What, you think I'll shut up long enough for you to get a word in?
Touche friend, touche. I love conversation so it would actually be refreshing to be around someone that kept on talking tbh.
Touche friend, touche. I love conversation so it would actually be refreshing to be around someone that kept on talking tbh.
Well... A Friend recently moved to Jersey for love. Perhaps we'll share a smoke someday, stranger things have happened. Hit us up if you ever make it to Maui.
Has an actual How-To been posted in this thread so a guy can try this out?

I waded thru the first 10 pages looking for specifics but have other things I need to do than hunt for one particular post.

I'm good a forgetting to water my girls but would like to try it in a more controlled manner.

Good topic!

Well... A Friend recently moved to Jersey for love. Perhaps we'll share a smoke someday, stranger things have happened. Hit us up if you ever make it to Maui.
Really? No shit. Hey I'd love to come to you, I'm sure NJ doesn't seem like a top vacation spot but believe me. Imma hit you up one of these days
Has an actual How-To been posted in this thread so a guy can try this out?
Hey Med..
It's not like a process per say. Where is @Melville Hobbes when I need him? This guy is always finding the nooks in my threads. I really need to bookmark.
I waded thru the first 10 pages looking for specifics but have other things I need to do than hunt for one particular post.
Lamens terms, find a designated leaf for you to watch lose turgidness. Use a protractor or an app the first few times to get an idea of the angle of the leaf from petiole to end of the leaf itself. You do this at around 8 weeks of flower. For a period up to 11 days, do not feed or water your plant and monitor that leaf and/or others. You are looking for what has been deemed the Leaf Wilt Angle or LWA. When that wilt angle reaches 50%, it is time to "rescue" or fertigate the plant and the drought is then over. Usually you are harvesting within a week, sometimes a little less, sometimes up to 2 weeks. Depends on your strain and its seed, honestly.
Good topic!

It's a work in the making and it benefits many who forget to water their plants lol thank you so much.
Really? No shit. Hey I'd love to come to you, I'm sure NJ doesn't seem like a top vacation spot but believe me. Imma hit you up one of these days

Hey Med..
It's not like a process per say. Where is @Melville Hobbes when I need him? This guy is always finding the nooks in my threads. I really need to bookmark.

Lamens terms, find a designated leaf for you to watch lose turgidness. Use a protractor or an app the first few times to get an idea of the angle of the leaf from petiole to end of the leaf itself. You do this at around 8 weeks of flower. For a period up to 11 days, do not feed or water your plant and monitor that leaf and/or others. You are looking for what has been deemed the Leaf Wilt Angle or LWA. When that wilt angle reaches 50%, it is time to "rescue" or fertigate the plant and the drought is then over. Usually you are harvesting within a week, sometimes a little less, sometimes up to 2 weeks. Depends on your strain and its seed, honestly.

It's a work in the making and it benefits many who forget to water their plants lol thank you so much.
Ha! Fair nuff. I know 3 things about New Jersey:
1. Every movie set in New York throws shade on ya at least once.
2. There's a wave pool inside a mall.
3. I've never wanted to go there.
Ha! Fair nuff. I know 3 things about New Jersey:
1. Every movie set in New York throws shade on ya at least once.
2. There's a wave pool inside a mall.
3. I've never wanted to go there.
Oh man. Dig deeper will ya, shiiiit.

Hey. You know it's not Maui but we have some good things:

I stumbled on the article that explains about this droughting thing and it seems pretty legit and worth trying. Some impressive yield increases noted.

I stumbled on the article that explains about this droughting thing and it seems pretty legit and worth trying. Some impressive yield increases noted.

That's actually citing the same Caplan study the is the basis for this thread! Anyone who'd like to read it in full, it's here:
will use these for comparison, will update Saturday

Well, i guess it wasnt TRUELY droughted, as per Krissi rules, in coco, watered 1 time, but had 120 hours light 24/7


Oh @Mayne!!! What a looker!! Check out that frost, holy moly! Thank you so much for experimenting with us, I know that come harvest and smoke, she is going to provide and then some! So excited!!! Just gorgeous!

Speaking of providing, testers of Chi-Chi are amazing. @AutoNautPsychoFlower had asked for some curing scope trich shots of her so here we go!








Oh @Mayne!!! What a looker!! Check out that frost, holy moly! Thank you so much for experimenting with us, I know that come harvest and smoke, she is going to provide and then some! So excited!!! Just gorgeous!

Speaking of providing, testers of Chi-Chi are amazing. @AutoNautPsychoFlower had asked for some curing scope trich shots of her so here we go!








Awesome even the stem of the trichs are cloudy . Morning Krissi yeah I’m in church and yes I took my iPhone in with me today sitting in the back !
Awesome even the stem of the trichs are cloudy . Morning Krissi yeah I’m in church and yes I took my iPhone in with me today sitting in the back !
Hiiiii West!!!!!!

She was picked at primeness most definitely!

What's going on today Priest??!! I laughed out loud when I read that, yes, you were in church!

Be sure you tell him I said hi and keep the hallelujahs and amens at like Vol 2 instead of 10-if you can!
Oh @Mayne!!! What a looker!! Check out that frost, holy moly! Thank you so much for experimenting with us, I know that come harvest and smoke, she is going to provide and then some! So excited!!! Just gorgeous!

Speaking of providing, testers of Chi-Chi are amazing. @AutoNautPsychoFlower had asked for some curing scope trich shots of her so here we go!








Thanks Krissi! There are frostier buds, i just tryd to get pics of the same ones.. Next time, im going to follow your exact method of operation to droughting, cause Im definitely on that train! Will supply Pics when they are dry too!

Chi-CHi looks amazing!
Thanks Krissi! There are frostier buds, i just tryd to get pics of the same ones..
That is what I LOVE to hear!
Next time, im going to follow your exact method of operation to droughting, cause Im definitely on that train!
I appreciate that Mayne and we are finding here that we can kind of hone this technique for a plethora of mediums and grow styles. I'm enlightened that you attempted this and that you're excited for the next one!
Will supply Pics when they are dry too!
Tick tock tick tock :cheer:
Chi-CHi looks amazing!
Thank you kindly! She sends her best :laughtwo::passitleft:
Oh @Mayne!!! What a looker!! Check out that frost, holy moly! Thank you so much for experimenting with us, I know that come harvest and smoke, she is going to provide and then some! So excited!!! Just gorgeous!

Speaking of providing, testers of Chi-Chi are amazing. @AutoNautPsychoFlower had asked for some curing scope trich shots of her so here we go!








Looking tasty, almost time?
Sorry for any confusion but here is the curing bud I picked this morning for the scope shots.

Totally forgot I had gotten regular stills of her...oopsies

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