Duggan Does Ace's Zamal Hash With Doc's Gear - Huge Pots & Lots Of LEDs

wow Duggan...beautiful.. remember to write before they take over :)
Ya eh Ziggs....take over ...:rofl: They got a while to go still so pretty stoked to see just what they're made of! Cheers pal!
Wow indeed! Those are just breathtaking!
Morning , and much thanks Shadow. Gonna get a lot bigger and juicier than this ...stay tuned my brotha. Have a great day Shadow and thanks again eh!:high-five:
Oh yes! This grow just got real, look at those colas forming up. I love this stage, so ripe with possibilities!
Hey Shiggs...ya , that's how I feel too brotha....finally lookin like they will produce lots of resin for me not to mention the colas are building like they should. Have an awesome ,stress free day my brotha!:thumb:
Too bad they aren't pushing out resin....lmao
Ya ....I gotcha Gov......the resin is coming like mad now....I must say...I feel somewhat relieved at the site of it!It will continue , no doubt. They get they're second CD tomorrow night....so far....so good. There's a few burnt tips but nothing major yet....most vegetation is still nice and green with no fade in site.:cheer: Have an awesome day Gov. Cheers.
Good morning all my brothas and SS. I received my 10 Maple Leaf Indica reg. seeds last night. Original breeder's pack...very professional, I must say! So, I watched the seed sexing video again and tried to follow it. I started 3 (hopefully female) seeds of MLI, two MK-Ultra's and one Zamal Hash . So, the three MLI's. will go into one 26er, the MK and ZH will go in the other. Wouldn't it be cool if all three MLI's. sprouted and all 3 turned out to be fem's. If that works i'l be stoked for sure. Anyhow they all went into three separate lil glasses and will plant all tonight into 1 gal . pots.
I'm in the process of updating my computer and was without it last night(felt naked without it)but should have it up and running again tonight ...I hope. I've got the boys for supper so hopefully can find the time to hook it all back up and it works.
OH ya, the three ZH's got their second CD last night so , I'm hoping for no burnt tips over these next few days and some more resin coming. Have an awesome day Gang . BTW, these posts have been from a comp. at my work....gotta book.....work to do !:tokin:
Some really great pics on last update duggan....buds that beautiful already will coast to the finish line. BTW, son finally texted me on MLI. Said MLI is very potent, creeper, stinky. Not much info but at least based on 1st hand experience.

Good morning Gang, and thankyou Bright for that lil bit of info. A little is better than none , so thanks. I still don't have my PC at my house yet(still in the shop) so posting at night ,at home is not happening ! BAHHHH! I'm trying to get a newer comp. running with my old hard drive and windows XP.....not easy for the tech. but he's giving it a go. I still have XP cuz I don't have 350 bones for Windows #7....sucks...they charge so much to force ya to buy another machine! Hopefully it's running this weekend !
Seeds still havn't split open yet but feel today is the day! Got hockey practice tonight with the lil guy , so finding the time is a challenge! Anyhow gang , the Zamal Hash's are coated with resin and every day seem to have more!!....After that last CD it made a big difference...noticed last night resin is appearing just about everywhere now , even on the lower buds deep inside the canopy , so this is fantastic to see at this mid bloom stage.
Anyhow , have an awesome day gang and i'l try to keep up to date while my PC is getting fixed , but once I leave work I'm without the means to post or look at the Mag. Cheers all my brothas and SS.:circle-of-love:
:ciao: Duggan

Mornin BAR.....man does it ever suck not having my PC at home. Anyhow I'm at work ,so i'l make this short.....should have my PC back today sometime....I hope!
So last night all 6 seeds popped and were transplanted into 1 gal. pots. Hopefully all six show their lil selves in a few days. So, that's 3 reg MLI's. , one Zamal Hash, and two MK-Ultra's. The goal is to wind up with two MLI, one ZH, and one MKU. Should be really interesting to see how many of the three MLI turn out to be Fem's. using the but-hole video method! The ZH and MKU are fems , so....
Did my usual "shade leaf" pruning last night on all three ZH plants. This just involves getting rid of any upper big fans that shade the buds below....I always get rid of those to help the lower buds mature nicely....works 100% of the time. I don't take them ALL off , just the upper most ones. Anyhow they are lookin really nice and are right on track ! Cheers all my brothas....have an awesome stress free Friday and hopefully i'l be in touch later tonight! :Namaste::circle-of-love:
Hey Nate...morning brotha....ya it works great for opening things up for lower buds....do it ALL the time. Cheers eh!:high-five:

I just recently started paying attention to Doc on this and I've been quite pleased at the results. It's definately become a permanent part of my training techniques.

Good morning Duggan. It's been way too long since I stopped here in the morning to greet the new day with you. :hug: :love: There, that's better. You have a wonderful day now, hear? I'll catch you later.
I just recently started paying attention to Doc on this and I've been quite pleased at the results. It's definately become a permanent part of my training techniques.

Good morning Duggan. It's been way too long since I stopped here in the morning to greet the new day with you. :hug: :love: There, that's better. You have a wonderful day now, hear? I'll catch you later.
Hey Sue...nice to see you this morning. Hope all is peachy in your world! Ya, this method of removing a lot of shade leaves is the way to go for me and my style of growing(big bushes). I'm carefull though to only remove the big ones that shade the lower canopy . It really opens things up for the buds down there. Have an awesome day Susan and hugs for you as well! :hug: :circle-of-love:
Good morning, bud!
Good luck on the computer front. That sux.
I've got some "issues" in my little room. I need to get out there B4 the lights go out...
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