Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

I think you are right Yeti.....I only see regulars. Tough to keep track of them all LOL. It was Cali Connection that has both. I tend to prefer buying regulars.
i like IG for the bud porn. I never got beans but i do see connection info from time to time. I like to keep a low profile but I watch "local to me" people with canna business so I get a heads up if there is something going on in my neighborhood. About once a month there is usually something.

But I am with ya I dont need 'media' to be 'social' .....whatever that means. I am happy well without it. . . . .Cheerios:cheer:
You can buy seeds from InstaGram? I am one of those people that generally hates social media. I don't tweet, instaGram, MySpace, snapchat, facetime, or any of that shit LOL. This is my fun place. Most of the time I want to choke people I have to deal with in real life, I certainly don't want to invite them into my cyber world LOL.

People are not supposed to sell anything on IG but people do. I only signed up for IG to see other peoples grows and to get a heads up on what breeders are doing and what sales seed banks are having. The down side is that it fueled my seed addiction and cost me a bunch of money I really shouldnt have spent :laughtwo: If I were you, what with your seed addiction, I would either stay away or get completely immersed in it :rofl: I signed up with the same name as my 420 mag handle basically and only add people from the canna community. I do not have anyone I know personally on my page.

You have a good night as well Duggan! The aforementioned seed addiction has really caused me to delve into the world of strains even more than I had been. You may be a rookie with the strain talk (I doubt it) but you are a master grower brother! :high-five:
Sub has said many times that he does NOT sell or distribute feminized seeds. Something to the effect of..."If you aint got the time to grow the right way, popping 100-packs and pheno-hunting etc, then don't grow...buy your weed from someone that does"...or something like that.
Sub has said many times that he does NOT sell or distribute feminized seeds. Something to the effect of..."If you aint got the time to grow the right way, popping 100-packs and pheno-hunting etc, then don't grow...buy your weed from someone that does"...or something like that.

Sounds pretty ignorant to me. if he truly believed that I would think he would sell bulk packs and not 5 packs only. I wish I could truly pheno hunt. With the laws they are across the country it is truly hard to do so. Not every one has a warehouse they can grow in. Most of the best growers and breeders started out small time. I dont think I can name anyone that started out popping even 100 seeds of a single strain :laughtwo:
Subcool & MzJill got hit hard in the Santa Rosa area fires.....lost most mothers. :Namaste:

More reason to pick up some of those beans I suppose LOL. SeedCellar has a crap ton of their gear....but you have to send money orders if I am not mistaken.
Good morning everyone. Was up , out of bed before 5 am ffs.....this isn't fun...at all! Have another hockey tourny starting out of town at 8:30. Took a holiday from work today. Little guy has a cough and is stuffed up . Not a great way to start this , but at least he's excited for it to start.
My toe toes need to be in warm sand ......soon ....soon....:tokin:....29 days...or is it 28..... Cheers gang , i'l be out of commission for a couple days while at this tourny so.....have a great weekend ya'l.
Evening Duggs :)
Hope your lil guy gets feeling better :-( so he can enjoy his tournament. Have some fun and make some memories brother, it’s what it’s all about anyway......good times for our lil ones :)
Haven’t forgot ya either brother.......lil trickier than I first thought it would be......so far but I’ll get it figured out :)

Have fun Duggs and we will make sure and chat it up here for ya :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Hey everyone ...home sweet home! Team lost the semi....came in third out of 18 teams. They played very well, proud of the whole team. Very successful tourny, son had a blast! Thanks for all your replies and things gang....appreciate ya's taking the time for me...cheers eh! Got a running toilet and laundry to tackle now....Mare is coming over after the plumber leaves(on his way over...is a friend from work!). Have an awesome day gang!:circle-of-love:
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