Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Evening to ya Duggs
Good your feeling a bit better brother, get some good rest so your ready for your weekend journey for hockey. Your gals are looking so fake lol, freaking wal-mart plants!!! :rofl: they are gorgeous brother!!!

Get your self rested an say hi to Mare for us.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
hey D ...top of the day to ya my friend!:high-five:Thanks bud...sure is nice havin you around...i must say! yes, very busy with life right now . Got so much comin up these next few weeks. Tourney , out of town starting Fri . then i have two procedures at the hospital for myself...a gastroscopy and a colonoscopyin a couple weeks. After that it's the canoe trip...lots to prep for.
Have an awesome night with J bud! Cheers to ya's!:Namaste:

:ciao: Hola Amigo from down south!...Bout time Ya' got over that lil' man cold...:rofl:...seriously tho', its a more severe strain this season and even some of those who took the flu shots are suffering, as it doesn't seem effective against this virulent strain...thought I was gonna' get the same the last two days of traveling...not a lot of sleep... general malaise...and pretty much had to bogart the john on 2 of three flights...:cough:...better today and toe toes in the sand Manana along with a trip to the dentist(that's another story)...FFS!!...Girlz are looking fantastic and Fake...:laughtwo:...get 100% well and good luck in the tourney!...adios and cheerz...senor h00k...:hookah:
Hey Hook , cheers bud...thanks for the nice words . yes, this flu was by far , the worst ive ever had it....and YA i got a flu shot too,..lot of good it did...piss me off. That's why i got the damn thing...so this wouldn't happen. Pretty much wasted a week of my life. I was totally useless for the whole week. Anyhow , it seems to be over with only a lil in my chest still, but no biggy!
These fake plants are so cool this round. I just love this soil...and so do these two strains. The SP's got 5 gal's of straight water a bit ago . Next time both pots will get their very first taste of GE...that's when they will rock and roll! thanks so much for the nice visit bud.....cheers to ya !:Namaste:
High Duggs,
Glad to see ya back on your feet again.
Plants look fake tho...
Evening Duggs an gang :)

Man brother sounds like your plate is plenty full for sure. You can have your Doc visits though.........the prep for the ol kester scope really sucks, at least up here anyhow. Gotta drink a freaking gallon of this nasty crap, they give you flavor packs to add to it but then it taste like orange shit instead of just shit. Then if you don’t stay sleeping while the Doc is doing his thing and you give him a really nice shiner..........oh, wait, I wasn’t spoes to tell that story :rofl: Ms J warned them to not let a man wake me up :rofl: ooopppsssy.......he thought she was lieing:rofl: So Duggs, yours will go better than mine brother!!
Get some rest Duggs, much as you can get......huge help with healing is our rest, say hello to Mare for Ms J and me ok.....love yas Duggs.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Hey Hook.....just read the article.This is my second colonoscopy...i had one 12 yrs. Ago.Its more the gastroscopy im interested in because of esofagas issues in my family history.cheers bud and thanks eh!

I think there is a pill for that, Funny story they had my UNCLE do
this using the "camera pill" problem was it was to large and got stuck
his throat, well I guess its really not a funny story

BTW I'm 60 and have not allowed them the pleasure yet
It's really important Gazoo! My dad died from cancer and his last wish was for people to stay proactive about their health and health appointments.... catching it early is often the difference between life and death
You autta Gazoo....playin with fire!

Did ya read that article?

It's really important Gazoo! My dad died from cancer and his last wish was for people to stay proactive about their health and health appointments.... catching it early is often the difference between life and death

So did my dad....mom too....cancer!

Father passed with 3 actual different types of CANCER (after autopsy Doctor's were surprised to learn this as well)
Lung, Brain & Sinus Took care of him at home until the last week (Mom to BTW) No pain medication needed
although the Doctors always wanted it but he could still laugh and talk without it and never once asked for it.

Anyway did not read the article, I understand the importance but would rather not know. Dad said the same
never any test until after he was gone
Look forward to seeing the new light

I know your in the great white north but thought this would be a good place to ask.

VT is about to become the 1st state to legalize recreational MJ not through public referendum.
The bill would allow adults older than 21 to possess of up to 1 ounce of marijuana and have two mature marijuana plants or four immature plants in each dwelling unit no matter how many people live there.

I know it says you can have 1 oz and 2 mature plants but what happens when you harvest those mature plants? For me, that is somewhere between 6-10 oz. I can only legally have 1 oz.

