Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Yayyy!...flip time!...looking forward to seeing those girlz shake their thang!...:laughtwo:...missus h00k came down with that nasty flu'...just starting to feel better...been a long week...hoping to get out this weekend and hook up with the regular crew down here...just a point of interest..case of Stella is 439 peso's at Sams Club here..28/29 bucks C... depending on when Ya' made an exchange ....I imagine that ocean going canoe trip is starting to tickle the I can't wait thoughts about now!...:laughtwo:...take care brotha'...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:...

Hey Dabbs, Hook and gang! A great morning to everyone! As i said last night bloom in Duggans Dungeon has been initialized at 12/12.All 6 lights are now on 100%. Because they have vegged a while in the big pots i will give the Recharge a lil earlier than instructed.
I wanted to comment on something from another thread i reviewed this morning
..but cant find it now. Help...someone was asking why give GE over Transplant close to harvest. Im very sorry for misplacing that thread.Anyhow..i cant get all scientific with yas all but think of it this way....eating venison from deer that have been eating corn and grains from farmers fields is much sweeter with almost no gamyness...compared to venison from deer that have been foraging in the forest for their food.That meat is very 'gamey' and wild tasting. Just like our finished produce....weed that has had a lot of GE as opposed to Transplant near finish will smoke and taste much sweeter. I know thats not a really great explanation ...but being an electrician ...over a botonist...thats the best i got gang!
Yay party time over at duggans!! Woot! Cant wait to see those bcp buds form. Does doc say to use recharge or is that something you add in yourself? Just curious as i do organic soil and wondering what the benefits of using recharge are? Thanks man have a happy friday! .

Recharge is part of the kit. It is another batch of minerals that helps feed the micro heard that is in the soil to help get the plants through bloom once the minerals from the initial cook start to get depleted. Not only is it used to help the plants that are growing in the soil, but it is used to help get the soil ready for the next cook.

I have been meaning to ask you IT, how long did you let your Slurricane bloom for?
Morning to ya Duggs an Gang :)
Hope the game goes great for you and yours brother......no sneaking under the bleachers with Mare either :rofl:

How many days until the ship sails? Maybe we can talk ya into passing one around with the gang and send a cheers our way :) be kinda like being there with ya guys but not being there. Take a short detour on your way home and stop over an see us an Dabs for a few days......your plant watering person can hang a few extra days right? Lol well ya may wanna wait for summer time here but get ur ass over here would ya :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Re: Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Oh shit i remember looking at that before... well hot damn that is really super useful info yeti thank you so much man!! At such a needed time too as some of my plants are having that happen to them.. really appreciate that and glad i asked! Damn i LOVE it here and following so many journals. My plants thank you too!! I just mixed up some water in an empty bag of kind soil to 'recharge' one of them. It helped! The bottom leaves quit yellowing so much.. shes small and her buds are too, she is only in like week 3-4 of flower so i didnt want to let her go too soon! Added great white mykos too. Good stuff there. The slurricane was chopped at exactly 54 days after showing pistils.. could have gone a few more days but maybe not its some really good pot lol. The people that 'buy' some from me looove it! ....
Good morning to you Duggs
Just a quick drive by to send you well wishes for today brother, hope everything goes extremely well for you. Sucks to have to drink that stuff for these special occasions.....yuck, don’t care for that gallon chug down of it. Good luck today brother and enjoy the buzz at least :)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:

Yeah that drink is gross. How did you fare with the earthquake out that way AB? Did it effect you guys at all? Hopefully not bud. You are posting so that is a good sign :)
We are inland so nothing to report besides subzero temps.... Just hope those down south are safe. I know there are a few members in the anchorage area
Good morning to you Duggs
Just a quick drive by to send you well wishes for today brother, hope everything goes extremely well for you. Sucks to have to drink that stuff for these special occasions.....yuck, don't care for that gallon chug down of it. Good luck today brother and enjoy the buzz at least :)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
A great evenin to ya D,..J too. Thanks eh, ..the hardest part of the whole thing for me , was the waiting..i dont
do that very well. Once i got in the room with the Doc and his two nurses,..it was ok...had a few laughs, doc was yappin about the differences between our heath care systems.Just like he was havin breakfast,..nurse asked him how much for a dosage,...he says ,after thinkin for a second,.."give a full dosage",..yeepa, yeepa. They all sensed i was pissed off,..not good ,'Duggan' doesn't do very well while hungry. LMFAO...Anyhow the nurse sprayed this stuff down my throat to lessen the feeling while the camera gear is being forced down my throat. It's ok though ,..cuz that nurse,..she gave me the 'go to sleep' juice and next thing i know,..i'm in a different bed, in a different room feeling fine. Nurse comes over and says a few things , i can't remember. Think i'm ok, but still have to see the doc end of Feb.
Hey gang, about the girls...they , the BCP's got 5 gals' of 1/4 Trans +Tea. One leader wants to take off , so i had to SC her, just below the tip, just enough damage to slow that down, encouraging her side branches to develop a bit fuller and other, slower mains time to catch up. I try to do this as much as possible while the growing tips are still on the softer side.
Stay warm up there D,..heard it mighty chilly these days.:passitleft:

