Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Good Sunday morning everyone. Almost the end of the month. Please don't forget to vote in all the contests.
Took a few pics of the four last night . So, these pics are flip +9 days. Pleased to say i have four girls, but not gonna say bloom has started just yet...they need a few more days to declare that so...
Anyhow , cheers to ya gang, have a great day .

Would have posted these last night but Mare was over ,....so....:tokin:....:surf: This is not a surf board...it's a high speed , ocean going canoe(Hawaii Five'O' style...:slide:
beautiful plants duggan very healthy love it i see the stretch is on when you get back from your boat ride your not even going to recognize them buds everywhere good job on those girls keep up the good work man!:goodjob:
Some sweet bushes in there.. they really filled that space in well! Do you turn all the lights on once they start flowering? How are the temps with all those lights on? New growth is kinda yellow might wanna drop the ph down just a smidgen.. always happens when i flip my plants. Not sure why. Have a good weekend everyone!! ....
Some sweet bushes in there.. they really filled that space in well! Do you turn all the lights on once they start flowering? How are the temps with all those lights on? New growth is kinda yellow might wanna drop the ph down just a smidgen.. always happens when i flip my plants. Not sure why. Have a good weekend everyone!! ....

With kit soil we never play with pH for fear of getting the rake! The yellow looking bits are just new growth they will green up as they mature.
Good Sunday morning everyone. Almost the end of the month. Please don't forget to vote in all the contests.
Took a few pics of the four last night . So, these pics are flip +9 days. Pleased to say i have four girls, but not gonna say bloom has started just yet...they need a few more days to declare that so...
Anyhow , cheers to ya gang, have a great day .

Would have posted these last night but Mare was over ,....so....:tokin:....:surf: This is not a surf board...it's a high speed , ocean going canoe(Hawaii Five'O' style...:slide:

Here they go!
Wow sweet... sounds so simple.. the chlorine and chloramines in the tap water wont affect the soil too much? How many lbs of soil does your kit make?? .

Chlorine and Chloramine will have an efffect on the soil.....not much of one.....but yes, it will harm some soil life. But we're always adding lots of life back into the soil......

Having said that, nothing is wrong with letting the water sit out, or filtering it, or using RO.

A basic kit will fully amend an entire bale of Promix. Comes to around 60 gallons of soil. I've never weighed it, as it changes weight with moisture, etc.

Those are some healthy looking plants bud. I think you are going to quite happy come harvest time. My BCP is almost gone :rip: it has been a big hit.
Very cool to know Neiko...thanks,..really looking forward to seeing the bud structure on these two strains. cheers bud, have a great Sunday my friend:)

beautiful plants duggan very healthy love it i see the stretch is on when you get back from your boat ride your not even going to recognize them buds everywhere good job on those girls keep up the good work man!:goodjob:
Thanks a bunch Sticky...enjoy the day would ya...:high-five:

Those girls scream happiness. Well done sir. Enjoy your high speed canoe ride to the island
Thanks so much Scotia. Enjoy the ride...you betcha sir. Cheers eh!

Looking Good Duggan, plant’s look super healthy
Thanks DL...nice to see ya BTW!

Beautiful sea of green, Duggan. Enjoy your trip into nature. Your going to quite a :party: :nicethread:
Lady,...a big warm welcome to 420 Mag ,..and especially my journal. You are more than welcome to hang around with our 'Brix' crew and take it all in !You have found a very cool spot on the web . The members on this site are all very willing , and able to offer up all the tips and info on our style of growing with Doc Bud's gear. Please feel free to get around to some of the other HB journals to get a 'feel' for our most awesome group. We only ask a couple minor things...please enter our journals with a smile and good attitude while leaving any 'ego' at the door OK. Do these things and you will be welcomed with open arms to ALL of the journals here. Congrats on finding this spot....it's a very special one...you will see. cheers to ya Lady!:welcome::cheer::420::passitleft:

Some sweet bushes in there.. they really filled that space in well! Do you turn all the lights on once they start flowering? How are the temps with all those lights on? New growth is kinda yellow might wanna drop the ph down just a smidgen.. always happens when i flip my plants. Not sure why. Have a good weekend everyone!! ....