Not sure if it's supposed to say 2 mature AND 4 immature instead of OR? What good is 4 immature plants if you can only have 2 mature ones? Why don't they just make realistic laws?

I saw an episode of the Profit last night which showed the farms in Humboldt county CA. Some of those farms had thousands of plants. Billions in revenue and multi million in tax revenue but yet Humboldt remains one of the poorest counties in CA...? WTF!? Crazy shit we go going on!
And that shows us how smart and capable State legislators and their staffs are! :thumb:

We should have government run everything in our lives - things'd be SO much better. :slide: Yay Govt!
Look forward to seeing the new light

I know your in the great white north but thought this would be a good place to ask.

VT is about to become the 1st state to legalize recreational MJ not through public referendum.
The bill would allow adults older than 21 to possess of up to 1 ounce of marijuana and have two mature marijuana plants or four immature plants in each dwelling unit no matter how many people live there.

I know it says you can have 1 oz and 2 mature plants but what happens when you harvest those mature plants? For me, that is somewhere between 6-10 oz. I can only legally have 1 oz.

Not sure if it's supposed to say 2 mature AND 4 immature instead of OR? What good is 4 immature plants if you can only have 2 mature ones? Why don't they just make realist ice laws?

I saw an episode of the Profit last night which showed the farms in Humboldt county CA. Some of those farms had thousands of plants. Crazy shit we go going on!

Yea... that seems like they didn't think it through... or that stipulation is to deter people from growing their own... so sad how they always put limits on things like this... that's still not legalization... because they are still trying to control the masses. Such BS
...they wanna limit Yer' grows to solo cups by the sound of it..:rofl:....just keep one zip on hand at all times and find a good/safe stash for the overage...even the proposed rules up here are restrictive...4 plants per household...but I don't believe there is possession limit in the house...just when Yer' out and aboot...I just plan on doing what I've been doing...I won't tell, if you won't...:laughtwo:;)...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Look forward to seeing the new light

I know your in the great white north but thought this would be a good place to ask.

VT is about to become the 1st state to legalize recreational MJ not through public referendum.
The bill would allow adults older than 21 to possess of up to 1 ounce of marijuana and have two mature marijuana plants or four immature plants in each dwelling unit no matter how many people live there.

I know it says you can have 1 oz and 2 mature plants but what happens when you harvest those mature plants? For me, that is somewhere between 6-10 oz. I can only legally have 1 oz.

Not sure if it's supposed to say 2 mature AND 4 immature instead of OR? What good is 4 immature plants if you can only have 2 mature ones? Why don't they just make realistic laws?

I saw an episode of the Profit last night which showed the farms in Humboldt county CA. Some of those farms had thousands of plants. Billions in revenue and multi million in tax revenue but yet Humboldt remains one of the poorest counties in CA...? WTF!? Crazy shit we go going on!

In Massachusetts, our says up to 10 ounces as a limit. But if you continue reading it also states you can keep more than 10 ounces if its from your own grow. I am curious if your state will add some sort of verbage similar to our regulations.
...they wanna limit Yer' grows to solo cups by the sound of it..:rofl:....just keep one zip on hand at all times and find a good/safe stash for the overage...even the proposed rules up here are restrictive...4 plants per household...but I don't believe there is possession limit in the house...just when Yer' out and aboot...I just plan on doing what I've been doing...I won't tell, if you won't...:laughtwo:;)...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:

:rofl: :rofl: ha, ya, I won't tell either. I'm just gonna flush 9 zips and keep the 1, ha!
Ya...the way i see things from up here,....they just don't have a cue what to do,..they're all just tryin this ,..and that , hoping it will work and bring them lots of no nonsense cash. That set of laws is just stupid, period. Same up here , allowed to grow up to four plants ,..ok what about the nearly 2 pounds of finished produce....can we just keep all that..or....As i said before my costumer base is set, my life should remain the same , regardless of recreational availability.
Anyhow great conversation ...:passitleft:
Got a pic of the Mars Pro 11 Epistar 160. Was sitting up against my back/side door.Big , well padded box. Inside was the light, one cable/hanging kit, and one power cord. Looks good ..lit up the whole kitchen...ffs had to quick close the back blinds...yikes...:clap:
So , it's hanging , works good , has the customary grow/bloom switches on top. Had to take down the back G8 240w all bloom to fit this new, bigger light in. Perfect , it always seemed a lil dark back there...:wood: ..:rofl:
Was chatting with Ziggs a bunch today,..."drifting"....OK .....:passitleft:
Cheers gang!
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