Yeah that drink is gross. How did you fare with the earthquake out that way AB? Did it effect you guys at all? Hopefully not bud. You are posting so that is a good sign :)
Evenin to ya Yeti, ya that drink,..i couldn't drink the whole four litres. I almost puked it all up . Had two full solo cup fulls,..next morning just one (today). Anyhow , it's over....worst part was being starving all day at work yesterday. Mare and i just got back from going out for pasta,..brought some home ,..still hungry...Cheers bud!:high-five:

We are inland so nothing to report besides subzero temps.... Just hope those down south are safe. I know there are a few members in the anchorage area
A great evenin to ya Dabbs...ya, it's cold up there eh. Bin raining here now for a couple days...We had enough of that 28 below crap.
Anyhow you guys are prepared for that weather so....Hope ya's are are well Dabbs,..cheers.:passitleft:
We are inland so nothing to report besides subzero temps.... Just hope those down south are safe. I know there are a few members in the anchorage area

Good to hear you guys are alright and suffered no damage :thumb:

A great evenin to ya D,..J too. Thanks eh, ..the hardest part of the whole thing for me , was the waiting..i dont
do that very well. Once i got in the room with the Doc and his two nurses,..it was ok...had a few laughs, doc was yappin about the differences between our heath care systems.Just like he was havin breakfast,..nurse asked him how much for a dosage,...he says ,after thinkin for a second,.."give a full dosage",..yeepa, yeepa. They all sensed i was pissed off,..not good ,'Duggan' doesn't do very well while hungry. LMFAO...Anyhow the nurse sprayed this stuff down my throat to lessen the feeling while the camera gear is being forced down my throat. It's ok though ,..cuz that nurse,..she gave me the 'go to sleep' juice and next thing i know,..i'm in a different bed, in a different room feeling fine. Nurse comes over and says a few things , i can't remember. Think i'm ok, but still have to see the doc end of Feb.
Hey gang, about the girls...they , the BCP's got 5 gals' of 1/4 Trans +Tea. One leader wants to take off , so i had to SC her, just below the tip, just enough damage to slow that down, encouraging her side branches to develop a bit fuller and other, slower mains time to catch up. I try to do this as much as possible while the growing tips are still on the softer side.
Stay warm up there D,..heard it mighty chilly these days.:passitleft:

Evenin to ya Yeti, ya that drink,..i couldn't drink the whole four litres. I almost puked it all up . Had two full solo cup fulls,..next morning just one (today). Anyhow , it's over....worst part was being starving all day at work yesterday. Mare and i just got back from going out for pasta,..brought some home ,..still hungry...Cheers bud!:high-five:

A great evenin to ya Dabbs...ya, it's cold up there eh. Bin raining here now for a couple days...We had enough of that 28 below crap.
Anyhow you guys are prepared for that weather so....Hope ya's are are well Dabbs,..cheers.:passitleft:

When i got my throat scoped the dr gave me3 times the normal dose to numb it. He then tells me not to talk while the scope is in my throat. He proceeds to talk to me and gets mad as I am chatting. I felt absolutely nothing until after the numbing med wore off. My throat was some sore once it did. I am glad you were able to stomach enough of the drink to make it through the procedure and I am sure you are a much happier Duggan with some food in ya :)
Good to hear you guys are alright and suffered no damage :thumb:

When i got my throat scoped the dr gave me3 times the normal dose to numb it. He then tells me not to talk while the scope is in my throat. He proceeds to talk to me and gets mad as I am chatting. I felt absolutely nothing until after the numbing med wore off. My throat was some sore once it did. I am glad you were able to stomach enough of the drink to make it through the procedure and I am sure you are a much happier Duggan with some food in ya :)
Yeti, you say you got a really sore throat...ffs...doc musta been a lil ruff with the procedure. My throat is fine,...can't even tell i had anything done ...down below or down my throat. Oh ya bud...you are very correct about the food. First thing Mare and i did was get some food. I had a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs (took the rest home for later last night...yum) Now i have today off work ...nice. Have a great day my friend!

Apparently he's tokin' on some of that vintage tonight....sounds wonderful!
Hey Stoney, would if i had some ....Ziggs has it. I'm sure i will get to try some more in Jamaica. Our high speed , ocean going canoe is docked now while we load our supplies on board....:surf:
Have a great day Stoney, and BTW , thanks for droppin by my journal ...:high-five:
Oh ya , about my plants...will shoot up some pics tonight of them. Big bushes ...canopy is good and level (with continuous SCing and tieing down.)
I'm liking how they are coming along and soon will get a full dose of Recharge and maybe a dose of Snake Oil with the next Brix misting. Have to see about the Snake Oil ...as these two strains are just loving our soil and show NO troubles at all. Cheers gang...have a great day everyone.:circle-of-love:
Oh ya , about my plants...will shoot up some pics tonight of them. Big bushes ...canopy is good and level (with continuous SCing and tieing down.)
I'm liking how they are coming along and soon will get a full dose of Recharge and maybe a dose of Snake Oil with the next Brix misting. Have to see about the Snake Oil ...as these two strains are just loving our soil and show NO troubles at all. Cheers gang...have a great day everyone.:circle-of-love:

Don't use the Snake Oil if everything is perfect. There's just no need for it. It's for the hydro strains.
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