Duggan Does ACE's Neville's Haze X Panama & Their Zamedelica X Panama

:rofl: :rofl:....Of all things people 'covet'...toilet paper....wtf!:rofl:

Something else that's starting to be hard to find is cigarettes. I was able to buy a week's supply today, but they are now out of my brand, and won't get more until Monday.

We normally have at least a month's supplies on hand of everything. Some items we have more than a year's worth. We just rotate our stock. We'll just keep buying normally until the first case hits our province. At that time we'll take precautions, and start using our stored material.
Well Duggan, I was suppose to go to Cobo next week, flight booked, condo ready.
Canceled because of the virus. Shi* I was looking forward to picking som seeds
out of a bag of good stuff, Next time for sure. Hay Duggan I still have some seeds
left over from my last visit if your interested pm me For details. Chow
OK...i got the info i needed. Apparently someone , somehow was trying to fraudulently use my card...five times yesterday and today but 'bank card security' stopped them before the purchases went thru. Those peeps were trying to buy stuff from the Zon and dating sites . Anyhow i have to go into my bank on Monday to verify my info card number etc. so they can establish things . I learned a lot from the guy i talked to about CC security etc. The thing that saved me ..in the end was , my IP address. The frauds were obviously trying to make a purchase from another computer...NOT MINE ,...so the bank stopped their attempts at making those purchases.
that's the long and short of things......Tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK...i got the info i needed. Apparently someone , somehow was trying to fraudulently use my card...five times yesterday and today but 'bank card security' stopped them before the purchases went thru. Those peeps were trying to buy stuff from the Zon and dating sites . Anyhow i have to go into my bank on Monday to verify my info card number etc. so they can establish things . I learned a lot from the guy i talked to about CC security etc. The thing that saved me ..in the end was , my IP address. The frauds were obviously trying to make a purchase from another computer...NOT MINE ,...so the bank stopped their attempts at making those purchases.
that's the long and short of things......Tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn man......glad it got taken care of.
My wife had sort of the same thing happen to her. She had never used her card, so VISA reversed the charges, cancelled card the and issued a replacement. The way we found out was through checking all our transactions. You have thirty days from when they mail your statement to challenge anything on it.
OK...i got the info i needed. Apparently someone , somehow was trying to fraudulently use my card...five times yesterday and today but 'bank card security' stopped them before the purchases went thru. Those peeps were trying to buy stuff from the Zon and dating sites . Anyhow i have to go into my bank on Monday to verify my info card number etc. so they can establish things . I learned a lot from the guy i talked to about CC security etc. The thing that saved me ..in the end was , my IP address. The frauds were obviously trying to make a purchase from another computer...NOT MINE ,...so the bank stopped their attempts at making those purchases.
that's the long and short of things......Tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang....that sucks.
I used gift cards for seed purchases before. I always worried about some shady stoners in the Czech republic having my CC info....

Postponed the trip to Uruguay. I didn't want to risk getting stuck in LAX quarantine on the way home. It's one of two airport on the West Coast that will take Chinese flights and they've got super strict mandatory quarantine things they can do if we come into contact with Coronavirus.....and since LAX workers have had it, and all the foreign passengers funnel through the same terminal and stand in line and wait......I simply didn't have good odds for taking the trip.
The wife convinced me to take her to Sam's tonight to get our meat order. The trip was completely laughable. I'd really like to know who instigated the panic on toilet paper. For fuck's sake how much do you need for a few weeks of isolation. We always have a month's supply. How much more do you need? I mean every 3rd person in the store had a 32-pack in their cart. It was hilarious. Hey, don't get me wrong, if the end of the world was coming and I thought for a second I might be a survivor...I'd want plenty of butt wipes, but the gullibility of people in our world is sad.

If I can give any advice on covid-19, it would be this: Don't get your advice from this site, or your local news, or any other questionable source. Look up and read what the WHO is saying and implement some simple, basic precautions (i.e hand-washing, limited contact, limited travel, etc). Please don't be a lemming. Be smart, use some common sense. It is not the end of the world. The largest impact will be economic and will last for a lot longer than the virus....but we won't run out of toilet paper.
Natures way of culling the herd of the weak and old and sick
...I'm not too concerned about getting back from Mexico,,,YET!??...confirmed cases are now at 26 for the country, but one has only to look at places like Spain, where in one week, they went from complacency to lock down...food for thought...at happy hour this evening, one fella was showing us the price jump on seats for his flight back home on the 27th...nearly double and only three seats available...he said trying to get thru' to Westjet to get any info has been fruitless, so hopefully, in three weeks, we'll be on our way without incident, and honestly I think I will feel more threatened landing in Cowtown Intl. airport than here...
...little bit of TP panic started here today at one of the Sam's Clubs I'm told... :rolleyes: ...really people!...give it a rest!!...went on one my longer walks today, to a grocery store that carries some things I like...among other things, I picked some 45 watt CFL's(40% off) and a pack of Clorox wipes to bring home...;)...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
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