Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Good morning Gang! The four plants are looking very nice and are starting to grow now. They will get their very first Drench tonight of GE plus Tea. This will be the first drink they have received since the transplant about 9-10 days ago. I suspect (know:)..)they will take off after this drink tonight. Need to get in there and continue with their 'basic training'. They are getting a lot of lil growth deep inside and very low that needs to be pruned off and 'leaders' need to be tied down and or SC'd.
I will be able to get more pics up soon of the four.....cheers gang , and have a groovin day!:circle-of-love:

Hey Duggan,

A nice warm mornin' to ya! Do me a favor and give them Transplant? I just want to make sure you rock this grow and the Trans drench will guarantee the roots/soil is perfect.

If you KNOW they don't need it, I understand. I just really want your "comeback" grow to be your best ever.
Hey Duggan,

A nice warm mornin' to ya! Do me a favor and give them Transplant? I just want to make sure you rock this grow and the Trans drench will guarantee the roots/soil is perfect.

If you KNOW they don't need it, I understand. I just really want your "comeback" grow to be your best ever.

Good morning to you too bud! OK Doc...you got it ! Transplant it is..with Tea! Appreciate your watching over me,..:thumb:
Ya , they look very 'hooked up' and ready for GE but just to be sure , Transplant it is:)
Evenin to everyone. Plants got a good Drench tonight of Transplant with Tea. Each pot got 5 gals. also had some quality time with them to get some pruning and LSTing done. The one SP that got fimmed has only three leaders...instead of the common four. One less top to train. Stems and stalks are very thick and look great!
These will be trained very low and thick before flip which will, hopefully be around first week of Feb..
Pics tomorrow gang. Have a nice rest everyone...see ya's tomorrow.:circle-of-love:
I know the drill....we are in the same area....we think the same when we have to...
Hey Duggs, the thing about my grow room getting too hot when it gets this cold is I have about 2000 actual watts of LED in my grow room. When it hits 5 degrees F my ductless AC won't run. That is fine for a little bit in the morning but when it hangs around my room gets heated by my lighting...that's over 6000 BTU heating a 10x12 room. It gets hot quick. I had to open a window before I left for work and have the missus close it when the AC came back on. Opening the window lets all my humidity go out the window too.
Damn Neiko, my one room is 10x12 with 12' ceilings. I'm running total of 2200 watts in open room. But I still have to heat(using propane ventless heaters). A 100lb tank every 20 days. My damn leds don't put off enough heat, thought about throwing up the DE hps's again. But they do great in summer

Playing GOD/Mother Nature is a lot of work :goodjob:
It's hard in the winter for me, I get heat up but then lose RH. In summer it's not to bad, but the RH gets too high lol

And its never exactly the same so UP Exhaust, Lower Exhaust, Open Tent, Close Tent,
partial open tent, More fans, Less Fans, More inlet air, Less inlet Air....
And yet, it can almost be controlled in every circumstance. You just have to work with it and have all the tools.

It can be a challenge to provide the perfect environment for my guests
I try my best and they seem to love me for it :love:

EDIT: anyone from military history remember the Cadence "Yellow bird"
kinda makes me think about how I treat my plants :)

"A little bird With a yellow bill
Was sitting on My window sill

I coaxed him in with apiece of bread

and then I SMASHED HIS
F***ing HEAD"
:woohoo: I got a new tool for my grow room today, 6 gallons humidifier, I've been running at 39RH with a little humidifier, environment,environment,environment my current mantra.:Namaste:
A very good morning to everyone! Hope ya's are all havin a great Christmas season and week off (for some...:)..).
As ya's all know , i have been busy with my son's hockey tourny this week , but found some time last night to snap a few pics of the four girls at 'basic training' in 'boot camp'! They liked the Transplant Drench the night before...kind of shows eh!....never had leaves this shiny before. Both strains are doing well, and absolutely loving this DBHBB first run soil! If i could raise the RH about 10 points , all would be golden. They are still loving life however and i'm very happy !:tokin: You will be able to see all the 'pipe cleaners' i use for tieing down the leaders and have also SC 'd a lil too.
have a great day all my brothas..and 'sistas' too...!.Oh ya,..almost the end of the month gang!!..Don't forget to visit the 'Lounge' and cast your votes.
A very good morning to everyone! Hope ya's are all havin a great Christmas season and week off (for some...:)..).
As ya's all know , i have been busy with my son's hockey tourny this week , but found some time last night to snap a few pics of the four girls at 'basic training' in 'boot camp'! They liked the Transplant Drench the night before...kind of shows eh!....never had leaves this shiny before. Both strains are doing well, and absolutely loving this DBHBB first run soil! If i could raise the RH about 10 points , all would be golden. They are still loving life however and i'm very happy !:tokin: You will be able to see all the 'pipe cleaners' i use for tieing down the leaders and have also SC 'd a lil too.
have a great day all my brothas..and 'sistas' too...!.Oh ya,..almost the end of the month gang!!..Don't forget to visit the 'Lounge' and cast your votes.

Looking awesome Duggan! The star pupils are so shiny! I usually get my votes in early. Get over to the lounge people, there are some really good submissions!
It can be a challenge to provide the perfect environment for my guests
I try my best and they seem to love me for it :love:

EDIT: anyone from military history remember the Cadence "Yellow bird"
kinda makes me think about how I treat my plants :)

"A little bird With a yellow bill
Was sitting on My window sill

I coaxed him in with apiece of bread

and then I SMASHED HIS
F***ing HEAD"

Noooooo Gazooo!!! I hate hate hate it!! Worst cadence ever lol. Along with all the other that came along with the same melody. We all wanted to just shove a sock in the drill sergeants mouth ....

I'm more of an aiiiiiiirrrrrrrbooor orrr oorrrrnne. Rangerrr err errrrrrrrrr kinda guy myself ..
A very good morning to everyone! Hope ya's are all havin a great Christmas season and week off (for some...:)..).
As ya's all know , i have been busy with my son's hockey tourny this week , but found some time last night to snap a few pics of the four girls at 'basic training' in 'boot camp'! They liked the Transplant Drench the night before...kind of shows eh!....never had leaves this shiny before. Both strains are doing well, and absolutely loving this DBHBB first run soil! If i could raise the RH about 10 points , all would be golden. They are still loving life however and i'm very happy !:tokin: You will be able to see all the 'pipe cleaners' i use for tieing down the leaders and have also SC 'd a lil too.
have a great day all my brothas..and 'sistas' too...!.Oh ya,..almost the end of the month gang!!..Don't forget to visit the 'Lounge' and cast your votes.

Well, you're 100% hooked up, soil, root, stem and leaf. Gonna be hard to screw anything up now.....LOL. :passitleft::goof::yahoo:

Obviously, you're gonna feed the one with the fat leaves a bit less than the one in back. No need to say it to you....just wanted to toss it out there for folks watching.
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