@Krissi Carbone

Damn. I am literally at a loss for words.

'bow down':smokin:
Aww hey now Papa, don't make me feel too good about myself, I question my art often. Thanks for the reassurance
The reason I started following you !!! You have this down to a science 👩‍🔬 :passitleft:
Burk, always in to make a girl feel like she's doing the right thing. Appreciate you brother
Great gardening Krissi! I was imagining the lovely scent of those flowers.
Awww thank you so much Stunger! Heavenly mint and sherbert to me with a touch of some kind of berry, can't place it!
Wow sounds delightful, hope you're having a lovely day!
I had a pretty good day yesterday! It was so late by the time I got to threading last night but I'm excited to trim up this delightful beauty tonight! Enjoy your Sunday Stunger!!!
Hey Krissi! no need to apologize.

Grow going fantastic. Started a 2 week flush/leach, so the end is around the bend. By far my best grow to date. Ran pretty smoothly.

Thanks for asking!

Here's to a great week for ya!
Hey Krissi! no need to apologize.
Awww thank you, I've been behind on so many journals, I feel terrible.
Grow going fantastic. Started a 2 week flush/leach, so the end is around the bend. By far my best grow to date. Ran pretty smoothly.
This is what I LOVE to hear!! Awesome. Before chop, I've got to get over there an d look at your beauties!! I know they're phenomenal without even looking!
Thanks for asking!

Here's to a great week for ya!
Appreciate you Mayne, thanks amino!

Promised I'd be back with some trim shots of Chi-Chi's harvest; with a team of 3 for the 1st time ever, we got done in record timing!

Last thing for Chi-Chi's journey will be pics once she goes into burp and cure. For now, I leave you with some from last night's trim session.

Thanks again everyone! You guys rock!

I told you guys in one of my journals! Well, eluded to it, rather.

Happy to be able to showcase our sponsors while adding credibility to 420. Another way for me to help get the word out on cannabis-it's the perfect vessel for helping to end ignorance
Very well said and congrats on the Staff position.
im currently "Droughting" my current run, but a bit different.

Getting ready to harvest.

In coco, let totally dry out for 24 hours AFTER pot totally dry. Adding half the water it would usually take, with 40F (fridge cold" water. Then letting them dry out, 24 hours bone dry.

BUT, im not going to give dark period AT ALL.

Currently on day 2 of 24 hours on. Watering today, dry out, then chopping Sat. Will not see darkness for the rest of its life. Last 24 hours will be very low light levels, cool temps, and 40RH.

SO, Rules broken
Dont let coco dry out, Dont drought, No 48 hours darkness before chop.
Definitely worth another, but i was was refeerin to the Staff Promotion!
Oh shucks thanks bud, finishing up another review this weekend, I enjoy being on this side of things now, too. So much to explore! As for Chi-Chi, I've got 2 more seeds of her. She's definitely going again on some run!
im currently "Droughting" my current run, but a bit different.

Getting ready to harvest.

In coco, let totally dry out for 24 hours AFTER pot totally dry. Adding half the water it would usually take, with 40F (fridge cold" water. Then letting them dry out, 24 hours bone dry.
Ooh exciting another spin on the drought in coco!
BUT, im not going to give dark period AT ALL.
Haven't been doing that myself unless I have to wait to trim...
Currently on day 2 of 24 hours on. Watering today, dry out, then chopping Sat. Will not see darkness for the rest of its life. Last 24 hours will be very low light levels, cool temps, and 40RH
update us this weekend if you can Mayne!

SO, Rules broken
Dont let coco dry out, Dont drought, No 48 hours darkness before chop.
Look at this rebel!!!! :adore:
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