Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Thanks Buddy

This is exactly why I don't shop at a certain store any longer
it was a little out of my way but I KNEW were everything was,
saved time. One day they decided to change everything around
I guess in an attempt to get people to shop more. I dont go there
anymore because they took away my advantage and if I have to
learn a new layout I will do it closer to my house.

If it is not broken DON'T FIX IT

EDIT: Now 3 clicks, was only 1
Grumpy Old Men don't like change :)

Glad Im not the only one that hates the change :p
I use mobile app for pics

Same here Buck! It really is so much easier once you figure it out. Even multiquote is pretty easy on mobile. Two things they should fix soon...
1:Need to see peoples signatures
2: Need to be able to +reps

Besides that The mobile app is pretty awesome!

I like how the site runs now... much faster loading pages on my Mac and looks really clean, though I don't like how they changed things around either.
Thanks everyone,...unfortunately, i feel much worse today. better start feeling better pretty fast, have to go back to work tomorrow. I won't go into the yucky details but this flu is brutal. FFS , i just had this flu a few months back and got a flu shot too..wtf. Mare said with all the hockey dinners etc , i ran myself down , is all!
Thanks for all the 'congrats and well wishes gang...just not up to much right now.
Just wanted to send some healing vibes your way duggs! Come back to us soon rested and healthy.
Shawnee, I think we are in the same area, or close. It is just brutal right now. -13 F this morning....WTF?! It's not supposed to be this cold here. I'm worried my room is going to get too hot. My ductless AC won't run when it gets this cold. It already feels like a jungle in there and the lights have only been on for about 2 hours. Not much relief in sight either.

Neiko, I can't remember your room set up but couldn't you just crack a window in the grow room? Seems like mother nature would make a most excellent AC. Doubt there would be much in the way of potential pests to sneak in if its that cold. (I know that this is an older post, but I figured I would offer potential input in case you run into prolonged cold again.

Duggan, finally getting around to catching up with all the journals and wishing belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to everyone.....so let me wish you and your family the same brother. Hope you had some down time from the grind stone and got to enjoy some quality time with the boys and the mare. Hope she is continuing to recover nicely as well (I am sure I will come across an update in the next 9 or 10 pages).

A belated holiday wish to everyone else as well!
Neiko, I can't remember your room set up but couldn't you just crack a window in the grow room? Seems like mother nature would make a most excellent AC. Doubt there would be much in the way of potential pests to sneak in if its that cold. (I know that this is an older post, but I figured I would offer potential input in case you run into prolonged cold again.

That's what I ended up doing. It's just one tent is by that window and the cold air freezes one side of the tent. The bigger issue is all my humidity goes right out the window. I don't know what's worse low humidity or high temps with mid level humidity. I am seeing the effects on the plants now. This is suppose to end Sunday so hopefully I get back on track. Thanks for the suggestion though!
That's what I ended up doing. It's just one tent is by that window and the cold air freezes one side of the tent. The bigger issue is all my humidity goes right out the window. I don't know what's worse low humidity or high temps with mid level humidity. I am seeing the effects on the plants now. This is suppose to end Sunday so hopefully I get back on track. Thanks for the suggestion though!

Maybe hang a HEATING pad over the open area of the window to take out the chill ? or on the
cold side of the tent ? Humidity drop is something else these days
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