Oh Toasted...you got me mixed up with someone else bud. I don't mess with PH..TDS...or Ec any more since switching to Doc's gear almost 6 yrs. ago. Before that i grew in all other mediums since 1987. No sir...PH is NEVER an issue. You will never hear us 'Brixers' talk about PH...it's a NON factor. The microbial life in our soil keeps the PH in range always ...and as Doc has said many times before...you can't change the PH of soil by adding in PH corrected water...can't be done. The soil microbes maintain the proper PH ...always. Anyhow , thanks for the visit ...enjoy your day sir!:high-five:

thanks Dyno...good day to ya ...:high-five:

With kit soil we never play with pH for fear of getting the rake! The yellow looking bits are just new growth they will green up as they mature.
Funny...i don't see any "yellow" bits...NONE!:blunt:

Here they go!
Oh ya...lovin it Doc!:Namaste:

I should have known... so my 7.5 ph tap water would be ok to use with it as is? .
If you are going to use your tap water for your HB grow using Doc's gear , then i highly suggest getting that water tested for TDS(total dissolved solids)Then you have to let it sit out to diminish the effects the chlorine and other nasties might have on the microbial life. Remember , using tap water will have a negative effect on the soil...not a good one...got it!I use distilled...you know,..those big 5 gal. plastic jugs. I like using this water cuz i don't like having to worry about the water. Cheers eh.

Yep. The soil is locked at 6.4 pH. You aren't going to change that with 9 pH tap water. No need to even think about it.

Wow sweet... sounds so simple.. the chlorine and chloramines in the tap water wont affect the soil too much? How many lbs of soil does your kit make?? .

Chlorine and Chloramine will have an efffect on the soil.....not much of one.....but yes, it will harm some soil life. But we're always adding lots of life back into the soil......

Having said that, nothing is wrong with letting the water sit out, or filtering it, or using RO.

A basic kit will fully amend an entire bale of Promix. Comes to around 60 gallons of soil. I've never weighed it, as it changes weight with moisture, etc.
Thanks for jumping in here Doc....enjoy the day my friend!:Namaste:
Looking good duggs, just making my rounds. Had to put some pics up and check everyone's journals out. Hope everyone is having a great weekend ✌️

Hey you,...great to see you around Buck! Thanks btw,...ya, these ones are rockin Doc's gear...just lovin this soil. The got their 'Recharge the other night and it was scraped in pretty good. This soil w/ the help of some liquids from the 'kit' will keep them happy thru bloom. I'm getting to understand things pretty fair now , and can read the leaves better with each grow. There is so much more to this than we think,....as we reuse our soil and re amend it , while giving Drenches , things change in the soil , especially if smaller pots are used. remember everyone, we are trying to get perfect HB cannabis from a container. This was a major challenge for Doc,...getting a field tested HB soil to perform in pots. Not so easy...people that wear white lab coats have made it (along with Doc) as easy as possible for us.

Anyhow , i'm rambling ..."drifting"..just a bit..LOL...Ziggs..."where are you?"
Have an awesome Sunday Buck, and gang!

sent from my DeLorean...in the future!:party::ganjamon:

Re: Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Ive been adding a product with sodium thiosulfate that reduces the chlorine and chloramine in the water, its been working well. I have too many plants to go buy ro water all the time and i rent my house so i cannot drill into the pipes to add a filtration system.

The guy who makes the soil i use said the same thing as you doc.. except that you need water with a ph of 7 or lower. Any higher and you will run into issues. Would be nice to not have to ph and add citric acid to lower it. That effects microbial life as well. Walking on a thin tightrope it feels lol.

Thanks for the info and help guys.. it is much appreciated!! ..
Ive been adding a product with sodium thiosulfate that reduces the chlorine and chloramine in the water, its been working well. I have too many plants to go buy ro water all the time and i rent my house so i cannot drill into the pipes to add a filtration system.

The guy who makes the soil i use said the same thing as you doc.. except that you need water with a ph of 7 or lower. Any higher and you will run into issues. Would be nice to not have to ph and add citric acid to lower it. That effects microbial life as well. Walking on a thin tightrope it feels lol.

Thanks for the info and help guys.. it is much appreciated!! ..
Ya ,..i get it ...water is an issue. I would love to be able to buy a nice R.O. system ,..instead of going to the water store every week.I spend 9 dollars Ca. on every 10 gal's of the bottled distilled i use.At the end of the show , it still makes more sense to me,..to take that potential problem ,out of the equation,..if ya know what i mean. I don't wanna worry about it..so i buy distilled. I know i spend a over two hundred every crop , just on water , but hey,...that's about ...a bag,...of produce. I'l do it.:)
Gotta go check these little steaks i got cookin...cheers Toasted!:high-five:

I agree bud! IT had mentioned them looking slightly yellow in the new growth. They are lighter green but that is what I expect to see. Your plants look to be in the best of health and are just humming along. Just about in turbo mode :thumb: :high-five:

Thank you sir, friend a mine , fellow cultivator , gang member....LOL ....:high-five: Turbo mode will be just as i'm comin home from the island......yikes...lights are at the top....LOL..havin fun with this grow...very impressed with how these two strains enjoy our soil. Cool to watch them boogie. Cheers Yeti.:Namaste::high-five:
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