five:
Oh ya , get this..in my city , you can actually pay more for a bottle of water, than a bottle of gas...figure that one out...please,...cuz i can't...:wood::wood: I'm surrounded by the Great Lakes..

I hear that, have not bought any to speak of in a while but recall paying more for a gallon of milk than gas. Glad I don't drink 15 gallons of milk every week..:rofl:
Theyre still around... New Jersey is an example.

"put a tiger in your tank'....oh ya ...i remember that one!!
What ever happened to the 'full service' gas stations??...i'l tell ya...people started to not give a shit! Do it your self...and so was the start of the crappy service times....
Theyre still around... New Jersey is an example.

Hey Stage, Duggan and crew! I'm happy to say I'm not from NJ but travel through sometimes. It's not really full service, they only fill your tank (don't wash windshield or fill your tires or check your oil) as far as I know and there is no such thing as self serve in NJ. Process are lower there because that's where most of the refineries are which may explain the s stink in a lot of places, ha!:rofl: I'm sure there are nice areas in NJ. Sorry for bashing your state of your from there anyone.
Good point, Could very well be WHY, I was still young so not sure.

However I do remember Regular Gas Vs Unleaded Gas.
UNLEADED Gas has always been more ? Excuses me but LEAD is an
additive to Gas SO you are CHARGING me MORE to NOT put it in ?

I was way to young to see that going on, my mom told me about it when I was a kid. I had asked her why they would do that cause it didn't make sense to me. And of course there is no real need for that today.
Hey Stage, Duggan and crew! I'm happy to say I'm not from NJ but travel through sometimes. It's not really full service, they only fill your tank (don't wash windshield or fill your tires or check your oil) as far as I know and there is no such thing as self serve in NJ. Process are lower there because that's where most of the refineries are which may explain the s stink in a lot of places, ha!:rofl: I'm sure there are nice areas in NJ. Sorry for bashing your state of your from there anyone.

Thanks so much for this Gazoo! I should have thought of doin this....cheers man!...:passitleft:
Got an update gang! But first i wanna congratulate all the monthly AND yearly contest winners...they all deserved their wins and are some good people too! cheers to ya's ..a job very well done!!!:bravo:
Anyhow , on with the update. The front pot (Star Pupils) got a nice 5 gal. Transplant Drench last night...they liked it...a lot!
You will notice after taking a few pics i spun the front pot around 180 to give ya's a better look at the two different SP phenos. After pics i spun it back...think i will leave it in this spot for the duration.everything is going very peachy and i'm really enjoying this grow. Too bad i cant walk around them all and love em some more ..know what i mean. Oh well, just pruning them is a real challenge , as you can imagine.
Any questions on cultivating??...fire away gang!

Really nice looking plants you got there Duggan! Nice Work looking farward to see the harvest ;)
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